David Relson wrote:
firefox seems to have a problem with pricewatch pages.  For example, if
I navigate to http://www.pricewatch.com/gallery/monitors/lcd_24in, I
have a header panel, and a brands/stores panel, but no list of 24" LCD
monitors.  Right clicking and selecting "save page as" lets me save the
page as lcd_24in.htm.  Using File//Open I can view the saved page fine.

This happens with both www-client/firefox-bin-3.5.8 and

I'm linux 2.6.28-gentoo-r5 SMP built for x86_6.

Any suggestions about what's borked with firefox-bin?

FWIW, my son has firefox 3.6 on Windoze and it has no problem with


I have 3.5.8 compiled and the link you gave seems to work fine. I also noticed that adblock was missing after the last update. First time I saw a ad for anything in a long while.

In the past, I have read where a few people have issues with the bin versions. Any reason you can't compile Firefox? It may not fix it but you may want to save that for a last resort.


:-)  :_)

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