Geoengineering: Opportunity or folly? | Harvard Gazette

By Alvin Powell, Harvard Staff Writer

The technology to shield Earth from sunrays and cut the harmful warming
expected in the coming decades is so cheap and readily available that the
hurdles to doing it are social, not technical, says Harvard’s David Keith,
a supporter of geoengineering.Opponents say the idea would not only drain
energy from efforts to address climate change’s causes, but also is loaded
with unknown risks and the potential for abuse.The nascent debate over
geoengineering as a solution to our accelerating climate problem was aired
Monday at the Science Center. In an event co-sponsored by the Harvard
University Center for the Environment and the MIT Joint Program on the
Science and Policy of Global Change, the authors of books taking opposing
sides made their cases, one offering a scenario in which technology blunts
the very worst of warming and buys time for other efforts to take hold, the
other describing a future where the root causes of warming are ignored
while weather is controlled by corporations or governments far removed from
the effects.Keith, the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics in
the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and professor of public
policy at the Kennedy School, published “A Case for Climate Engineering” in
September. Arguing against research efforts in geoengineering was Clive
Hamilton, a professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University in
Australia and author of “Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate
Engineering,” published in February. Steven Barrett, an assistant professor
of aeronautics and astronautics at MIT, moderated the discussion.Keith
started by arguing that the time to begin research into geoengineering is
now, so that science will have a chance to learn about potential pitfalls
before the worst of warming hits.Though “geoengineering” encompasses
several approaches to addressing the climate problem, Monday’s debate
focused on the spraying of sulfate aerosols high in the atmosphere, the
cheapest option and the one likeliest to be deployed on a large scale. The
effect would mimic the global cooling power of large volcanic eruptions,
which send similar chemicals into the atmosphere. The particles reflect
sunrays and have been known to cause unusually cool weather — “volcanic
winters” — for months or even years afterward.The effects of those winters
are potentially severe. The 1991 explosion of Mount Pinatubo in the
Philippines cooled global temperatures for several years, while the 1883
explosion of Krakatoa, in Indonesia, triggered record snowfall and harsh
winters.The geoengineering scenario envisioned by Keith is far less
dramatic. He suggested gradually ramping up sulfate releases for 50 years
starting in 2020 with the aim of reducing warming from climate change by
half. Around 2070, with other mitigation strategies yielding results, the
program would begin winding down.At maximum, Keith said, the plan would
release a million tons of sulfates into the atmosphere, about an eighth of
what Mount Pinatubo released. The process would be cheap and remarkably
straightforward, he said. It could be accomplished with modified versions
of today’s aircraft.“All the hard problems are essentially social,” he
said.Among the plan’s strengths, Keith said, is that it addresses the lag
between cutting carbon emissions and the removal of carbon from the
atmosphere by natural processes.Though the techniques involved in
geoengineering have been known for some time, the issue has been taboo,
Keith said, because of worries that it might discourage work on the
underlying causes of climate change. Now is the time, he said, to lift the
taboo and initiate a research program — publicly funded to minimize
corporate influence, and collaborative to incorporate diverse
views.Hamilton countered: Regardless of the intent of research, it would
draw commercial interests. Once established, those interests would lobby to
use the technology that was developed. Researchers on the project would
also be a concern, he said, drawing comparisons to the scientists who gave
the world nuclear weapons in World War II. Some spent the rest of their
lives trying to control what they helped create; others continued to
support the development of nuclear bombs as a route to gaining power and
influence.“Which paths will geoengineering advocates take?” Hamilton
asked.Even if governments could keep control over the technology, Hamilton
said, the deployment of geoengineering — with the potential to trigger
droughts and flooding — would lead to the troubling issue of climate being
controlled remotely, with scant concern for on-the-ground
consequences.Also, Hamilton said, the claims around geoengineering make it
attractive to opponents of the painful measures needed to cut carbon
dioxide emissions, including fossil-fuel giants such as Exxon Mobil and
Royal Dutch Shell. He pointed out that N. Murray Edwards, the billionaire
mogul mining Canada’s oil sands, recently invested in Keith’s
geoengineering startup, Carbon Engineering.These issues, said Hamilton, all
but guarantee that geoengineering-based solutions to climate change would
not be guided by the best intentions and research. Rather, they would be
the intensely political, with powerful interests supporting development and
deployment in order to protect business in fossil fuels.Keith said there is
nothing sinister about Edwards investing in his company, which he sees as
Edwards “hedging his bets” in the climate debate, in case fossil fuels
prove a bad investment. He acknowledged that the technology might be
attractive to a fossil fuel company, but said he doesn’t think the
technology alone would generate a lot of commercial interest, because it
would generate little profit yet carry high risk.“There are many cases
where we can do a good job of limiting environmental impacts by
manipulation [of the environment], and cases where we’ve done that already.
The most grandiose [way to describe it] would be to say this is a version
of restoration ecology on a planetary scale,” Keith said

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