Ken, Greg, List: 

Few comments below. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Caldeira" <> 
Cc:, "geoengineering" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 3:43:32 PM 
Subject: Re: [geo] BPC news [Climate Strategy Context Circle] 


The figure you refer to is attached (in three different forms). Glad you liked 
it. I do. 

'Mitigation' as the IPCC applies the term is policies undertaken to reduce 
emissions or increase sinks, and thus could include conservation, efficiency, 
low-emission energy technologies and air capture. 

[RWL: And some of us see Biochar (and BECCS, but not biomass burial) in there 
also - as a "low emission energy technology" . Maybe a division of the full 
"twelve hours" into two equal parts might allow the word "mitigation" to denote 
the right hand side. Or if your circle is thought of as a 24- hour clock, the 
mitigation portion is the "AM". This equal division is meant, of course, to 
also indicate that there are CDR approaches that are NOT mitigators. The idea 
of the day ending on the left has merit. 
Another division that might be worth considering is to have another shading 
from about 5:00 to 8:00 [or 11AM to 5 PM on a 24 hour clock] to further 
emphasize where Geoengineering (CDR and SRM) fit into the seven part sequence. 
I missed at first your color difference for 3 of the 7 circles (or really two 
arrows) . 

The red "arrow" was intended to show a negative influence (climate impacts 
negatively influence pursuit of well-being), whereas black arrows show a 
positive influence (i.e., more of whatever is at the base of the arrow tends to 
produce more of whatever is at the tip of the arrow). 
[RWL: Hmm. I guess accountants will catch that concept. Might also help to have 
arrows that grow in width except for this last one - which could be inverted. 

The six blue "stone weapons" all seem to be "impedors" of the increasing 
tendencies. Perhaps six second reverse arrows could also be added to (or 
replace) the six blue symbols. They could be smaller arrows and dashed. But 
when you get to the 7th arrow, the size and "dashing" could be reversed on 
these two arrows (or missing). 
This allows me to suggest that there could be a reversal of the only-negative 
intent of the present circle - that the size of the arrows can (must) change 
with time. I would like to somehow think that the first four arrows 
(conservation, efficiency, renewable energy and CDR) can get us to revert to an 
earlier simpler closed circle.] 

I guess for me the entry point is the desire to improve our lot (the desire for 
improved well-being), which is why i put that on top. 

[RWL: Now that I better understand that point and the subtleties here, let me 
give some of my thinking on indicator labels for this now-unlabeled seventh 
phase. I was hoping for something to distinguish between 

And this seventh "reverse arrow" label would hopefully connote something in 
between "Adaptation" and "Conservation" -- and have either an energy or climate 

Perhaps like you - I couldn't come up with one. I now see why you have the red 
arrow. This is more like getting to the edge of the cliff. It is more akin to 
the Doomsday countdown clock of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. 

Possible ways to accentuate the non-continuous nature of this circle (and you 
may want to avoid my use of the term "clock") are: 

a. The seven circles could grow in size as you move clockwise, showing 
increasing negative situations. 
b. They could change color from green to dark red 
c. There could be a seventh dashed blue "weapon" designator with a label like 
"No hope". 
d. There could be an indicator of a "tipping point" somewhere, preventing 
closure of the circle. 
e. There could be an earlier, simpler (closed?) circle for 50 years ago (with 
only positive impacts and different colors and circle sizes) before we 
understood the negative consequences of the CO2 associated with fossil fuels. 

Please feel free to try to make a better version of this figure. 

[RWL: I used to have access to graphics programs, perhaps as good as yours. 
Instead, now I can only give the ideas above for your consideration. I still 
like your circle as a good new way of explaining the terms and timing of the 
various circles and the connecting arrows. I retract my yearning last time for 
total symmetry. 




Ken Caldeira 

Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology 
260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA 
+1 650 704 7212 @kencaldeira 

See our YouTube: 
Sensitivity of temperature and precipitation to frequency of climate forcing: 
Ken Caldeira 
Her lab, mules, and carbon capture and storage: Sally Benson speaks to Near 

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 1:52 PM, < > wrote: 

Greg, Ken (who gave first report earlier today and was on this panel) and List: 

1. I have just read this report and think overall it is a positive 
contribution. I just sent off a short "Report Review" written from a Biochar 
perspective to the Yahoo Biochar-Policy list. I would be glad to send that to 
anyone interested. 

2. I found a new-to-me "Climate Strategy Context" circular diagram on p 7, 
which I like and for which credit is given to Ken. I have these questions for 

a. The circle, which connects 7 smaller circles, shows a beginning and end (at 
the 12:00 position) with a circle labeled: "DESIRE FOR IMPROVED WELL-BEING". I 
think it might be stronger to say one could enter the larger circle at any 
point in the outer circle, and that we are always going around this context 
circle. Was there a specific reason for your start-stop "Noon-Midnight" choice? 

b. The word "Mitigation" is missing. How/where would you recommend that word be 
applied to your diagram (so as to compare with the included "Adaptation"? 

c. Symmetry is missing because you only have labels for six of the seven 
possible angular arcs. Any recommendation for the missing-label "red-arc" 
preceding the top-most, "ending" circle? Might it be OK to somehow combine 6 
and 7, or are they distinctly different to you? 

d. For SRM, you show "Sunlight Reflection Methods", rather than the usual 
"Solar Radiation Management" almost (?) everywhere else in the panel report. 
Your estimation of the likelihood of your SRM preference taking over? 

3. The article introduced by Greg below implies that almost nothing is 
happening of a Climate Remediation research character anywhere in the world. 
However, I guesstimate that there are several hundreds of true research Biochar 
projects going on with a doubling time of about a year (and maybe 10 times that 
many "backyard type". At a recent conference, I learned there are at least 5 
"official" Biochar subgroups in China that are talking to each other (maybe 
there was one a year ago). I think there are about as many subgroups in the UK 
and the US (one in the US three years ago). I doubt any of them think they are 
doing anything at all risky. Is there anyone on this list who is concerned 
Biochar is moving too fast and that the precautions of this BPC report need to 
be better heeded by the still-very-small Biochar world? 


From: "Greg Rau" < > 
To: "geoengineering" < > 
Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 12:10:10 PM 
Subject: [geo] BPC news 

Still unable to link to webcast, but must be loads of fun. - G 

The idea of engineering the planet is “fundamentally shocking,” David Keith, an 
energy expert at Harvard and the University of Calgary and a member of the 
panel, said. “It should be shocking.” 

As shocking as rapidly increasing air CO2 with no end in sight? -G 

October 4, 2011 
Group Urges Research Into Aggressive Efforts to Fight Climate Change 
W ith political action on curbing greenhouse gases stalled, a bipartisan panel 
of scientists, former government officials and national security experts is 
recommending that the government begin researching a radical fix: directly 
manipulating the E arth’ s climate to lower the temperature. 

Members said they hoped that such extreme engineering techniques, which include 
scattering particles in the air to mimic the cooling effect of volcanoes or 
stationing orbiting mirrors in space to reflect sunlight, would never be 
needed. But in its report , to be released on Tuesday, the panel said it is 
time to begin researching and testing such ideas in case “the climate system 
reaches a ‘tipping point’ and swift remedial action is required.” 

The 18-member panel was convened by the Bipartisan Policy Cente r, a research 
organization based in Washington founded by four senators — Democrats and 
Republicans — to offer policy advice to the government. In interviews, some of 
the panel members said they hoped that the mere discussion of such drastic 
steps would jolt the public and policy makers into meaningful action in 
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which they called the highest priority. 

The idea of engineering the planet is “fundamentally shocking,” David Keith, an 
energy expert at Harvard and the University of Calgary and a member of the 
panel, said. “It should be shocking.” 

In fact, it is an idea that many environmental groups have rejected as 
misguided and potentially dangerous. 

Jane Long, an associate director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 
and the panel’s co-chairwoman, said that by spewing greenhouse gases into the 
atmosphere, human activity was already engaged in climate modification. “We are 
doing it accidentally, but the Earth doesn’t know that,” she said, adding, 
“Going forward in ignorance is not an option.” 

The panel, the Task Force on Climate Remediation Research, suggests that the 
White House Office of Science and Technology P olicy begin coordinating 
research and estimates that a valuable effort could begin with a few million 
dollars in financing over the next few years. 

One reason that the United States should embrace such research, the report 
suggests, is the threat of unilateral action by another country. Members say 
research is already under way in Britain, Germany and possibly other countries, 
as well as in the private sector. 

“A conversation about this is going to go on with us or without us,” said David 
Goldston, a panel member who directs government affairs at the Natural 
Resources Defense Council and is a former chief of staff of the House Committee 
on Science. “We have to understand what is at stake.” 

In interviews, panelists said again and again that the continuing focus of 
policy makers and experts should be on reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and 
other greenhouse gases. But several acknowledged that significant action 
remained a political nonstarter. Last month, for example, the Obama 
administration told the federal Environmental Protection Agency to hold off on 
tightening ozone standards, citing complications related to the weak economy. 

According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Clima te Change, 
greenhouse gas emissions have contributed to raising the global average surface 
temperatures by about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 100 years. It is 
impossible to predict how much impact the report will have. But given the 
panelists’ varied political and professional backgrounds, they seem likely to 
achieve one major goal: starting a broader conversation on the issue. Some 
climate experts have been working on it for years, but they have largely kept 
their discussions to themselves, saying they feared giving the impression that 
there might be quick f ixes for clima te change. 

“Climate adaptation went through the same period of concern,” Mr. Goldston 
said, referring to the onetime reluctance of some researchers to discuss ways 
in which people, plants and animals might adjust to climate change. Now, he 
said, similar reluctance to discuss geoengineering is giving way, at least in 
part because “it’s possible we may have to do this no matter what.” 

Although the techniques, which fall into two broad groups, are more widely 
known as geoengineering, the panel prefers “climate remediation.” 

The first is carbon dioxide removal, in which the gas is absorbed by plants, 
trapped and stored underground or otherwise removed from the atmosphere. The 
methods are “generally uncontroversial and don’t introduce new global risks,” 
said Ken Caldeira, a climate expert at Stanford University and a panel member. 
“It’s mostly a question of how much do these things cost.” 

Controversy arises more with the second group of techniques, solar radiation 
management, which involves increasing t he amount of solar energy that bounces 
back into space before it can be absorbed by the Earth. They include seeding 
the atmosphere with reflective particles, launching giant mirrors above the 
earth or spewing ocean water into the air to form clouds. 

These techniques are thought to pose a risk of upsetting earth’s natural 
rhythms. With them, Dr. Caldeira said, “the real question is what are the 
unknown unknowns: Are you creating more risk than you are alleviating?” 

At the in fluential blog C limate Progress, Joe Romm, a fellow at the Center 
for Am erican Progress, has made a similar point, likening geo-engineering to a 
dangerous course of chemotherapy and radiation to treat a condition curable 
through diet and exercise — or, in this case, emissions reduction. 

The panel rejected any immediate application of climate remediation techniques, 
saying too little is known about them. In 2009, the Royal Society in Britain 
said much the same, assessing geoengineering technologies as “technically 
feasible” but adding that their potential costs, effectiveness and risks were 

Similarly, in a 2010 review of federal research that might be relevant to 
climate remediation, the federal Government Accountability Office noted that 
“major uncertainties remain on the efficacy and potential consequences” of the 
app roach. Its report also recommended that the White House Office of Science 
and Technology Policy “establish a clear strategy for geoengineering research.” 

John P. Holdren, who heads that office, declined interview requests. He issued 
a statement reiterating the Obama administration’s focus on “taking steps to 
sensibly reduce pollution that is contributing to climat e change.” 

Yet in an interview with The Assoc iated Press in 2009, Dr. Holdren said the 
possible risks and benefits of geoengineering should be studied very carefully 
because “we might get desperate enough to want to use it.” 

In a draft plan mad e public on Friday, the U.S. Global Cha nge Research 
Program, a coordinating effort administered by his offic e, outlined its own 
climate ch ange research agenda, including studies of the impacts of rapid 
climate change. 

The plan said that climate-related projections would be crucial to future 
studies of the “feasibility, effectiveness and unintended consequences of 
strategies for deliberate, large-scale manipulations of Earth’s environment,” 
including carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management. 

Many countries fault the United States for government inaction on climate 
change, especially given its longtime role as a chief contributor to the 

Frank Loy, a panelist and former chief climate negotiator for the United 
States, suggested that people around the world would see past those issues if 
the United States embraced geoengineering studies, provided that it was “very 
clear about what kind of research is undertaken and wha t the safeguards are.” 

This article has been revised to reflect t h e following correction: 

Co rrection: October 4, 2011 

An earlier version of this article mistakenly referred to Frank Loy as the 
nation’s chief climate negotiator. He is a former chief climate negotiator. -- 
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