
we are happy to announce the release of Nominatim 3.1.0.

This release brings a major overhaul of postcode handling and the
PHP frontend code.

Postcodes now reside in their own table `location_postcode` which can be
updated at any time. Postcodes for places are no longer part of the
standard address but are guessed with using a dedicated algorithm. On the
search side, post codes can now be ignored in the query, improving results
in areas where postcode coverage in OSM is bad. For more details read

The PHP frontend code that parses incoming queries and looks up and
formats the results has been thoroughly refactored into a set of classes
with much smaller functions. All code is now documented and the API tests
have resulted in almost 100% code coverage. 

For a more complete list of changes, see the ChangeLog file.

For users of Nominatim 3.0.0, there is a migration guide at
http://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/admin/Migration/ However,
to fully benefit from the improved postcodes, a database reimport is
strongly recommended.

Installation instructions can be found at

Happy geocoding.


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