On Thursday 18 March 2010 14:07:37 Renat Golubchyk wrote:
> Hi!
> On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 23:19:34 +0000 Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > In an aterm I launch top.  Then press z c and Shift+W.  I get:
> >
> >    Wrote configuration to '/home/michael/.toprc'
> >
> > Fine I think, Ctrl+c to end it and move on.  Next time I fire up top,
> > even from the same terminal, it's all looking white with no colour,
> > no highlighting, or anything else.  Why is this?
> Maybe it will help if you quit from top gracefully by pressing 'q'
> instead of killing it by sending a SIGTERM. I suppose top doesn't flush
> the write buffer if you just kill it.

Thank you all for your responses.  Since I installed this amd64 system I have 
found a couple of 'unexplained' behaviours compared to my x86 systems.  This 
must be one of them.  However, some of you also run amd64 and you do not seem 
to experience the same.  This particular problem is rather weird.  Why on 
earth do these four missing keywords are not in my .toprc files?  Neither in 
my root or my plain user accounts.  Even more weird is that I added these in 
both .toprc files and as if by magic my changes in colour etc. showed up when 
I relaunched top! Now, as soon as I made some more changes and pressed 
Shift+W the Def, Job, Mem, Usr keywords disappeared again and all changes 
were no longer visible.

What can be causing this?  Should I report it as a bug?

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