Poster's note: readers may wish to write to the journal, correcting the
various apparent factual mistakes in this article.

Making War on the PlanetGeoengineering and Capitalism's Creative
Destruction of the Earth
*by* John Bellamy Foster
(Sep 01, 2018)

Topics: Climate Change <>
 , Ecology <> , Marxist Ecology

 Places: Global <>
[image: Seeding clouds over the ocean]

Seeding clouds over the ocean. Photo credit: NPR, "Scientists Who Want To
Study Climate Engineering Shun Trump
(Pixza/Getty Images).

John Bellamy Foster is the editor of *Monthly Review* and a professor of
sociology at the University of Oregon.

This is a slightly revised version of an article published on July 24,
2018, on the website of *Science for the People* and on MR Online. It was
written for the Summer 2018 special issue on geoengineering of the new *Science
for the People*, announcing the magazine’s relaunch.

A short fuse is burning. At the present rate of global emissions, the world
is projected to reach the trillionth metric ton of cumulative carbon
emissions, breaking the global carbon budget, in less than two decades.1
<> This
would usher in a period of dangerous climate change that could well prove
irreversible, affecting the climate for centuries if not millennia. Even if
the entire world economy were to cease emitting carbon dioxide at the
present moment, the extra carbon already accumulated in the atmosphere
virtually guarantees that climate change will continue with damaging
effects to the human species and life in general. However, reaching the 2°C
increase in global average temperature guardrail, associated with a level
of carbon concentration in the environment of 450 ppm, would lead to a
qualitatively different condition. At that point, climate feedbacks would
increasingly come into play threatening to catapult global average
temperatures to 3°C or 4°C above preindustrial levels within this century,
in the lifetime of many individuals alive today. The situation is only made
more serious by the emission of other greenhouse gases, including methane
and nitrous oxide.

The enormous dangers that rapid climate change present to humanity as a
whole, and the inability of the existing capitalist political-economic
structure to address them, symbolized by the presence of Donald Trump in
the White House, have engendered a desperate search for technofixes in the
form of schemes for *geoengineering*, defined as massive, deliberate human
interventions to manipulate the entire climate or the planet as a whole.

Not only is geoengineering now being enthusiastically pushed by today’s
billionaire class, as represented by figures like Bill Gates and Richard
Branson; by environmental organizations such as the Environmental Defense
Fund and the Natural Resources Defense Council; by think tanks like the
Breakthrough Institute and Climate Code Red; and by fossil-fuel
corporations like Exxon Mobil and Shell—it is also being actively pursued
by the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and
Russia. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has
incorporated negative emissions strategies based on geoengineering (in the
form of Bio-energy with Carbon Capture and Storage, or BECCS) into nearly
all of its climate models. Even some figures on the political left (where
“accelerationist” ideas have recently taken hold in some quarters) have
grabbed uncritically onto geoengineering as a *deus ex machina*—a way of
defending an ecomodernist economic and technological strategy—as witnessed
by a number of contributions to *Jacobin* magazine’s Summer 2017 *Earth,
Wind, and Fire* issue.2

If the Earth System is to avoid 450 ppm of carbon concentration in the
atmosphere and is to return to the Holocene average of 350 ppm, some
negative emissions by technological means, and hence geoengineering on at
least a limited scale, will be required, according to leading climatologist
James Hansen.3
<> Hansen’s
strategy, however, like most others, remains based on the current system,
that is, it excludes the possibility of a full-scale ecological revolution,
involving the self-mobilization of the population around production and
consumption. What remains certain is that any attempt to implement
geoengineering (even in the form of technological schemes for carbon
removal) as the dominant strategy for addressing global warming,
subordinated to the ends of capital accumulation, would prove fatal to
humanity. The costs of such action, the burden it would put on future
generations, and the dangers to living species, including our own, are so
great that the only rational course is a *long ecological revolution* aimed
at the most rapid possible reduction in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gas emissions, coupled with an emphasis on agroecology and restoration of
global ecosystems, including forests, to absorb carbon dioxide.4
<> This
would need to be accompanied by a far-reaching reconstitution of society at
large, aimed at the reinstitution on a higher level of collective and
egalitarian practices that were undermined by the rise of capitalism.
Geoengineering the Planet Under the Regime of Fossil Capital

Geoengineering as an idea dates back to the period of the first discoveries
of rapid anthropogenic climate change. Beginning in the early 1960s, the
Soviet Union’s (and at that time the world’s) leading climatologist,
Mikhail Budyko, was the first to issue a number of warnings on the
inevitably of *accelerated global climate change* in the case of industrial
systems based on the burning of fossil fuels.5
<> Although
anthropogenic climate change had long been recognized, what was new was the
discovery of major climate feedbacks such as the melting of Arctic ice and
the disruption of the albedo effect as reflective white ice was replaced
with blue seawater, increasing the amount of solar radiation absorbed by
the planet and ratcheting up global average temperature. In 1974, Budyko
offered, as a possible solution to climate change, the use of high-flying
planes to release sulfur particles (forming sulfate aerosols) into the
stratosphere. This was meant to mimic the role played by volcanic action in
propelling sulfur into the atmosphere, thus creating a partial barrier,
limiting incoming solar radiation. The rationale he offered was that
capitalist economies, in particular, would not be able to curtail
capital-accumulation-based growth, energy use, and emissions, despite the
danger to the climate.6
technological alternatives to stabilize the climate would have to be
explored. But it was not until 1977 when the Italian physicist Cesare
Marchetti proposed a scheme for capturing carbon dioxide emissions from
electrical power plants and using pipes to sequester them in the ocean
depths that the word “geoengineering” itself was to appear.7

Budyko’s pioneering proposal to use sulfur particles to block a part of the
sun’s rays, now known as “stratospheric aerosol injection,” and Marchetti’s
early notion of capturing and sequestering carbon in the ocean, stand for
the two main general approaches to geoengineering—respectively, solar
radiation management (SRM) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR). SRM is
designed to limit the solar radiation reaching the earth. CDR seeks to
capture and remove carbon to decrease the amount entering the atmosphere.

Besides stratospheric aerosol injection, first proposed by Budyko, another
approach to SRM that has gained influential adherents in recent years is
marine cloud brightening. This would involve cooling the earth by modifying
low-lying, stratocumulus clouds covering around a third of the ocean,
making them more reflective. In the standard scenario, a special fleet of
1,500 unmanned, satellite-controlled ships would roam the ocean spraying
submicron drops of seawater in the air, which would evaporate leaving salty
residues. These bright salt particles would reflect incoming solar
radiation. They would also act as cloud condensation nuclei, increasing the
surface area of the clouds, with the result that more solar radiation would
be reflected.

Both stratospheric aerosol injection and marine cloud brightening are
widely criticized as posing enormous hazards on top of climate change
itself, while simply addressing the symptoms not the cause of climate
change. Stratospheric aerosol injection—to be delivered to the stratosphere
by means of hoses, cannons, balloons, or planes—would alter the global
hydrological cycle with enormous unpredictable effects, likely leading to
massive droughts in major regions of the planet. It is feared that it could
shut down the Indian monsoon system disrupting agriculture for as many as 2
billion people.8
<> There
are also worries that it might affect photosynthesis and crop production
over much of the globe.9
<> The
injection of sulfur particles into the atmosphere could contribute to
depletion of the ozone layer.10
<> Much
of the extra sulfur would end up dropping to the earth, leading to acid
<> Most
worrisome of all, stratospheric aerosol injection would have to be repeated
year after year. At termination the rise in temperature associated with
additional carbon buildup would come almost at once with world temperature
conceivably rising by 2–3°C in a decade—a phenomenon referred to as the
“termination problem.”12

As with stratospheric aerosol injection, marine cloud brightening would
drastically affect the hydrological cycle in unpredictable ways. For
example, it could generate a severe drought in the Amazon, drying up the
world’s most vital terrestrial ecosystem with incalculable and catastrophic
effects for Earth System stability.13
<> Many
of the dangers of cloud brightening are similar to those of stratospheric
aerosol depletion. Like other forms of SRM, it would do nothing to stop
ocean acidification caused by rising carbon dioxide levels.

The first form of CDR to attract significant attention from economic
interests and investors was the idea of fertilizing the ocean with iron,
thereby boosting the growth of phytoplankton so as to promote greater ocean
uptake of carbon. There have been a dozen experiments in this area and the
difficulties attending this scheme have proven to be legion. The effects on
the ecological cycles of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and a host of other
marine species all the way up to whales at the top of the food chain are
indeterminate. Although some parts of the ocean would become greener due to
the additional iron, other parts would become bluer, more devoid of life,
because they would be deprived of the nutrients—nitrate, phosphorus, and
silica—needed for growth.14
suggests that the vast portion of the carbon taken in by the ocean would
stay on the surface or the intermediate levels of the ocean, with only a
tiny part entering the ocean depths, where it would be naturally

Among the various CDR schemas, it is BECCS, because of its promise of
negative emissions, which today is attracting the most support. This is
because it seems to allow nations to overshoot climate targets on the basis
that the carbon can be removed from the atmosphere decades later. Although
BECCS exists at present largely as an untested computer model, it is now
incorporated into almost all climate models utilized by the IPCC.16
<> As
modeled, BECCS would burn cultivated crops in order to generate
electricity, with the capture and underground storage of the resulting
carbon dioxide. In theory, since plant crops can be seen as carbon
neutral—taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then eventually
releasing it again—BECCS, by burning biomass and then capturing and
sequestering the resulting carbon emissions, would be a means of generating
electricity while at the same time resulting in a net reduction of
atmospheric carbon.

BECCS, however, comes into question the moment one moves from the abstract
to the concrete. The IPCC’s median-level models are projected to remove 630
gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, around two thirds of the
total emitted between the Industrial Revolution and 2011.17
<> This
would occur on vast crop plantations to be run by agribusiness. To remove a
trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as envisioned in the
more ambitious scenarios would take up a land twice the size of India (or
equal to Australia), about half as much land as currently farmed globally,
requiring a supply of freshwater equal to current total global agricultural
costs of implementing BECCS on the imagined scales have been estimated by
climatologist James Hansen—who critically notes that negative emissions
have “spread like a cancer” in the IPCC climate models—to be on the order
of hundreds of trillions of dollars, with “minimal estimated costs” ranging
as high as $570 trillion this century.19
<> The
effects of BECCS—used as a primary mechanism and designed to avoid
confrontation with the present system of production—would therefore be a
massive displacement of small farmers and global food production.

Moreover, the notion that the forms of large-scale, commercial agricultural
production presumed in BECCS models would be carbon neutral and would thus
result in negative emissions with sequestration has been shown to be
exaggerated or false when the larger effects on global land use are taken
into account. BECCS crop cultivation is expected to take place on vast
monoculture plantations, displacing other forms of land use. Yet,
biologically diverse ecosystems have substantially higher rates of carbon
sequestration in soil and biomass than does monocrop agriculture.20
<> An
alternative to BECCS in promoting carbon sequestration would be to promote
massive, planetary ecological restoration, including reforestation,
together with the promotion of agroecology modeled on traditional forms of
agriculture organized around nutrient recycling and improved soil
management methods.21
<> This
would avoid the metabolic rift associated with agribusiness monocultures,
which are less efficient both in terms of food production per hectare and
carbon sequestration.

Another commonly advocated technofix, carbon capture and sequestration
(CCS), is not strictly a form of geoengineering since it is directed at
capturing and sequestering carbon emissions of particular electrical
plants, such as coal-fired power plants. However, the promotion of a CCS
infrastructure on a planetary scale as a means of addressing climate
change—thereby skirting the necessity of an ecological revolution in
production and consumption—is best seen as a form of planetary
geoengineering due to its immense projected economic and ecological scale.
Although CCS would theoretically allow the burning of fossil fuels from
electrical power plants with no carbon emissions into the atmosphere, the
scale and the costs of CCS operations are prohibitive. As Clive Hamilton
writes in *Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering*, CCS
for a single “standard-sized 1,000 megawatt coal-fired plant….would need 30
kilometers of air-sucking machinery and six chemical plants, with a
footprint of 6 square kilometers.”22
<> Energy
expert Vaclav Smil has calculated that, “in order to sequester just a fifth
of current [2010] CO2 emissions we would have to create an entirely new
worldwide absorption-gathering-compression-transportation-storage industry
whose annual throughput would have to be about 70 percent larger than the
annual volume now handled by the global crude oil industry, whose immense
infrastructure of wells, pipelines, compressor stations and storage took
generations to build.”23
<> Capturing
and sequestering current U.S. carbon dioxide emissions would require 130
billion tons of water per year, equal to about half the annual flow of the
Columbia River. This new gigantic infrastructure would be placed on top of
the current fossil fuel infrastructure—all in order to allow for the
continued burning of fossil fuels.24
A Planetary Precautionary Principle for the Anthropocene

If today’s planetary ecological emergency is a product of centuries of war
on the planet as a mechanism of capital accumulation, fossil-capital
generated geoengineering schemes can be seen as gargantuan projects for
keeping the system going by carrying this war to its ultimate level.
Geoengineering under the present regime of accumulation has the sole
objective of keeping the status quo intact—neither disturbing the dominant
relations of capitalist production nor even seeking so much as to overturn
the fossil-fuel industry with which capital is deeply intertwined. Profits,
production, and overcoming energy poverty in the poorer parts of the world
thus become justifications for keeping the present fossil-capital system
going, maintaining at all cost the existing capitalist environmental
regime. The Promethean mentality behind this is well captured by a question
that Rex Tillerson then CEO of Exxon Mobil Corporation asked—without a
trace of irony—at an annual shareholders meeting in 2013: “What good is it
to save the planet if humanity suffers?”25

The whole history of ecological crisis leading up the present planetary
emergency, punctuated by numerous disasters—from the near total destruction
of the ozone layer, to nutrient loading and the spread of dead zones in the
ocean, to climate change itself—serves to highlight the march of folly
associated with any attempt to engineer the entire planet. The complexity
of the Earth System guarantees that enormous unforeseen consequences would
emerge. As Frederick Engels warned in the nineteenth century, “Let us
not…flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over
nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us. Each victory,
it is true, in the first place brings about the results we expected, but in
the second and third places it has quite different, unforeseen effects
which only too often cancel the first.”26

In the face of uncertainty, coupled with an extremely high likelihood of
inflicting incalculable harm on the Earth System, it is essential to invoke
what is known as the Precautionary Principle whenever the question of
planetary geoengineering is raised. As ecological economist Paul Burkett
has explained, the strong version of the Precautionary Principle,
necessarily encompasses the following:

(1) The *Precautionary Principle Proper*, which says that if an action
*may *cause serious harm, there is a case for counteracting measures to
ensure that the action does not take place.

(2) The *Principle of Reverse Onus*, under which it is the responsibility
of those supporting an action to show that it is not seriously harmful,
thereby shifting the burden of proof off those potentially harmed by the
action (e.g. the general population and other species occupying the
environment). In short, it is safety, rather than potential harm, that
needs to be demonstrated.

(3) The *Principle of Alternative Assessment*, stipulating that no
potentially harmful action will be undertaken if there are alternative
actions available that safely achieve the same goals as the action proposed.

(4) All societal deliberations bearing on the application of features 1
through 3 must be open, informed, and democratic, and must include all
affected parties.27

It is clear that geoengineering promoted in a context of a capitalist
regime of maximum accumulation would be ruled out completely by a strong
Precautionary Principle based on each of the criteria listed above. There
is a near certainty of extreme damage to the human species as a whole
arising from all of the major geoengineering proposals. If the onus were
placed on status quo proponents of capitalist geoengineering to demonstrate
that great harm to the planet as a place of human habitation would not be
inflicted, such proposals would fail the test. Since the alternative of not
burning fossil fuels and promoting alternative forms of energy is entirely
feasible, while planetary geoengineering carries with it immense added
dangers for the Earth System as a whole, such a technofix as a primary
means of checking global warming would be excluded by that criterion, too.
Finally, geoengineering under the present economic and social system
invariably involves some entity from the power structure—a single
multi-billionaire, a corporation, a government, or an international
organization—implementing such action ostensibly on behalf of humanity as a
whole, while leaving most affected parties worldwide out of the
decision-making process, with hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of
people paying the environmental costs, often with their lives. In short,
geoengineering, particularly if subordinated to the capital accumulation
process, violates the most sacred version of the Precautionary Principle,
dating back to antiquity: *First Do No Harm*.
Eco-Revolution as the Only Alternative

As an extension of the current war on the planet, a regime of climate
geoengineering designed to keep the present mode of production going is
sharply opposed to the view enunciated by Barry Commoner in 1992 in *Making
Peace with the Planet*, where he wrote: “If the environment is polluted and
the economy is sick, the virus that causes both will be found in the system
of production.”28
<> There
can be no doubt today that it is the present mode of production,
particularly the system of fossil capital, that needs to change on a global
scale. In order to stop climate change, the world economy must quickly
shift to zero net carbon dioxide emissions. This is well within reach with
a concerted effort by human society as a whole utilizing already existing
sustainable technological means—particularly when coupled with necessary
changes in social organization to reduce the colossal waste of resources
and lives that is built into the current alienated system of production.
Such changes could not simply be implemented from the top by elites, but
rather would require the self-mobilization of the population, inspired by
the revolutionary actions of youth aimed at egalitarian, ecological,
collective, and socialized solutions—recognizing that it is the world that
they will inherit that is most at stake.

Today’s necessary ecological revolution would include for starters: (1) an
emergency moratorium on economic growth in the rich countries coupled with
downward redistribution of income and wealth; (2) radical reductions in
greenhouse gas emissions; (3) rapid phase-out of the entire fossil fuel
energy structure; (4) substitution of an alternative energy infrastructure
based on sustainable alternatives such as solar and wind power and rooted
in local control; (5) massive cuts in military spending with the freed-up
economic surplus to be used for ecological conversion; (6) promotion of
circular economies and zero-waste systems to decrease the throughput of
energy and resources; (7) building effective public transportation,
together with measures to decrease dependence on the private automobile;
(8) restoration of global ecosystems in line with local, including
indigenous, communities; (9) transformation of destructive, energy-and
chemical-intensive agribusiness-monocultural production into agroecology,
based on sustainable small farms and peasant cultivation with their greater
productivity of food per acre; (10) institution of strong controls on the
emission of toxic chemicals; (11) prohibition of the privatization of
freshwater resources; (12) imposition of strong, human-community-based
management of the ocean commons geared to sustainability; (13) institution
of dramatic new measures to protect endangered species; (14) strict limits
imposed on excessive and destructive consumer marketing by corporations;
(15) reorganization of production to break down current commodity chains
geared to rapacious accumulation and the philosophy of *après moi le déluge*;
and (16) the development of more rational, equitable, less wasteful, and
more collective forms of production.29

Priority in such an eco-revolution would need to be given to the fastest
imaginable elimination of fossil fuel emissions, but this would in turn
require fundamental changes in the human relationship to the earth and in
the relationship of human beings to each other. A new emphasis would have
to be placed on sustainable human development and the creation of an
organic system of social metabolic reproduction. Centuries of exploitation
and expropriation, including divisions on the basis of class, gender, race,
and ethnicity, would have to be transcended. The historical logic posed by
current conditions thus points to the necessity of a long ecological
revolution, putting into place a new system of sustainable human
development aimed at addressing the totality of needs of human beings as
both natural and social beings: what is now called *ecosocialism*.

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