Prof. Zeng and list: 

1. I concur with your objections. But I have another - which is that neither 
the present article or your own recent discussions on this list use the word 
"Biochar" - which I think has great promise, and certainly has received as much 
public notice as any of the other discussed options. My reason for preferring 
Biochar over burial (or combustion, or BECs, etc) are the outyear advantages to 
soil productivity after a single application. You are correct that less can go 
into the soil with Biochar than with burial. But that advantage is overcome 
when one captures (a carbon neutral advantage) the energy in the pyrolysis 
gases and when one counts hundreds of years of added sequestration when the 
biomass (in charcoal form) is placed in active soil. I do not understand why 
Biochar is not part of your (and the Caldeira--Keith) list of comparison 

2. Let's further explore the phrase: "it would take approximately 2.5 acres of 
crop land to remove the CO2 emission from just one U.S. resident". I like your 
argument some, but think more needs to be said. At 
we see about 20 tons CO2 per US capita per year, so Caldeira-Keith are thinking 
about 8 tons CO2 per acre-yr. 

Preferring metric and more biomass-oriented units (using factors of 3.67 tons 
CO2 per ton C and 2.47 acres per hectare and ignoring a ton/tonne difference) 
the 8 ton number turns into .88 tons C/ha-yr. Let's call it 1 ton C/ha-yr, 
since I am not sure where land disturbances fit in for Caldeira-Keith. This is 
certainly not the best that is being done around the world. In fact it is less 
than the world average NPP (60 Gt C/yr) divided by 13+ Gha [or about 4.5 
tC/ha-yr}. So maybe Caldeira/Keith are restricting themselves to some sort of 
ag waste value. I do not believe we should be limiting ourselves to wastes or 
NPP at all when we are talking about bio-sequestration in a serious way. Sugar 
cane is sometimes quoted as up to 80 tons/ha-yr (same as 8 kg/m2-yr). I have 
seen future world average productivity values above 10 times the Caldeira-Keith 
value (as we start applying modern techniques to above average species in above 
average locations). I notice below that you also note a factor of ten 

3. But also, let's consider other items in this calculation, such as whether we 
should be using 20 tons CO2 per capita per year and its 2.5 acre equivalent. 
Clearly the former number must decline a lot if we are serious about 
sequestration. There should be nothing magic about 20 tons CO2/capita per year. 
A more pertinent number comes from our per capita carbon legacy value and the 
time period over which we in the US should be removing that legacy atmospheric 
carbon. Suppose we assume for ease that we will shoot for the Caldeira-Keith 
target of 1 hectare per capita. Since the US has an area of about 1 
gigahectare, and an average future population of 400 million, then we have 
available 2.5 hectares per capita - about 250% of the Caldeira-Keith value. If 
we can sequester an average of 1 ton carbon per hectare-yr, then (given the US 
land total) this is 1 gigaton C/yr. The world total might be ten times higher 
(given our roughly 8% US share of available global land). Like you, I don't 
know why this should be considered "impractical", as we would then be 
sequestering more than we are now emitting. 

4. See a few further comments below. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ning Zeng" <> 
To: "geoengineering" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:58:36 AM 
Subject: [geo] Re: The Need for Climate Engineering Research, in IS&T, by 
Caldeira and Keith 

Hi Ken, David: 

This is a really nice article! However, I take issue with a couple of 
statements on biological methods: 

1. You said "biological systems are relatively inefficient in their 
ability to capture CO2. It is estimated that it would take 
approximately 2.5 acres of crop land to remove the CO2 emission from 
just one U.S. resident—an impractical requirement" 

I assume you are comparing with engineered chemical removal. But this 
is an unfair comparison because the two methods are limited by very 
different factors: biological by land availability, chemical methods 
by cost-effectiveness which we don't really know yet at large scale. 
Thus you are comparing the limitation of one method with the 
(presumed) strength of another method. Also, photosynthesis is not 
efficient at converting solar energy, but it is actually fairly 
efficient at capturing CO2, especially if you think plants are self- 
[RWL: Agreed - and there are plenty of legal, energy, technical, and economic 
issues associated with placing CO2 underground. It shouldn't happen if 
biosequestration is cheaper and of similar magnitude. In addition, the 
transport of biomass to where both biopower is needed and deep underground 
sequestration is possible must eliminate a lot of the available biomass. Your 
burial approach and Biochar do not suffer from this limitation. Also 
combustion, BECS (and your approach) do not allow for some portion to go toward 
biofuels, whereas Biochar does, and will be needed. 

The fact that '2.5 acres of crop removes one US person's CO2 emission' 
does not automatically lead to the 'impractical' conclusion. If you 
consider that there are 50 million km2 (5 giga hectare) of forest 
land, at 1 tC/ha/y sequestration rate (10% of typical forest NPP), the 
forests can store 5 GtC/y, compared to the current 8 GtC/y fossil fuel 
emissions. Obviously, other practical factors will likely lower the 
number, but even if we can do 1 GtC/y, that would be substantial, and 
it's not 'impractical'. 
[RWL: Biochar, unlike your tree burial approach, can operate equally well with 
almost all ag, animal and urban wastes. I emphasize also that NPP is the wrong 
metric - much old-growth forest land has zero NPP. In addition, part of the 
needed sequestration can be accomplished through REDD+, with end-of-life 
service as input to Biochar (or your) operations. We should not concur that 1 
Gt C/yr of sequestration is anywhere near an upper limit. ] 

2. "however, current evidence suggests that it would make more 
environmental sense not to bury biomass but to use it in place of coal 
in electric power 
plants, which are notorious CO2 emitters. " 

As dissussed earlier in this group, I don't think we can conclude "to 
burn" is obviously better than 'to bury', or vice versa. Indeed, in 
last few years, US forest service as well as venture capitalists have 
tried to use forest biomass for fuel, and discovered that the cost of 
transportation and processing makes it uncompetitive in most cases. 
This of course does not mean it can not work at a sufficiently high 
carbon price. 
RWL: There is approximately as much current worldwide use of biomass for energy 
as from nuclear or hydropower. Biomass is by no means uneconomic when viewed 
globally . Here we should be talking of what is the least cost for providing a 
new service of CO2 removal; I think the answer will prove to be Biochar. With 
(the un-mentionned) Biochar, there is plentiful additional no-cost 
sequestration as microbe and fungus populations increase, much less new above 
and below ground biomass - for centuries or millenia. There are strong 
indications that much less nitrogen will need to be applied (carbon neutral 
side) and that much N2O release can be avoided (carbon negative side). I 
believe we will shortly be able to prove that these out-year impacts (for 
hundreds of years likely) will greatly exceed the first-year-only comparative 
values for any of the four Caldeira-Keith listed CDR options (including 
But I agree with your basic statement - nothing has been yet proven for burn vs 
bury; I just ask that your and their comparison list be expanded to include 
Biochar. ] 

There is a tantalizing possibility that biomass 'storage' (burial or 
above-ground storage) can be done at relatively low cost now because 
it involves only harvest and storage. The stored wood can serve as a 
biomass/bioenergy reserve should other use such as direct burning or 
cellulosic ethanol becomes practical at large scale. 
[RWL: I concur that there is advantage in this "storage" aspect of your 
approach. But the same can be said of above-ground simple air storage for later 
use as Biochar. The disadvantage of temporary burial is in not gaining the big 
productivity advantage of using the char in the ground as soon as possible - to 
achieve the important out-year advantages. Both your burial and the Biochar 
schemes can fit well with using biomass as a dispatchable backup for solar and 
wind systems - but your scheme (unless used with Biochar) removes the longevity 
advantage you are claiming. 
You must given thought to the degradation of buried or stored biomass over 
time; I have not. Maybe not a problem, but must be less of a storage problem 
for Biochar options where storage should normally be less than a year. 

I hope we can continue this comparison of biosequestration CDR systems. I like 
your approach next-best to Biochar. I believe there is still plenty to talk 
about on this list - if we together have successfully argued against the 2.5 
acre limitation argument claimed in the Caldeira-Keith article. 
And I hope to hear why the word Biochar is not mentioned along with the other 
bio options. Biochar is distinctly different from no-till, BECs, burial, and 
anything else bio-oriented - because of these continuing out-year advantages. 
(As proven by "Terra Preta" soils, which I saw up close near Manaus, Brazil 
less than two weeks ago. ] 

To those on this list who remember Peter Read - this too-long response is an 
attempt to keep his dream alive. 


-Ning Zeng 

On Sep 28, 11:13 am, Ken Caldeira <> 
> *Issues in Science and Technology, Fall 2010** 
> * 
> *The Need for Climate Engineering Research* 

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