I share your concern, Peter. In seeking the require blessings to move forward 
with RD&D, we can point to the global scale demonstration of CDR already 
occurring. As I've pointed out before (OK, like a broken record), global 
atmospheric CO2 concentrations temporarily decline each year, even at the 
remote South Pole:
Each year more than half of anthro CO2 is removed, post-emissions. So while 
politicians dither over the obvious need to reduce emissions, CDR is already 
mitigating more CO2 than any CO2 emissions reduction program, now and probably 
into the distant future. How can the possibility of building on this obvious 
and massive success be ignored in our quest to figure out how to manage air CO2?

From: geoengineering@googlegroups.com [geoengineering@googlegroups.com] on 
behalf of Peter Flynn [peter.fl...@ualberta.ca]
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2014 10:35 AM
To: andrew.lock...@gmail.com; geoengineering
Subject: RE: [geo] The flawed appeal of unilateral Direct Air Capture programs 
to prevent climate change | Deich

I find it discouraging that so much commentary on climate change and its 
subset, geoengineering, is focused on “that won’t work”, with its subset, “how 
will we govern that”. I think of World War II, where humans found ways to take 
action with a smaller chorus of negativity.

One constant element in such commentary is that any action (sometimes even 
research) will decrease the incentive for emissions reduction, and hence such 
action should be not taken. I reflect on King Canute who, when wanting to 
convince subjects of the limitations of his power, went to the surf and ordered 
the tide not to come in. Let those convinced of the reliable efficacy of CDR 
travel to China and India to convince the masses that they shouldn’t buy a car, 
and report back. I hope we can reduce worldwide emissions, but saying we 
shouldn’t have research and demonstration of thoughtful contingency options 
strikes me as reckless.

I would love to see a demonstration scale direct capture program in any 
country; it would add to the body of knowledge about the numerous choices that 
lie in the future. Ditto re a biochar demonstration scale project. Ditto re 
many others. And I would love to see some of the energy that goes into 
seemingly endless discussions of governance shift into populating our knowledge 
of options.

Peter Flynn

Peter Flynn, P. Eng., Ph. D.
Emeritus Professor and Poole Chair in Management for Engineers
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Alberta
cell: 928 451 4455

From: geoengineering@googlegroups.com<mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com> 
 On Behalf Of Andrew Lockley
Sent: December-20-14 9:44 AM
To: geoengineering
Subject: [geo] The flawed appeal of unilateral Direct Air Capture programs to 
prevent climate change | Deich

Poster's note : view online for useful graphs.


The flawed appeal of unilateral Direct Air Capture programs to prevent climate 

DECEMBER 20, 2014
For the past 20 years, UN-led climate change negotiations have failed to 
produce an accord that halts the rise of global GHG emissions. Given this track 
record, it’s easy to see the appeal of the idea proposed in a recent New 
Republic article: that the US alone could prevent climate change by investing 
heavily in large-scale carbon dioxide removal (“CDR”) deployments.

The idea in the article goes something like this: the US (and/or some of its 
developed country allies) would fund a “Manhattan Project” for Direct Air 
Capture (“DAC”) systems. DAC systems scrub CO2 from ambient air; the resulting 
CO2 can then be buried deep underground, where it would be trapped in 
impermeable rock formations. If DAC system costs fell substantially, the US 
alone could fund massive “artificial” forests that offset large portions of 
global GHG emissions.

Unfortunately, there are three major problems with this plan:

Problem #1: The hypothetical costs of the “mature” DAC systems described in the 
article are likely an order of magnitude too low. The article claims that:“If 
$30/ton were indeed possible, the U.S. government could construct huge forests 
of “artificial trees” in American deserts and absorb 30 percent of 2013’s 
carbon emissions for about $90 billion per year…”

The problem here is that the author is quoting figures in $/t Carbon (and not 
$/t CO2) as is done in the rest of the article: 30/t Carbon translates to a 
price of less than $10/t CO2 (as a CO2 molecule weighs over three times as much 
as a molecule of pure C). Today, simply injecting CO2 underground and making 
sure it doesn’t come back up — a relatively mature process thanks to decades of 
enhanced oil recovery efforts — costs around $10/t CO2. Even the biggest 
proponents of the field say that DAC systems are unlikely to cost less than 
$50-$100/t CO2 even when mass produced. Asking the US to pursue a $0.5-$1T 
unilateral DAC program seems significantly less feasible than the <$100B 
program outlined in the article…

Problem #2: The reliance on the “silver bullet” of DAC systems. There are 
numerous proposals for CDR systems, nearly all of which are expected to cost 
less than DAC systems

This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t invest in developing cost-effective DAC 
systems, but rather that we should invest in a broad portfolio of CDR 
approaches alongside other GHG mitigation techniques such as renewable energy 
and energy efficiency. Instead of a Manhattan Project for DAC systems, a better 
recommendation would be to scale up ARPA-E, SunShot, and other existing applied 
research programs in a way that incorporates CDR approaches and can find the 
most cost-effective portfolio of solutions to mitigating climate change. Which 
all leads to…

Problem #3: The biggest problem of all with the article is the the framing that 
a CDR research program would be a “hedge” against international climate 
negotiations not working. Instead, a robust CDR research agenda could serve as 
a major enabler of the success of international climate negotiations. 
Unilateral investments in CDR and other GHG mitigation techniques can help 
parties signal that they are committed to making significant GHG emission 
reductions, and will not free-ride off of other countries’ efforts. The article 
claims that climate change is not a “repeatable” game, but climate change 
negotiations are such a repeated game. Signaling individual commitments and 
building trust are then critical for the players in this “prisoners dilemma” to 
cooperate, and investments in CDR should be seen as a complement, not a hedge, 
to enable this cooperation.

Bottom line: the idea of massive “artificial forests” may be an intellectually 
appealing way of preventing climate change, but the reality of the situation is 
that a broad portfolio of CDR and other GHG mitigation approaches developed 
through international collaboration still looks more promising — even with the 
disappointing failures of this approach to date.
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