Alex Schuster wrote:

[KDE4 problems]
> And so on. But it's not so bad I cannot work with it (well, sometimes
> it is, and then I have to fix it, like when the password dialog no
> longer accepted passwords), and so I keep using it, waiting it to
> become really stable and usable.

And another weekend of KDE4 trouble. I rebooted after some upgrades, along 
those were Qt and MySQL. Now, plasma-desktop crashed, also when restarting 
it on the command line. So again I renamed the .kde4 directory and got one 
from my last backup. The desktop came up, but kmail failed, due to akonadi 
not finding its database. I thought it had to do with the mysql update so 
I masked that one and tried to build an older version, but it did not 
build. Now I see this was not the old version I had running, but something 
in between.
Anyway, the problem was another one, I had to rebuild qt-sql.
I had some Qt blockers during the last @world update that the newest 
portage did not resolve, so I did an emerge -1av $( qlist -I qt- ) - after 
this, @world was updateable. Maybe this emerge -1 stuff was the problem, I 
have no idea.

Then I wanted my last session back, as I had changed some things since the 
last backup and I also wanted my konqueror sessions - no idea where those 
are stored. So again I took the .kde directory (A) which was not working 
and the one from the last backup (B), and moved files from B to A until A 
was working again. And did so until I found which exact file was 
responsible for plasma-desktop not running (it was share/config/plasma-

I had to reboot many times, because when KDE4 was running and plasma 
crashed, I had no way to log out adn had to restart the X server. And when 
switching to a text console and back to the newly started X server, I get 
an empty display on all consoles, probably due to the fglrx drivers. I 
know that already, but as I did not got any other drivers to run, I am 
stuck with ati-drivers. At least I have desktop effects and stuff running.

You can lose a lot of time with this. And I am wondering if KDE4 is the 
right thing for me. On the one hand, I like it very much. And it is 
getting better and better. I just discovered that I can tab windows, this 
is soo cool.
On the other hand, from time to time I have show-stoppers, and then I 
cannot use kmail, or no KDE4 at all. And have to invest time to solve 
this. And there are these annoying things. Like Amarok being very 
unstable, and taking 5 minutes to start. What the heck is it doing in this 
time? And KDE4 is slow. That maybe another problem, something seems to be 
wrong here, I'd expect the system to be faster, and not make any pauses 
when emerge is running (niced to 19 and also ioniced). I do not want to 
wait for seconds when switching desktops (sometimes its fast, sometimes 

Sorry for the whining,


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