NY Times June 10, 2011
Geo-Engineering Can Help Save the Planet
Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are pushing 400 parts per million 
(p.p.m.) — up from the natural pre-industrial level of 280 p.p.m. Emissions for 
last year were the highest ever. Rather than drift along until a calamity 
galvanizes the world, and especially the United States, into precipitous 
action, the time to act is now.

The biology of the planet indicates we are already in a danger zone. The goal 
of limiting temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius, as discussed at the 
Copenhagen and Cancun climate summits, is actually disastrous.

As we push the planet’s average temperature increase beyond 0.75°C, coral reefs 
(upon which 5 percent of humanity depends) are in increasing trouble. The 
balance of the coniferous forests of western North America has been tipped in 
favor of wood-boring bark beetles; in many places 70 percent of the trees are 
dead. The Amazon — which suffered the two greatest droughts in recorded history 
in 2005 and 2010 — teeters close to tipping into dieback, in which the southern 
and eastern parts of the forest die and turn into savannah vegetation. 
Estimates of sea-level rise continue to climb.

Even more disturbing, scientists have determined that, if we want to stop at a 
2°C increase, global emissions have to peak in 2016. That seems impossible 
given current trends. Yet most people seem oblivious to the danger because of 
the lag time between reaching a greenhouse gas concentration level and the heat 
increase it will cause.

So what to do? One possibility is “geo-engineering” that essentially takes an 
engineering approach to the planet’s climate system. An example would be to 
release sulfates in large quantity into the atmosphere or do other things that 
would reflect back some of the incoming solar radiation.

There are serious flaws with most geo-engineering solutions because they treat 
the symptom (temperature) rather than the cause (elevated levels of CO2 and 
other greenhouse gases). That means the moment the solution falters or stops, 
the planet goes right back into the ever-warmer thermal envelope. Such 
“solutions” also neglect the oceans because elevated CO2 makes them more 
acidic. Further, any unintended consequences of global scale geo-engineering by 
definition will be planetary in scale.

It’s far better to address the cause of climate change by lowering 
concentrations of greenhouse gases to an acceptable level. That means going 
beyond reduction and elimination of emissions to things that can pull out some 
of the excess CO2. Fortunately, because living things are built of carbon, the 
biology of the planet is capable of just that.

At the moment, roughly half the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere comes 
from destruction and degradation of ecosystems over the past three centuries. A 
significant amount of CO2 can be withdrawn by ecosystem restoration on a 
planetary scale. That means reforestation, restoring degraded grasslands and 
pasturelands and practicing agriculture in ways that restore carbon to the 
soil. There are additional benefits: forests benefit watersheds, better 
grasslands provide better grazing and agricultural soils become more fertile. 
This must integrate with competing uses for land as the population grows, but 
fortunately it comes at a time of greater urbanization.

The power of ecosystem restoration to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide and 
avoid disruptive climate change is great but insufficient. We also need to use 
non-biological means to reduce atmospheric carbon. The barrier to the latter is 
simply cost, so a sensible move would be to initiate a crash program to find 
more economical ways. Some methods can build on natural processes that consume 
CO2, such as the weathering of rock and soil formation. Other methods could 
simply convert CO2 into an inert substance. For example, Vinod Khosla’s Calera 
experiment has demonstrated how to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere by 
mixing it with seawater to produce cement.

All of this must take place as we strive for a future with low carbon energy 
sources and lower carbon transportation. It is in our own self-interest to 
manage ourselves, the planet and its climate system in an integrated fashion. 
We can do so, and there are abundant economic possibilities in doing so, but 
the window of opportunity is closing rapidly.

Thomas E. Lovejoy is professor of science and public policy at George Mason 
University and biodiversity chairman at the H. John Heinz III Center for 
Science, Economics and the Environment.

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