"The Copenhagen conference next month is [correction: was - GR] in my opinion 
the last chance to stabilise climate at C above pre-industrial levels in a 
smooth and organised way," 
World on course for catastrophic 6° rise, reveal scientistsBy Steve Connor and 
Michael McCarthy
 carbon emissions mean that worst-case predictions for climate change are 
coming trueThe world is now firmly on course for the worst-case scenario in 
terms of climate change, with average global temperatures rising by up to 6C by 
the end of the century, leading scientists said yesterday. Such a rise - which 
would be much higher nearer the poles - would have cataclysmic and irreversible 
consequences for the Earth, making large parts of the planet uninhabitable and 
threatening the basis of human civilisation.We are headed for it, the 
scientists said, because the carbon dioxide emissions from industry, transport 
and deforestation which are responsible for warming the atmosphere have 
increased dramatically since 2002, in a way which no one anticipated, and are 
now running at treble the annual rate of the 1990s.This means
 that the most extreme scenario envisaged in the last report from the UN 
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, published in 2007, is now the one 
for which society is set, according to the 31 researchers from seven countries 
involved in the Global Carbon Project.Although the 6C rise and its potential 
disastrous effects have been speculated upon before, this is the first time 
that scientists have said that society is now on a path to meet it.Their 
chilling and remarkable prediction throws into sharp relief the importance of 
next month's UN climate conference in Copenhagen, where the world community 
will come together to try to construct a new agreement to bring the warming 
under control.For the past month there has been a lowering of expectations 
about the conference, not least because the US may not be ready to commit 
itself to cuts in its emissions. But yesterday President Barack Obama and 
President Hu Jintao of China issued a joint communiqué
 after a meeting in Beijing, which reignited hopes that a serious deal might be 
possible after all.It cannot come too soon, to judge by the results of the 
Global Carbon Project study, led by Professor Corinne Le Quéré, of the 
University of East Anglia and the British Antarctic Survey, which found that 
there has been a 29 per cent increase in global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel 
between 2000 and 2008, the last year for which figures are available.On 
average, the researchers found, there was an annual increase in emissions of 
just over 3 per cent during the period, compared with an annual increase of 1 
per cent between 1990 and 2000. Almost all of the increase this decade occurred 
after 2000 and resulted from the boom in the Chinese economy. The researchers 
predict a small decrease this year due to the recession, but further increases 
from 2010.In total, CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels have 
increased by 41 per cent between 1990 and 2008,
 yet global emissions in 1990 are the reference level set by the Kyoto 
Protocol, which countries are trying to fall below in terms of their own 
emissions.The 6C rise now being anticipated is in stark contrast to the C rise 
at which all international climate policy, including that of Britain and the 
EU, hopes to stabilise the warming - two degrees being seen as the threshold of 
climate change which is dangerous for society and the natural world.The study 
by Professor Le Quéré and her team, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, 
envisages a far higher figure. "We're at the top end of the IPCC scenario," she 
said.Professor Le Quéré said that Copenhagen was the last chance of coming to a 
global agreement that would curb carbon-dioxide emissions on a time-course that 
would hopefully stabilise temperature rises to within the danger threshold. 
"The Copenhagen conference next month is in my opinion the last chance to 
stabilise climate at C above
 pre-industrial levels in a smooth and organised way," she said."If the 
agreement is too weak, or the commitments not respected, it is not 2.5C or 3C 
we will get: it's 5C or 6C - that is the path we're on. The timescales here are 
extremely tight for what is needed to stabilise the climate at C," she 
said.Meanwhile, the scientists have for the first time detected a failure of 
the Earth's natural ability to absorb man-made carbon dioxide released into the 
air.They found significant evidence that more man-made CO2 is staying in the 
atmosphere to exacerbate the greenhouse effect because the natural "carbon 
sinks" that have absorbed it over previous decades on land and sea are 
beginning to fail, possibly as a result of rising global temperatures.The 
amount of CO2 that has remained in the atmosphere as a result has increased 
from about 40 per cent in 1990 to 45 per cent in 2008. This suggests that the 
sinks are beginning to fail, they said.Professor Le Quéré
 emphasised that there are still many uncertainties over carbon sinks, such as 
the ability of the oceans to absorb dissolved CO2, but all the evidence 
suggests that there is now a cycle of "positive feedbacks", whereby rising 
carbon dioxide emissions are leading to rising temperatures and a corresponding 
rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere."Our understanding at the moment in 
the computer models we have used - and they are state of the art - suggests 
that carbon-cycle climate feedback has already kicked in," she said."These 
models, if you project them on into the century, show quite large feedbacks, 
with climate amplifying global warming by between 5 per cent and 30 per cent. 
There are still large uncertainties, but this is carbon-cycle climate feedback 
that has already started," she said.The study also found that, for the first 
time since the 1960s, the burning of coal has overtaken the burning of oil as 
the major source of carbon-dioxide emissions
 produced by fossil fuels.Much of this coal was burned by China in producing 
goods sold to the West - the scientists estimate that 45 per cent of Chinese 
emissions resulted from making products traded overseas.It is clear that China, 
having overtaken the US as the world's biggest carbon emitter, must be central 
to any new climate deal, and so the communiqué from the Chinese and US leaders 
issued yesterday was widely seized on as a sign that progress may be possible 
in the Danish capital next month.Presidents Hu and Obama specifically said an 
accord should include emission-reduction targets for rich nations, and a 
declaration of action plans to ease greenhouse-gas emissions in developing 
countries - key elements in any deal.6C rise: The consequencesIf two degrees is 
generally accepted as the threshold of dangerous climate change, it is clear 
that a rise of six degrees in global average temperatures must be very 
dangerous indeed, writes Michael McCarthy.
 Just how dangerous was signalled in 2007 by the science writer Mark Lynas, who 
combed all the available scientific research to construct a picture of a world 
with temperatures three times higher than the danger limit.His verdict was that 
a rise in temperatures of this magnitude "would catapult the planet into an 
extreme greenhouse state not seen for nearly 100 million years, when dinosaurs 
grazed on polar rainforests and deserts reached into the heart of Europe".He 
said: "It would cause a mass extinction of almost all life and probably reduce 
humanity to a few struggling groups of embattled survivors clinging to life 
near the poles."Very few species could adapt in time to the abruptness of the 
transition, he suggested. "With the tropics too hot to grow crops, and the 
sub-tropics too dry, billions of people would find themselves in areas of the 
planet which are essentially uninhabitable. This would probably even include 
southern Europe, as the Sahara
 desert crosses the Mediterranean."As the ice-caps melt, hundreds of millions 
will also be forced to move inland due to rapidly-rising seas. As world food 
supplies crash, the higher mid-latitude and sub-polar regions would become 
fiercely-contested refuges."The British Isles, indeed, might become one of the 
most desirable pieces of real estate on the planet. But, with a couple of 
billion people knocking on our door, things might quickly turn rather ugly."


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