On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 20:13:29 +0000, Stroller wrote:

> >> How does your system boot if your RAID1 system volume fails?  
> >
> > You put GRUB on both disks, then you can boot from either on its
> > own.  
> Is this reliable? I don't contest it, I'm just asking. It's just this  
> was one of my considerations when choosing hardware RAID.

Yes it is, if sda fails unplug it and sdb becomes sda (or hd1 becomes
hd0 in GRUB terms) and the boot continues. Because RAID1 puts the RAID
superblock in a different location from the ordinary one, you can use
either disk from a RAID1 array as a single disk.

Neil Bothwick

Minds are like parachutes; they only function when fully open. * Sir
James Dewar

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