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News | April 6, 2018
Solar Geoengineering Research Needs Rules As Outdoor Experiments Planned,
Carnegie C2G2 Initiative warns

*With only months before outdoor experimentation might start, society needs
rules for research into solar geoengineering to combat climate change,
warns Janos Pasztor, the head of the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering
Governance Initiative (C2G2), a Carnegie Council initiative.*

(PRWEB) - Media advisory from Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance
Initiative (C2G2), an initiative of Carnegie Council for Ethics in
International Affairs, April 6--

With the world’s first known, outdoor experiment of solar geoengineering
planned later this year, the head of the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering
Governance Initiative (C2G2), Janos Pasztor, urged governments to create
effective guardrails for these powerful, emerging technologies.

Pasztor, a former United Nations assistant secretary-general on climate
change, will address Arizona State University on April 6, the likely
location of the world’s first outdoor experiment on stratospheric aerosol
injection (SAI), which is one type of solar geoengineering that researchers
are exploring as a possible means to counteract some of the negative
impacts of climate change.

Janos Pasztor’s address will be broadcast via Facebook Live by ASU
LightWorks 6:30-8pm AZ time (9:30pm
EDT) Friday Apr 6.

“Sometime within the next year, we may see the world’s first outdoor
experiment on stratospheric aerosol injection take place here in the skies
above Arizona, yet for the most part governments are not aware of, nor
addressing, the profound governance issues this poses,” Mr Pasztor will
say. “We urgently need an open, inclusive discussion on how the world will
research and govern solar geoengineering. Otherwise, we could be in danger
of events overtaking society’s capacity to respond prudently and

Solar geoengineering does not remove carbon from the atmosphere, and hence
could only properly be used as a supplement, not a substitute for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. Many risks and unknowns remain, said Pasztor,
including its environmental, justice, geo-political, and governance

With SAI, aerosols are sprayed into the stratosphere to reflect solar
radiation, thereby quickly cooling the earth. SAI is still in the early
stages of development, and scientists say it will take another 15-20 years
for the technology to be fully developed. Any eventual full-scale
deployment of these technologies would have planetary-wide effects and pose
profound ethical and governance challenges. Pasztor warned that the risks
and potential benefits of SAI are not yet sufficiently understood for
policy makers to make informed decisions.

The proposed outdoor experiment, called SCoPEx, is run by a Harvard
University research group, which stressed that the experiment does not
represent actual deployment of SAI. According to the Harvard team, the
physical risks posed by the amount of aerosols released during the SCoPEx
experiment will be hundreds of times less than during a transatlantic
flight of a commercial airliner. That said, the governance of SCoPEx will
likely set important precedents.

“As solar geoengineering moves from the lab to outdoor experiments, crucial
questions remain unanswered,” says Pasztor. “How does this experiment
acquire legitimacy from other scientists? Do civil society groups and the
public, including those located in the area of the experiment, have a say?
What are the ramifications for other proposed experiments in this country
or in other countries?”

So far, many governments and civil society organisations have shied away
from, or have not been aware of, the need to create governance for solar
geoengineering. A commonly voiced concern is that such a discussion could
distract society from the essential work of reducing carbon dioxide

But recent events suggest interest is growing. The US Congress held a
hearing on solar geoengineering research in 2017, and a spate of research
papers have prompted growing media interest. Other geoengineering ideas,
which may be nearing testing, include proposals to refreeze parts of the
arctic and to brighten clouds at sea.

“There’s no question we must accelerate efforts to rapidly reduce global
emissions, whilst at the same time remaining open to the possibility that
other approaches may also be needed if we are to limit some of the adverse
impacts of global warming”, said Mr Pasztor. “Public policy needs to
address very legitimate safety, human rights and accountability issues, as
well as concern for future generation. Getting this right is a challenge
that affects all humanity, and needs to be addressed through discussions
that include all sectors of society.”

C2G2 is working with governments, non-state actors and international
institutions to catalyse the development of rules and regulations to govern
solar geoengineering. “It’s critical the world addresses this issue as soon
as possible. We need international agreements to prevent any deployment of
solar geoengineering unless the risks and potential benefits are
sufficiently understood, and international governance frameworks are
agreed,” says Pasztor.

For more information, read the C2G2 approach here or write to Valerie
Novarina at vnovarina(at)c2g2(dot)net


*View original release

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