Hi Panard!

> => added files are keeped, but modified ones are simply overwritten.

Stuart (the original webapp-config author) is currently too busy to
join the discussion. But I talked briefly with him and he confirmed
that we are using this type of behavior since portage does behave in
the same way.

> I think that droping user modifications to a webapp is quite grave. There is 
> some reasons to modifify a webapp :
> - bug fixes
> - add some features, often about security, like adding verification code for 
> registrations forms...
> - disabling some features, to prevent clients to use them
> - ....
> And if you want to upgrade to the latest version of this webapp, you will 
> lose 
> all these changes!
> I'm agree to the goal for after a webapp-config -U, your webapp is directly 
> functionnal. 
> But, I prefer waiting 3 minutes by doing etc-update and merging changes with 
> the new version, 
> than losing all my changes, temporaly block access to clients for security 
> reason, and redo all my changes if I found time and motivation to do my work 
> a second time....
> I mean, erasing user modification would put the webapp in a 'non-functionnal' 
> state, and for a long time.... that's not the goal of a webapp installation 
> tool.
> So why not use the CONFIG_PROTECT from make.conf to auto-protect server-owned 
> files?

Yes, this is a reasonable solution to the problem. Currently we don't
take the CONFIG_PROTECT variable into account. It wouldn't be too hard
to do so. So one of the next versions will allow you to add your
server dir in CONFIG_PROTECT and that will prevent webapp-config from
overwriting anything in there.



Gunnar Wrobel                    Gentoo Developer

WWW:  http://www.gunnarwrobel.de
IRC:  #gentoo-web at freenode.org

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