On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 09:41:04AM +0800, Xi Shen wrote:
> One thing i would worry is that how long will the atom cpu take to
> compile my whole gentoo ~amd64 + kde4.4 system?

atom is not amd64. 

Building stuff on my netbook is slow(er). My netbook has an N270 at
1.6GHz, with 1G ram. Most build jobs are slower than on my old laptop
with Pentium M 1.6G and 512M ram or on my desktop with Pentium 4 2G
and 512M ram. 

Just some numbers:

qt-core takes 34 minutes
xulrunner takes 1 hr 25 minutes
mplayer takes 14 minutes
gcc takes 1 hr 28 minutes

you can try to extrapolate from there.

Willie W. Wong                                     ww...@math.princeton.edu
Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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