BUDGET: Climate riders invite a midnight shutdown (04/08/2011)
Evan Lehmann, E&E reporter
Urgent efforts to avert a government shutdown at midnight faltered yesterday 
over Republican initiatives to freeze climate rules, a challenge to the 
president's environmental priorities at the outset of his re-election bid.

Controversial policy provisions meant to defund U.S. EPA's rulemaking for 
greenhouse gas emissions and abortion programs are the key obstacles to 
negotiating a government funding package through September, Senate Democrats 
and administration officials said yesterday.

"The numbers are basically there," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) 
said of the $33 billion that Democrats are willing to cut over the next six 
months. "The only thing holding up an agreement is ideology."

Federal agencies are running on funding fumes, and the White House issued a 
stark warning to public employees that using BlackBerrys is forbidden during a 
shutdown. EPA officials, meanwhile, carved out a four-hour window for workers 
to rescue plants and other personal belongings from shuttered public buildings.

"It is illegal to volunteer," Jeffrey Zients of the White House Office of 
Management and Budget, who's overseeing shutdown plans, said of an estimated 
800,000 public employees. "If there is a shutdown, it would have very real 
effects on the services the American people rely on, as well as on the economy 
as a whole."

Amendments to H.R. 1 included by the House
Amendment    Sponsor(s)
Cutting $8.4 million from the U.S. EPA greenhouse gas registry.    Mike Pompeo 
A seven-month freeze on EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gases from 
stationary sources.    Ted Poe (R-Texas), Joe Barton (R-Texas) and John Carter 
The defunding of salaries for "czars" overseeing climate change and green jobs. 
   Steve Scalise (R-La.)
Striking funds to implement a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
climate service.    Ralph Hall (R-Texas)
The removal of funding to support the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 
Change.    Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.)
Restricting funds to implement and enforce an EPA rule limiting mercury levels 
in cement.    John Carter (R-Texas)
A $10 million reduction in EPA State and Tribal Assistance Grants that would 
defund sewer improvement work in Tijuana, Mexico.    Tom Reed (R-N.Y.)
Preventing funds to the EPA Environmental Appeals Board to consider or reject 
permits issued for outer continental shelf sources along the Arctic coast.    
Don Young (R-Alaska)
Blocking EPA from instituting a waiver increasing the ethanol content in 
gasoline.    John Sullivan (R-Okla.)
Prohibiting funds for constructing ethanol blender pumps or ethanol storage 
facilities.    Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)
Stopping EPA from denying proposed and active mining permits at the Spruce Mine 
in West Virginia.    David McKinley (R-W.Va.)
Prohibiting EPA, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Office of Surface Mining 
from procedures that would delay the review of coal mining permits.    Morgan 
Griffith (R-Va.)
Preventing funds to maintain a limited access privilege program for fisheries 
under the South Atlantic, the mid-Atlantic, New England or the Gulf of Mexico 
Fishery Management Council.    Walter Jones (R-N.C.)
Striking support to study the Missouri River.    Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.)
Preventing funds to allow EPA to enforce federally mandated numeric Florida 
water quality standards.    Tom Rooney (R-Fla.)
Preventing funds for EPA to monitor and enforce total maximum daily loads in 
the Chesapeake Bay watershed.    Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.)
Stopping efforts to eliminate the Stream Buffer Zone rule.    Bill Johnson 
Blocking funds to implement the Klamath Dam Removal and Sedimentation Study in 
California.    Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
Striking $1.5 million for the "Greening of the Capitol" initiative.    Ed 
Whitfield (R-Ky.)
Both political parties blamed the other for pushing agencies to the brink of 
closing. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) denied that the impasse is caused 
by the policy provisions on the environment and abortion. More cuts -- "real 
spending cuts," he said -- are needed before Republicans can agree to a budget 
for the remaining fiscal year.

But he made it clear that policy riders are also a key component to winning 
Republican consent.

"There is no agreement on a number," Boehner said yesterday at midday. "There 
are a number of issues that are on the table. Any attempt to try to narrow this 
down to one or two just would not be accurate."

But Democrats near the negotiations believe Boehner is publicly declaring that 
more cuts are needed to appease tea party adherents while diluting the focus on 
riders that many voters might view as extreme.

"I know exactly what's been going on in those negotiations, and the [dollar] 
number and what to cut is not standing in the way," said Sen. Chuck Schumer 
(D-N.Y.), the No. 3 Democrat. "Speaker Boehner doesn't want to sign off on [the 
spending cuts] because then he would just be focused on the riders. But it's 
the riders that's the whole issue."

'Pig through the python'
House Republicans, meanwhile, sought to insulate themselves from the 
consequences of a possible shutdown tonight by passing a weeklong funding bill 
yesterday that cuts $12 billion in spending over seven days, including $632 
million from energy and water programs, and defunds abortion-related programs. 
It also provides military funding through September.

That will allow Republicans to blame the president and his party for failing to 
follow the House's leadership if the government closes.

But the White House was also raising the stakes. It issued a veto warning 
before Congress passed the spending bill yesterday, calling it a "distraction" 
from the longer funding effort. Reid likewise said the Senate would not 
consider the measure.

The maneuvering yesterday reflects the aggressive negotiating tactics of each 
side. Yet even as lawmakers were scouting strong positions publicly, they 
continued to meet privately. By yesterday evening, Obama had commenced three 
meetings in 24 hours with Boehner and Reid.

Obama told reporters at 9:33 last night that he, Boehner and Reid had failed to 
strike an agreement after their third meeting in the Oval Office. But he said 
"some additional progress" had been made and that he expects to know if a 
shutdown will occur relatively early today.

"But there is still a few issues that are outstanding," he said. "They’re 
difficult issues. They’re important to both sides. And so I’m not yet prepared 
to express wild optimism. But I think we are further along today than we were 

"We have narrowed the issues, however, we have not yet reached an agreement. We 
will continue to work through the night to attempt to resolve our remaining 
differences," the two legislators said in a joint statement last night.

That makes an agreement possible today, a scenario that could lead to a one-, 
two- or three-day spending measure -- enough time to "push that pig through the 
python," as White House press secretary Jay Carney described a bipartisan 
agreement. That could avert even a weekend-long shutdown.

But the pitfalls are numerous. Although Democrats highlight just two Republican 
obstacles to an agreement -- riders on EPA and abortion -- those challenges can 
include multiple provisions.

Republicans say that all 68 amendments attached to their budget-cutting bill, 
H.R. 1, passed in February are in play during the deadline negotiations. The 
riders scissor funding from an array of programs, but the emphasis is on EPA 
regulations and environmental policies.

Riders not worth a shutdown
Nineteen of the provisions cut cash in those areas. They roll back $8.4 million 
that's designated for the EPA greenhouse gas registry, end new rules by the 
Department of Interior to locate surface mines farther from streams, block EPA 
efforts to increase ethanol, and defund the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on 
Climate Change, among others.

"All of the H.R. 1 riders -- all of them," Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.), chairman of 
the Appropriations Committee, said yesterday when asked which provisions were 
being pursued in the negotiations.

Schumer, too, said that Republicans were pushing for several EPA provisions in 
the compromise. "They have a whole list of riders," he said.

That might be a shrewd negotiating position, but it's far from what will ever 
be accepted. Senior Republican lawmakers said yesterday that they expect much 

"I don't think anybody anticipated that all of the EPA riders ... would stay in 
whatever final bill is dealt with," said Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), chairman 
of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Environment. "Which ones 
will stay in, which ones won't, I don't know. They're talking about those 
things now."

Although some GOP freshmen might view the anti-EPA measures as a critical 
component to the defunding bill, more experienced lawmakers believe it's more 
trouble than it's worth if it invites a shutdown.

"When we're trying to keep the government operating, I personally, certainly, 
would accept something that did not include riders on it," said Rep. Ed 
Whitfield (R-Ky.), chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy 
and Power.

Reporters Tiffany Stecker and Dina Fine Maron contributed.

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