*The top pinned tweet on the Naomi Wolf twitter feed shows a video of David 
Keith, which Wolf says has been referred to by Dane Wigington and his 
Geoengineering Watch.org site.  On one of the videos from this site 
Wigington mentions vaccination dangers and it turns out that Wigington has 
been on another video supporting (former Dr) Andrew Wakefield , the anti 
vaccination campainer who was struck off the UK medical register for 
maintaining that vaccination with MMR caused autism.   Large numbers of 
mothers believed Wakefields story about the supposed dangers of the MMR 
vaccine and failed to have their children vaccinated, with very significant 
damaging consequences for some children, included properly researched and 
documented epidemics and deaths.*

*If Naomi Wolf has properly reasoned concerns about the transparency of SRM 
research then she should make them without introducing  misleading 
controversy which she clearly has very little grasp about, and is relying 
on self appointed expertise by "investigators" whose opinions are 
themselves highly suspect.   *





On Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 7:14:52 PM UTC+1, Andrew Lockley wrote:
> This twitter fisticuffs between David Keith and Naomi Wolf is worth 
> looking at. She's a twitter-verified (62k), multi-bestselling author making 
> some utterly outlandish allegations against David and Gernot Wagner. David 
> comes back, quite rightly, stating that this kind of misinformation puts 
> him and his family's safety at risk. I couldn't agree with David more - 
> this stuff is bait for the unhinged, and scientists cannot ordinarily hide 
> their locations, afford close protection, or carry arms. 
> IANAL, but this would seem to be libel under UK law - although it's 
> unclear whether such an action could be brought in the UK. 
> Naomi asked me for an interview after I called her out; I'd appreciate 
> feedback on whether that's wise. 
> Andrew 
> Dr Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) tweeted at 5:21 am on Sun, Jun 10, 2018:
> "Don't blame the scientists"? My child has serious respiratory issues and 
> @DKeithClimate, @GernotWagner and @Harvard are spraying alumina and/or 
> sulphates, a pollutant, at tropospheric level -- WHICH WILL REACH US  -- to 
> "unknown environmental effect." This is a criminal act.
> (https://twitter.com/naomirwolf/status/1005666203975782400?s=03)

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