On 26 Mar 2010, at 22:21, Paul Hartman wrote:
Well,  I was thinking more about something like alteriong IOH/ICH
voltage, or whichever voltage powers the SATA controllers. It has 12
SATA headers on this motherboard but I don't know how much it can
realistically handle at once. Hopefully all of my disks. :)

Honestly, I'm not sure that I'd do that.

If I thought it was a power issue - and that seems quite a reasonable possibility - I would replace the PSU first.

What PSU are you using at the moment? Brand / wattage?

I think these are probably overkill:


However, if you're using a 450W PSU at the moment, you can get an OCZ branded 600W for less than £50. I tend to be suspicious of cheap unbranded and Wong Fu 350W - 450W PSUs. Often a 350W PSU from a manufacturer with a half-decent brand (eg Trust) will be better than a no-name 450W PSU.

It seems important not only the actual wattage that the PSU gives out (measured with an analogue-needle multimeter) but also how stable that voltage is, how smooth, consistent and reliable it is. Unless your PSU is absolute top-notch quality, try to under-utilise it.

With 6 x hard-drives, I would be generous with supplying power - I think a 600W PSU would easily be justified.


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