On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 01:28:11PM +0000, Stroller wrote:
> >from the output it looks like you are mounting by label? What if you
> >edit fstab to point to the device name /dev/hd?? instead of
> >LABEL=root? Check the filesystem label to make sure it is ok?
> Many thanks for this suggestion, however following it makes no  
> difference, except in the trivia that it says "failed to open the  
> device '/dev/hda3': No such file or directory" (instead of "LABEL=...").

If you try to boot, after the failure to check rootfs, it should dump
you to a recovery console, what happens if you issue ls /dev ?

Also check dmesg? 


Willie W. Wong                                     ww...@math.princeton.edu
Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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