Am 20.03.2010 19:26, schrieb Mark Knecht:
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 9:38 AM, KH <> wrote:
>> Mark Knecht schrieb:
> <Smiling broadly...> :-) Yeah.. Well, keeping my wife's data safe
> keeps me happy. :-)
> So the chassis and drives for this 1st machine are on order. 6 1TB
> green drives. Now I just need to decide what sort of RAID to use. I
> don't need much speed writing so I'm thinking maybe a 3 drive RAID1
> setup with a hot spare managed using mdadm and then LVM on top of it.

With 4 drives, you could build a RAID-6, too. It's like a RAID-5 but
protects against failure of any two drives.

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