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Survey finds widespread support for geoengineering research
Julia Pyper, E&E reporter
Published: Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A new study finds that the majority of people in America, Canada and Britain 
approve of more research in the nascent field of climate manipulation known as 

A full 72 percent of participants in the survey, published in Environmental 
Research Letters, said they "supported" or "somewhat supported" the study of 
solar radiation management (SRM). The technique seeks to inject sulfur into the 
atmosphere to reflect sunlight and offset the warming caused by carbon dioxide 
and other greenhouse gases.

"I think that level of support was higher than my co-authors and I were 
expecting," said Ashley Mercer, lead author and a Ph.D. candidate at the 
University of Calgary in Alberta. Mercer said she became interested in SRM 
because of the ethical implications of the climate-manipulating practice and a 
lack of documented public input on the matter.

The Internet-based poll of 3,105 people from Canada, the United Kingdom and the 
United States is the first international analysis on the public perception of 
geoengineering and SRM.

It revealed what Mercer described as a surprisingly high level of public 
awareness about geoengineering techniques. More than half of respondents either 
correctly defined the technique or the similar term "climate engineering."

"Researchers and policymakers can no longer assume that the public is unaware 
of geoengineering. As this research shows, awareness is larger than expected 
and likely growing. Engaging with the broader public is important to help 
improve any future decisionmaking about SRM because these decisions involve 
many different values and risk trade-offs," she said.

The survey data showed that the potential risks of SRM and unknown damage to 
the ozone layer were important drivers of public perception. Mercer admitted it 
was surprising that there was such widespread support for climate manipulation 
through SRM, which is a relatively new and possibly risky field.

Ideology not a predictor of geoengineering support

Indeed, the survey comes at a key time in the United Kingdom, where concerns 
over the social aspects of geoengineering have delayed the Stratospheric 
Particle Injection for Climate Engineering (SPICE) project. SPICE, which was 
set to run a test project this month, aims to reduce the amount of incoming 
solar radiation by injecting sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere from a 
balloon half a mile in the air.

Mercer said the broad support of SRM could reveal a limitation of the survey, 
which did not ask participants to describe which aspects of geoengineering 
research they supported. For instance, some people may support computer 
modeling but have concerns with something deployed in the real world. Asking 
more detailed questions may be the focus of future research, she said.

But what Mercer and her co-authors could determine was that among the minority 
who did not support SRM, the largest predictor was the value that "we should 
not be manipulating the Earth in this way," and not necessarily a political 

"Some reports have suggested that opposition to geoengineering is associated 
with environmentalists, but our results do not support this view," said 
co-author professor David Keith of Harvard University in a statement. "We found 
that geoengineering divides people along unusual lines. Support for 
geoengineering is spread across the political spectrum."

The survey showed that a number of people who identify as environmentalists do 
not support SRM, said Mercer. Seeing human-influenced climate change as a 
significant issue was not an apparent predictor of support, she added. 
Meanwhile, a number of self-identified conservatives do support the practice.

But the opposite also proved to be true, "where you would expect 
environmentalists don't think enough is being done to address climate change so 
they may support SRM, and where conservatives are unsupportive because they 
don't want the government to be involved," said Mercer.

While politics did not predict whether someone would oppose SRM, the strongest 
opposition to geoengineering practices came from those who identify as 
politically conservative. That's because they are "distrustful of government 
and other elite institutions, and ... doubt the very idea that there is a 
climate problem," said Keith.

The data shows that the debate over geoengineering breaks down in many ways, 
but to be more specific, more research is necessary, said Mercer. "I think this 
is the first in a line of many studies that will show that SRM intersects with 
people's political and environmental attitudes in surprising ways."

On 10/24/11 3:19 PM, "David Keith" <> wrote:


Here is our public perception paper and the associated press release.

Public understanding of solar radiation management, A M Mercer, D W Keith and J 
D Sharp, Environmental Research Letters,  6 (2011) 


David Keith
Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics,
   School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS); and,
Professor of Public Policy,
   Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University

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