Paths toward decisions on solar geoengineering

*[image: Janos Pasztor][image: Kai Uwe Barani Schmidt]b**y Janos Pasztor
and Kai-Uwe Schmidt / April 25*

The absence of effective, comprehensive governance surrounding the research
and decision-making around the potential deployment of solar geoengineering
technologies (as part of the global risk management approach for climate
change) poses a critical risk to current and future generations.

This may seem a curious position given that as of this writing, the global
effort is on mobilizing mitigation action, and no large-scale international
effort to reflect back more solar radiation actually exists (beyond a few
models in a few laboratories).

But this situation could change more rapidly than we think. As climate
stresses increase, and if action to limit temperature rise by dramatically
reducing emissions and removing the accumulated carbon in the atmosphere
remain at today’s woefully inadequate level, a growing number of actors are
likely to suggest looking at these ideas, to potentially buy society some
breathing space.
C2G2 Top Priority

C2G2 will catalyse international agreements to help prevent the deployment
of solar geoengineering unless (i) the risks and potential benefits are
sufficiently understood, and (ii) international governance frameworks are

Late last year, Congressional leaders from both parties in US House of
Representatives—a body which in the last decade has opposed efforts to
mitigate human-caused climate change—held a hearing with a view to putting
solar geoengineering research firmly on the agenda.

As early as this year, Harvard University’s SCoPEx
<> experiment may move
research on stratospheric aerosol injection from the lab to the outdoors
for the first time. There is growing pressure to explore ways of protecting
or refreezing the Artic, to protect coral reefs, or to brighten clouds at

And there is the possibility that the world may—sooner than
expected—experience a climate tipping point so grave that public pressure
to “do something” becomes overwhelming.  Solar geoengineering could easily
find itself on the table as a possibility, as according to scientists this
is the only technology that could potentially reduce temperatures
sufficiently rapidly to avoid a lengthy overshoot of the 1.5-2°C
temperature rise goal, and potentially irreversible impacts related to it.

Insufficiently governed solar geoengineering could pose a lasting risk to
human well-being and security. As we wrote last year in Science
<>, “The world is heading
to an increasingly risky future and is unprepared to address the
institutional and governance challenges posed by these technologies.”

Furthermore, these technologies should not be deployed in isolation from
massive action on mitigation and removals. The globe faces a risk that
requires a holistic risk management approach that comprises informed action
on the cause and on the symptoms.

The bottom line is that decisions regarding any deployment of solar
geoengineering technologies should not be taken unless we know a lot more
about their risks and potential benefits, and about how we would govern

The question is where we would even begin to create that governance. What
are the appropriate bodies? Which fora would be most effective, and viewed
as most inclusive and legitimate by the world’s governments, since solar
geoengineering would affect every country in the world in one way or

The answer, it seems to us and others in the field, is that no one body or
process can handle this alone. In a multipolar world, the effective
governance of emerging technologies depends on engaging multiple actors,
processes and institutions, from the global to the local.

But we face an early, difficult challenge. Key actors are holding back from
essential discussions about the governance of solar geoengineering. There
are numerous reasons for this, including ‘moral hazard’
<> and a lack of awareness on the part of
decision-makers as to the risks and potential benefits.

To overcome this reluctance requires leaders ready to champion the
discussion of these issues, to share information and mobilise others.

We also need governments and institutions to develop the knowledge and
build the capacity necessary for informed decision-making: whatever the
final decisions may be.
Catalysing the learning process

[image: catalyzing the learning process]

To that end, we are building a network of actors — in intergovernmental
bodies, governments and civil society — who can spearhead global
discussions on governance of solar geoengineering, and prevent its
deployment unless (i) the risks and potential benefits are sufficiently
understood, and (ii) international governance frameworks are agreed.

More specifically, we are engaging with senior officials representing their
governments in intergovernmental processes, such as the UN Environment
Assembly (UNEA); the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; and the
Convention on Biological Diversity.  We are also planning to address
others, such as the OECD, G20, G7, Arctic Council, AU and EU.  In each
case, we are engaging with the intergovernmental secretariats of these
processes to seek their support.

One early outcome we aim to catalyse is a resolution by the UN Environment
Assembly in March 2019, which would begin to address solar geoengineering
governance within the context of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable
Development Goals.  The learning provided by the process leading to and
resulting from the UNEA resolution, as well as outcomes from activities in
different intergovernmental fora, would prepare governments step-by-step to
address the issue of governance in an increasingly comprehensive manner.

By 2022, we envisage that the UN General Assembly, the world’s most
universal and legitimate body, would be ready to actively consider this
issue, and we are planning activities in the coming years to prepare for
A potential timeline towards multilateral governance of geoengineering

[image: graphic: C2G2 potential timeline]

We will encourage countries to embrace our approach and governance
priorities. And we will work with civil society organizations, faith
groups, think tanks, humanitarian organizations, as well as sub-national
actors, to join the approach and contribute to the emergence of governance
of solar geoengineering.

None of this will be simple, but we need to start now.

Within a year, we may see the world’s first outdoor experiment on
stratospheric aerosol injection take place in the skies above Arizona, yet
for the most part governments are not addressing the profound questions
this poses.

If that doesn’t change, we may be in danger of events overtaking our
capacity to respond.

For more information, please read the summary of our approach
Please also take advantage on our online presentations
<> and material

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