Stuart Herbert wrote:
Hrm ... all the code I've seen uses:

        require_gem "<package-name>"

with no sign of version requirements passed around.  How does Gems
handle the versioning in the background?

Best regards,
That code is implicitly saying "use the latest version of <package-name>". However, Gems also lets you say:

require_gem '<package-name>', '>= 1.1.5'

One of the most useful things you can do is say: '~> 1.1'

This means, use the version closest to 1.1, but I don't care which minor revision you use. This will allow you to pick up new minor revisions that contain, for instance, a security patch, but not major revisions that might change the API.

For more info see here:

Another thing that is great about Gems is that you can stand up a gem server and serve your own versions of any required libraries. All a user would have to do is point at your gem server, and they could use your version. This is analogous to having your own rsync server.
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