Poster's note : not the ramping required for a run up to deployment. Wonder
how CDR is going to compare?

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November 13, 2018

*By Ella Necheles, Lizzie Burns, and David Keith*
Our Project

As the visibility of solar geoengineering research grows, we thought it
would be useful to provide a publicly accessible record of the solar
geoengineering projects that have been funded over the past ten years.

How one defines a solar geoengineering “project,” however, is not
straightforward. With a diverse range of efforts having taken place, there
are numerous approaches that one could take.

For our purposes, we used the following definition to focus our scope. We
realize, however, that this does not encompass every solar geoengineering
effort that has been undertaken to date. Furthermore, we recognize that
many solar geoengineering efforts have not even been funded, but rather
have been conducted voluntarily. As one researcher explained: “Nobody
supports me for GeoMIP. I do all of that on nights and weekends.”

Therefore, while the criteria below provided a scope for our project, it
did not capture every effort that has been dedicated to solar
geoengineering to date. For our project:

   - *Funding*: The project received at least $100,000 USD in funding for
   efforts focused on solar geoengineering (or albedo modification, solar
   radiation management, and other terms)
   - *Outputs*: The project’s major outputs (papers, reports, conferences,
   workshops, etc.) included a significant solar geoengineering focus
   - *Type*: The project focused on research, advocacy, policy, governance,
   public engagement, or other related topics
   - *Duration*: The project took place between 2008 to 2018

Within this framework, we collected information about the projects’
missions, scope of work, locations, funders, and funding levels wherever
possible. We then identified several key trends from this data set,
including analysis of the geographic locations of projects, the focuses of
projects, and the funding sources for projects.

We hope that this information establishes a deeper understanding of the
current and past state of solar geoengineering, and improves communication
across projects.

*(N.B. For those new to the topic, no project has or is currently deploying
solar geoengineering. Rather, projects have or are focusing on research,
advocacy, governance, policy, public engagement, and other topics, as
described above.)*
Our Process

This project built upon earlier estimates of funding for solar
geoengineering, such as the 2013 list cultivated by Andy Parker and David
the 2013 list by Open Philanthropy
To update these lists, many researchers and advocates in the field provided
firsthand information about their projects. We thank them for their
engagement in this process.

*Note: This list is very much a work in progress. We anticipate that
omissions or errors remain. To fix these errors and ensure that the list
can best serve its intended purpose as a resource, we encourage input from
the community. Please email Lizzie Burns with any edits or additions
(eburns [at] <>).*
Our Results

A list of projects, their locations, their funding levels, and start and
end dates is shown below. For more detailed information on each project
(including funders, project type and focus, funding type, and lead
institute), please see this document

[image: Summary Results]
*Some projects received funding from other projects on this list. We made
sure to avoid double counting when estimating totals. For example:

   - IASS provided $177,840 to EuTRACE, $140,400 to CEMICS, and $50,310 to
   CEMICS2. These amounts have been excluded from the IASS funding total but
   have added in the EuTRACE, CEMICS, and CEMICS2 funding totals.
   - FICER provided $100,000 to SRMGI and $150,000 to MCB. These amounts
   have been excluded from the FICER funding total but have been added to the
   SRMGI and MCB funding totals. Additionally, the FICER estimate assumes that
   approximately 70% of total FICER funding supported solar geoengineering
   research. This 70% estimate is listed in the table, and was provided by
   David Keith.
   - SRMGI provided $450,000 to DECIMALS and received $100k from FICER. The
   total SRMGI amount listed excludes the DECIMALS funding but includes the
   FICER funding.


Several interesting patterns emerged from this data set. However, given the
data set’s small size and incomplete nature (including the missing
volunteer work), we do not believe these patterns represent a thorough
analysis of the trends in solar geoengineering research and advocacy. We
merely highlight them below in case they prove useful.

Overall, the total amount of global funding supporting solar geoengineering
research and advocacy has been rather minimal, particularly when compared
to the total amount of funding that has supported other climate related
research and advocacy efforts since 2008. That said, solar geoengineering
funding has increased gradually over the last decade (except for 2015 and
2016, when there was a slight decline). For example, in 2008, there was a
little more than $1 million in solar geoengineering funding, and in 2018
there was a little more than $8 million in funding.

[image: Total Global Funding]

Looking closer at the geographic distribution, the US, UK, and Germany have
hosted the majority of solar geoengineering projects over the past decade.
In Germany, funding has supported numerous projects since 2012 and 2013,
and that funding has stayed rather constant over time; in the US, there has
been a gradual increase in funding from 2008 to 2016, and then a spike in
2016 (largely due to Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program and
the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative); and in the UK,
we see an opposite trend, where there was some funding towards the
beginning to middle of the period in question, but then a decline in recent

[image: Country Level Funding]

Various other countries, such as China and Japan, also host large
geoengineering projects. Still, there are regions that have had little to
no engagement in solar geoengineering research or advocacy. For example,
South America and Africa both lack countries with significant solar
geoengineering programs. Considering the large impacts that solar
geoengineering could have on regions within these continents (both in terms
of benefits and risks), it is essential
<> that these regions are
engaged moving forward. The DECIMALS Fund
<> was launched in 2018 to serve this
purpose, and aims to fund 7-8 projects in developing nations through 2020.

[image: Regional Funding]
In addition to geographic trends, we also analyzed the funding
sources. Over the decade in question, government funding swelled (reaching
its peak in 2014) before decreasing. Private funding remained constant
before increasing in 2016 (again, largely due to Harvard’s Solar
Geoengineering Research Program and the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering
Governance Initiative). And mixed sources funding (public and private)
remained such a small percentage of overall funds that its pattern is
difficult to trace.

[image: Funding Sources]

When we looked closer at funding sources by location, we noticed several
differences. In Europe and Asia, the government provided the majority of
funding, while in the US, the philanthropic sector provided a greater
amount of funding. The following table shows the approximate funding
amounts by location and funding type between 2008 and 2018:

[image: Funding Sources by Location]Lastly, over the last ten years,
funding support for interdisciplinary projects (focusing on both natural
and social sciences) has increased rather steadily over the decade.
Likewise, funding support for purely social science work has increased over
time, except for 2015 and 2016, when it experienced a decline. In
comparison, funding support for purely natural science research has
gradually increased and then decreased over time.

[image: Funding by Research Type]
Thank You

We would like to thank the many individuals who shared information about
their projects. If you notice any errors or omissions, please email Lizzie
Burns (eburns [at]

*Ella Necheles is a sophomore at Harvard College. Lizzie Burns
<> is the Program
Director for Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program. David Keith
<> is the Gordon McKay Professor of Applied
Physics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied
Sciences, and Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.*
Hosted on SGRP's website, the SGR Blog is independently managed by an
editorial board consisting of Holly Buck
<>, Peter Irvine
<>, Ben Kravitz
<>, Andy Parker
<>, and Gernot Wagner
<>, each representing his or her own personal views.
See our welcome post
a description of the blog's mission.

   - November 2018
   - October 2018
   - September 2018

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