2010/3/4 Dmitry S. Makovey <di...@makovey.net>:
> Hi everybody,
> I have just bought Logitech WebCam Pro 9000 and much to my suprise
> things pretty much worked out of the box... almost. As I have discovered
> - even though video is working flawlessly, my audio has gone AWOL. No
> matter how many goats and virgins I have sacrificed to the gods of
> Google - can not find an answer. Am I missing something obvious? As a
> stop-gap measure I'm trying to rebuild my kernel without USB sound
> support, but it would be nice to not resort to such drastic measures.

I have the same webcam. My work-around is to unplug the webcam before
you reboot. Real fix would be set up alsa so it knows the proper order
of soundcards... I've never been able to get it to do that, though, so
I just unplug webcam until I want to use it. If someone else has
figured out how, I'd be happy to hear it too.

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