Hi Kevin,

Sorry for the delay in replying; having a few problems with my broadband
connection :(

Rather than continue with the bash version of webapp-config, with all
its known performance and quality issues, work has switched instead to
providing a port over to Python.

The Python version will be webapp-config v1.50.  Assuming my broadband
stays up long enough, I'll be adding this to the tree this weekend.

I'll also shortly be launching vhost-tools.org, which will be the
central site for webapp-config and its successors.  Timescales depend
entirely on how long it takes my hosting company to provision the server
I've ordered.

Best regards,
On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 06:21 -0500, Kevin wrote:
> Stuart Herbert wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I've just released webapp-config v1.11 into the Portage tree.  It
> Stuart, have you had a chance to look at Bugzilla Bug 101234 regarding
> webapp-config-1.11-r1 recently?
> It was opened on 2005-08-03 and there seems to have been no progress on
> resolving it since it was opened.
> Thanks.
> -Kevin
Stuart Herbert                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gentoo Developer                                  http://www.gentoo.org/

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