Poster's note : this doesn't appear to contradict "No losers", but perhaps
others can clarify...?

Regional climate impacts of stabilizing global warming at 1.5 K using solar

   - Anthony C. Jones,
   - <>
      - <>


   - Matthew K. Hawcroft,

   - James M. Haywood,
   - <>

   - Andy Jones,
   - <>

   - Xiaoran Guo,

   - John C. Moore
   - <>


   - Accepted manuscript online:8 February 2018Full publication history
   - DOI:10.1002/2017EF000720  View/save citation
   - Cited by (CrossRef):0 articlesCheck for updates
   Citation tools
   - [image: Article has an altmetric score of 11]


The 2015 Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2 K
above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit global warming
to 1.5 K, in order to avert dangerous climate change. However, current
greenhouse gas emissions targets are more compatible with scenarios
exhibiting end-of-century global warming of 2.6 - 3.1 K, in clear
contradiction to the 1.5 K target. In this study, we use a global climate
model to investigate the climatic impacts of using solar geoengineering by
stratospheric aerosol injection to stabilize global-mean temperature at 1.5
K for the duration of the 21st century against 3 scenarios spanning the
range of plausible greenhouse gas mitigation pathways (RCP2.6, RCP4.5,
RCP8.5). In addition to stabilizing global mean temperature and offsetting
both Arctic sea-ice loss and thermosteric sea-level rise, we find that
solar geoengineering could effectively counteract enhancements to the
frequency of extreme storms in the North Atlantic and heatwaves in Europe,
but would be less effective at counteracting hydrological changes in the
Amazon basin and North Atlantic storm track displacement. In summary, solar
geoengineering may reduce global mean impacts but is an imperfect solution
at the regional level, where the effects of climate change are experienced.
Our results should galvanize research into the regionality of climate
responses to solar geoengineering

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