Roy, without being presumptuous, I would say that using D.E. (Desktop
Environment) tools for printing are not the best because of
inconsistency in layout and authentication problems.  My suggestion is
to open up your web browser and use localhost:631 in the address bar to
access CUPS and do it this way.  My line of reasoning is that you want
consistency, which is what you get with this method.  Printers
configured in this way are available in your chosen D.E.  In my
use-case, I have an HP usb printer which can connect via cat 6 cable and
I also use KDE 4.3.  I have configured the printer with CUPS via a web
browser and have few issues.

I trust that helps.


Roy Wright wrote:
> Howdy,
> OK, installed KDE 4.4.1 on an older box (BE-2400 4GB ~x86), seems to be 
> working pretty good.  But am having trouble trying to figure out the kde way 
> to configure a network (cups on a kubuntu system) printer.
> From system_settings, Printer Configuration, the Server Settings are all 
> disabled.  I think I need to set "Show printers shared by other systems".  So 
> first tried running system_settings as root to see if it's an 
> authentication issue, no luck, still disabled.  Next did some googling and 
> thought maybe need to use kauth to allow it, again no luck.  Any good 
> tutorials on how to use kauth?
> So any ideas on what piece of the puzzle I'm missing?
> On a side topic, I had cloned the System Settings menu item to set one 
> version up to run as root.  The new menu item does not show up in the new 
> menu manager, but does using old style menus.  Any pointers on how to add 
> items to the new menu style?
> TIA,
> Roy

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