On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Stroller
<strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> Some comments were made recently about KDE4, where it was advised "don't try
> using just Kmail under a different window manager - use the whole KDE
> environment, but not single apps. Use something else instead of Kmail".
> I kept my gob somewhat shut at that time, because I've been using Knode for
> a long time on my headless server. I ssh in from my Mac and open Knode in
> X11.
> I guess Usenet isn't so popular these days, and I have never been able to
> find a Mac native client that I'm happy with.
> I like Knode's simple 3-pane layout. Knode has improved visually with the
> KDE4 release, but the much debated KDE4 dependencies thing.
> It has only just occurred to me today to ask if there's an alternative that
> looks & acts just the same, but which isn't part of the whole KDE4
> environment.
> Any suggestions?

For textual usenet i use mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird. For binary
usenet I use net-nntp/bnr2.

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