On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 00:43:09 -0600, Harry Putnam wrote:

> In the comments... (#3) someone has asked to make the emerge once a
> specific file is edited to remove Werror calls.
> Someone replies with these few lines:
>   ebuild /path/to/ebuild unpack
>   edit the file
>   ebuild /path/to/ebuild compile then install then qmerge
> I did `ebuild unpack'
> Found the file and made the necessary edits.
> Then ebuild install.
> But now looking a t man qmerge... its not at all clear how to install
> this compiled package with qmerge
>   qmerge <opts> <pkgnames>

It means ebuild compile, then ebuild install then ebuild qmerge. qmerge
is an action for ebuild, although there is an unreleated qmerge commands
in portage-utils.

Actually, you don't need all of this as ebuild will perform all
uncompleted previous stages, so you only need

ebuild unpack
edit file
ebuild qmerge

Neil Bothwick

I am in total control, but don't tell my wife.

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