Thought this was a pretty good article on CO2 -ve cement, so I thought I'd
share it. Helps with the chemistry-challenged, such as myself. But I can't
help think that CCS on 'normal' cement might well work just fine

The material that built the modern world is also destroying it. Here’s a fix
[image: tsjisse talsma qz cement 1.3]
The right thing to do. (Tsjisse Talsma for Quartz)
WRITTEN BYAkshat Rathi <>
December 06, 2017

Piscataway, New Jersey

Remarkably, the material that built the first modern civilization remains
key to building today’s global economy. The cement we use in 2017 is not so
different from the stuff used to build the concrete dome of the Roman
Pantheon in 125 AD.

What has changed is that today we use vastly greater quantities of the grey
powder: more than 4.2 trillion kg annually. To put that in perspective, you
could build 1,000 Hoover Dams each year with the amount of concrete that
much cement would make.

That’d be all well and good except for the fact that 1 kg of cement
releases more than than 0.5 kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As a
result, the cement industry is currently responsible for about 5% of global
CO2 emissions—more than double the aviation industry. Worse still, unlike
the electricity industry, which one day might be comprised
<>of entirely clean, renewable energy, the chemistry
of conventional cement dictates that the process will continue to produce
huge amounts of carbon dioxide.

Unless, that is, Nicholas DeCristofaro’s plans work out. Since 2008, Solidia
Technologies <>, where DeCristofaro is chief
technology officer, has been quietly developing a new cement-making process
that produces up to 70% fewer CO2 emissions at a cost that DeCristofaro
claims is on par with or better than conventional cement.

Solidia, which was formed in a bid to commercialize ideas developed at
Rutgers University in New Jersey, is not the first company to attempt to
make environmentally friendly cement. But industry experts say it’s the
most promising yet. Its list of investors—from the world’s largest
cement-maker to one of the globe’s biggest venture capital firms—is proof
of the market’s confidence.
*This article is part of The Race to Zero Emissions
<> series investigating carbon-capture technology.
You can also read our feature laying out the case
using the technology to fight climate change.*Chemistry of cement

No two batches of cement are 100% chemically identical. In fact, here’s how
the European Standard defines the most widely used type, called “Portland

[It] shall consist of at least two-thirds by mass of calcium silicates, the
remainder consisting of aluminium- and iron-containing [compounds]…and
other compounds. The ratio of calcium oxide to silica shall not be less
than two.

You don’t need to be a chemist to realize that even a recipe for the
simplest cake has less room to maneuver. To get “cement,” you can throw any
decent-quality limestone and some clay in a coal-fired kiln. Cement’s
chemical flexibility, along with its high strength, moldability, and the
fact that it’s made of easily accessed raw materials, makes it affordable
and universal.
[image: cement_recipe_004]

Typically, the heat inside the kiln converts limestone, which is calcium
carbonate (CaCO3), to lime, which is calcium oxide (CaO), while releasing
CO2. Then CaO reacts with silica (SiO2) in the clay to form a mixture of
calcium silicates—specifically alite (3CaO.SiO2) and belite (2CaO.SiO2).

To make those ash-grey concrete blocks you’ve seen at construction sites,
cement is mixed with water and gravel to form a solution with porridge-like
consistency. The cement’s role here is to be the glue: combine 10-20%
cement by weight with 80-90% gravel, and it holds together.

Cement-makers may add other ingredients to bestow special properties on
their product, but by and large every batch of cement is created using
these reactions. The CO2 released in the chemical process, along with the
CO2 emitted by burning fossil fuels for the energy needed to heat the kiln,
combine to give the cement industry an extremely large carbon footprint.
Negative-emissions concrete

If cement could be made without limestone, theoretically, that could
eliminate many of the industry’s CO2 emissions. That’s Solidia’s first bet.
Its second gamble: When that cement is used to make concrete, the process
will actually absorb carbon dioxide.

Typically, when water is added to Portland cement and gravel to make
concrete, it reverses the reaction that occurred in the cement
kiln—almost—in a process called “curing.”

The calcium silicates (like alite and belite) combine with water to form
calcium hydroxide and clay; the calcium hydroxide then reacts with CO2 in
the air to form calcium carbonate again, releasing the water it had
absorbed. The formation of calcium carbonate holds all the components of
concrete together; if the concrete mix is put in a mold, over many weeks of
curing, those familiar solid blocks are formed.
[image: cement_cure_003]

Here’s the problem: As long as enough of the cement binds the gravel
together into concrete, the product is ready. In other words, it never goes
through a complete reversal
and thus doesn’t absorb the same amount of CO2 emitted during the
cement-making process. One estimate suggests that concrete absorbs about 17%
emissions produced over its lifecycle—which would be about 170kg of CO2
absorbed. What if it were possible to change the chemistry of cement such
that it could absorb all the CO2?

Two startups have tried and failed in their attempts to change the
chemistry of cement. UK-based Novacem invented a process that replaced
calcium oxide with magnesium oxide. In 2012, it sold its intellectual
property to a rival and folded. California-based Calera began with a pitch
similar to Novacem’s, but after repeated disappointments, it shifted to
focusing on specialized calcium carbonate for niche applications, such as
wallboards. Both companies raised many millions of dollars before shutting
or pivoting.

But these failures were yet to surface in Solidia’s early years. Back then,
in lab experiments, one of the startup’s founding members Vahit Atakan, now
its chief scientific officer, discovered that if he replaced limestone with
the mineral wollastonite—a low-carbon alternative to limestone—he could
make cement that eventually produced “negative emissions
<>” concrete. That’s because wollastonite’s chemistry
is such that it would not produce any emissions when it is made to produce
cement, but it would, like normal cement, absorb some CO2 when it gets
cured as concrete.

But when Solidia began thinking about commercializing the product, the
company hit significant hurdles. For example, changing the chemistry of
cement would make the hundreds of cement plants currently in operation
redundant, essentially turning them into stranded assets. In other words,
it wouldn’t be in cement-makers’ financial best interests to invest in
Solidia’s wollastonite-based product.

Another problem is that wollastonite is not as cheap or widely available as
limestone. There are about 1.5 million kg of wollastonite mined each year
in the US, enough to make some 1.5 million kg of cement. That sounds like a
lot—until you find out that US factories make nearly 100 billion kg of
cement each year— that alone is about 50 Hoover dams worth of cement.

DeCristofaro says solving the wollastonite problem was the “seminal moment
in Solidia’s history.”
On a pivot

Solidia knew it had no other choice: it would have to make a synthetic
version of wollastonite. The company spent a few years playing with various
recipes, first in labs and later in a small factory, until it came up with
a solution. It turned out to be deceptively simple.

Wollastonite-derived cement has a lot less calcium than Portland cement. So
to replace wollastonoite, Solidia could reduce the amount of limestone and
increase the amount of clay in the mix it sent to the kiln. With less
limestone to convert to lime, the process could use less heat. Cutting out
limestone reduced CO2 emissions from both the chemical reaction, and from
the fossil fuels needed to heat the process.

Of course, the startup now needs to show that this lower-emission cement
can be made into concrete that’s at least as good as others, and can be
scaled up in a way that’s affordable. That’s what Solidia is working on
right now. Recently, the company invited me to visit its small factory in
Piscataway, New Jersey and peek at the technology. After putting on
protective wear—hard hat, shoe gloves, and lab glasses—I got to see the
process of making concrete using Solidia’s potentially game-changing cement.
[image: Loading into the curing chamber.]Loading into the curing

The off-white-colored cement is drawn from a large hopper and added to a
mixer machine. A proprietary aggregate—some combination of particulate
material like sand, gravel, and crushed stone—and water are poured in the
machine, which is rotated until a thick, soupy mixture forms. The mixture
is then transferred to a “vibratory press” where it’s poured in molds,
which are then moved to an enclosure full of carbon dioxide.

Unlike Portland cement, Solidia’s mixture doesn’t harden simply after
adding water; it requires the absorption of climate-killing CO2. The
concrete blocks resulting from the process capture about 240 kg of carbon
dioxide for every 1,000 kg of cement used in the mixture. That’s on top of
fewer emissions producing during the manufacture of Solidia’s cement. Over
its lifecycle—from limestone to cement to concrete—Solidia produces up to
70% fewer emissions, compared to Portland cement. So if 1,000 kg of
Portland cement releases 1,000 kg over its lifecycle, then Solidia cement
releases only 300 kg.

What’s more is the concrete produced using Solidia’s cement exceeds
building standards, and takes less than 24 hours, to cure, compared to
weeks for curing Portland cement. These claims have been verified by the US
Department of Energy
which has provided some funding to the startup.

On my tour, DeCristofaro gave an example of just how much carbon dioxide is
trapped by Solidia’s cement. He placed a concrete brick (about 12 in x 5 in
x 5 in) on a table. “This block,” he said, “has captured as much carbon
dioxide as you can find in the air in this whole room.” (The room was a
mid-sized office, 15 ft x 15 ft x 10 ft.)
Creating a market

In most parts of the world, there is currently no price on carbon. That
means there is no financial incentive to cut CO2 emissions. Cement makers,
though, comprise some of the world’s largest companies, where some of the
smartest investors put their money, and are also some of the world’s
biggest greenhouse-gas emitters. As a result, they’re now facing investor
cut their emissions and show their factories won’t become stranded assets
in the future.

“The whole cement industry has the objective to deeply decarbonize in the
future,” says Jan Theulen, director of alternate resources at Heidelberg
Cement, the world’s fourth-largest cement maker. Heidelberg has made a public
commitment <> to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.

Cutting emissions is not just good for the environment but increasingly
good for business. New cement factories and many existing ones will last
decades, and many of these companies estimate that most of their markets
will institute a carbon price soon.

That’s why, in 2014, Solidia was able to convince LafargeHolcim, the world’s
largest cement maker
one of Solidia’s investors, to let the startup use existing factories—one
in the US and one in Europe—to manufacture its unique cement. Solidia made
two batches of 5,000 metric tons each, showing its process could work at
scale without modifying a traditional factory or raising costs.
[image: IMG_4230-edit]Solidia’s cement used to make colored concrete
tiles. (Solidia/Thomas

Harder, though, is convincing concrete makers, the primary buyers of
cement, that these greener products are worthwhile. Unlike cement
companies, which are often massive global conglomerates, concrete companies
tend to be small and operate regionally. And unlike the cement industry,
DeCristofaro says, “the concrete industry doesn’t have a carbon-dioxide
problem. If you tell a concrete guy, ‘I’m going to help sequester carbon
dioxide for you.’ He’ll say, ‘What does it cost me?’”

That said, the cement industry’s move towards a greener product may be
reaching a swell so strong that it could take concrete makers with it.
Besides Solidia, there’s CarbonCure, based in Halifax, Canada, which also
advertises better concrete blocks that capture carbon dioxide. For a flat
fee, CarbonCure installs equipment enabling manufacturers to cure concrete
in the presence of carbon dioxide instead of the conventional options of
air or steam. In return, concrete makers get a better concrete block, which
sells for a premium cost that makes up for the investment in CarbonCure’s

As of writing, CarbonCure has raised nearly $10 million, and its technology
is used in 50 concrete-making plants across North America, according to
Jennifer Wagner, vice president of sustainability. “If people like what
they see in CarbonCure, that makes our job easier,” says Solidia’s

Carbicrete, also in Canada, has found a way to make concrete without cement
altogether. Its binding agent of choice is waste slag acquired from the
steel industry. Both CarbonCure and Carbicrete are currently participating
in the $20 million Carbon X-Prize, <> a
competition for innovations that capture and use carbon dioxide to make
valuable products.

Solidia needs to show concrete makers that it’s worth paying for additional
equipment, such as an enclosure to hold carbon dioxide during the curing
process, and for the carbon dioxide needed to cure Solidia’s cement.
(Carbon dioxide is delivered in canisters or stored on site by specialty
gas companies at a cost between $50 and $200 per 1,000 kg.) The pitch,
though, has been perfected: concrete makers get a higher-quality product,
made in less time. Moreover, because Solidia’s cement doesn’t start curing
as soon as it’s mixed with water, there is less waste. Typically, 3% to 8%
of concrete blocks have to be thrown out because they were poorly formed or
didn’t have the right shape. Solidia’s cement gives manufacturers a grace
period to reform the malformed blocks before they start to set.
[image: Nick DiCristofaro 2 Nov 2016]Nicholas DeCristofaro. (Solidia)

In addition, there’s the color. Construction companies will pay extra for
colorful concrete blocks, which are used for ornamental purposes, on
pavements or exterior walls, for example. It’s hard to color typical
concrete blocks, which are light- or ash-grey. Solidia cement can produce
white concrete, which is easy to color, allowing manufacturers to save on
expensive pigment.

Solidia insists that their cement can be used for all sorts of concrete
application. I was less convinced, because much of concrete use requires
pouring and curing on site. Ensuring such uses are covered in chambers full
of carbon dioxide seems difficult. Still, even if we assume Solidia’s
cement can only be used for precast concrete made into bricks and slabs,
it’s a significant chunk of the market. The most recent estimate
2016 says precast concrete is at least 15% of the market globally. That
proportion rises to as much as 50% in the rich world, where labor required
to pour concrete is expensive.

These selling points have already helped Solidia raise $60 million in
funding, and have landed it deals with two concrete makers in the US and
one in Europe, says DeCristofaro. Once there are 10 concrete companies
onboard, Solidia will have the customer base it needs to convince cement
companies to start making Solidia’s cement in large quantities.
DeCristofaro is hopeful that this’ll happen in the “next few years.”

Cement and concrete may be low-value products, but their volumes are huge,
and have what most believe will be a stable market for decades. If a
startup can find inefficiencies in these industries, there is plenty of
money to be made. A few years ago, any benefit to the environment from new
technologies was just a cherry on top of the cake. The good news is that
those benefits are now as important as the sugar.

*You can sign up for our newsletter <> to be
informed when new stories in the series are published. The reporting was
supported by a fellowship from the McGraw Center for Business Journalism
<> at the City University of New York Graduate
School of Journalism <>.*

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