To start, I agree completely with the bottom line that we must do as much as 
possible as fast as possible.
But my understanding of the carbon cycle is that the strength of the land and 
ocean sinks is driven by the cumulative amounts of carbon in the atmosphere, 
not the annual emissions.  Thus, if emissions dropped to zero, the current sink 
strength will decline slowly.  The result would be a multi-decadal period 
during which the land and ocean sink terms would be greater than the anthro 
additions, leading to a gradual decline in atmospheric carbon concentrations.
Of course, we have not run this thought experiment in the real world and we 
might be surprised.

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 11, 2019, at 8:16 AM, Kevin Lister 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Doug et al,

On point 2 below, "But people (well, mostly John Nissen) keep making the 
argument you’re making on the assumption that zero emissions = constant 
concentrations, which is simply not true."

Let me come to John's defence.

1. The correlation between cumulative emissions and atmospheric CO2 is 
effectively perfect with r^2=0.999, which is quite extraordinary. This strongly 
 implies that all the CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning  are still in the 
ecosystem. That obviously doesn't imply that all the CO2 from fossil fuel 
burning is in the atmosphere, but it does reasonably lead to the conclusion 
that all interconnected carbon sinks are filling equally, such as the the ocean 
surface, soils, and the atmosphere. Given that this perfect correlation has 
been unaffected by the rate of emissions, then it would further imply that the 
rate of permanent sequestration must been extremely slow, and effectively 
negligible compared to fossil fuel emissions.

2. The immediate upwards rise of atmospheric CO2 at the start of the industrial 
revolution further indicates that the rate of permanent CO2 sequestration is 
very slow. At this time emissions were a fraction of what they are today and 
the ecosystem was in a considerably more healthy state.

3. The saw tooth profile of the Vostok Ice Core shows the rate of permanent 
carbon sequestration to be slow and averaged over the last 4 inter-glacial 
cycles it is around 6.7E-4ppm/year, which is negligible compared with the rate 
of increase.

4. Even if zero carbon led to CO2 concentration reductions, the cooling effect 
would be too small due to the logarithmic relation between forcing and 

So the evidence would support that zero emissions=constant concentrations, at 
least on for any timescale that matters, The  things that matter to determine 
the timescale are the initiation of climate tipping points and points of 
irreversibly, beyond which climate and ecosystem recovery becomes impossible 
even with SRM interventions.  We have certainly past the points of initiation 
of tipping points, and will soon be past the points of irreversibly.

So it seems to me that from a pragmatic risk management perspective, we should 
assume that zero carbon=constant emissions, and plan accordingly, which means 
identifying interventions in the climate system that can lead to cooling and 
CDR, as well as forcing much deeper cuts in anthropocentric emissions.


On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 11:22 AM Douglas MacMartin 
<<>> wrote:

1.       So agree with you that if you want to accurately characterize the 
Paris agreement on this plot, the line should corresponding to that should only 
go to 2030 and then stop.  That is, not what you drew.  Also agree that I was 
wrong in my interpretation of what you meant by that line; I was misled by the 
fact that you’d continued the line out towards the right-hand end of the plot 
rather than ending it in 2030 like you intended.

2.       Agree that there is uncertainty associated with this, and uncertainty 
associated with nonlinearity in particular.  I generally go back to Cao and 
Caldeira 2010,, simply 
because Figure 1 has the nicest plot of the effect, but UVic is admittedly an 
old model with a lot missing and a questionable carbon cycle… but there is 
quite a bit of content on this in IPCC reports that would be good to digest 
before ignoring (that is, broadly the same behaviour is seen in current models, 
though again, I agree that there is potentially important physics missing from 
those models).  But people (well, mostly John Nissen) keep making the argument 
you’re making on the assumption that zero emissions = constant concentrations, 
which is simply not true.

3.       I think we agree that the choice is non-obvious, but I personally 
don’t think it is likely that <280ppm is going to be optimal, so I still don’t 
think it is particularly disingenuous to draw the line as it was.  (Besides, 
the axis was climate effects, presumably relative to some baseline, and if that 
baseline is preindustrial, then going below 280ppm is likely to increase 
climate damages in the opposite direction… but agree that I don’t know that, 
and that it would be wonderful to ever be in a situation where that question 

4.       I would never use the word “assertion” with regards to a schematic 
figure like that…  though as someone who uses (my own version) of this diagram 
frequently, I agree with you that when I talk about it I should be a bit more 
careful with regards to how I talk about where the SRM line goes.

(And yes, John’s napkin is the first I know of that diagram, I don’t know what 
paper that specific version came from, it looks nearly identical to the one 
that I typically use, but with different fonts.  I think I more or less copied 
the version I use from one that David Keith was using, so it is hardly 
surprising that plenty of us have our own independent but very similar 

From: Robert Tulip <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 9:35 PM
To: Douglas MacMartin <<>>; Andrew 
Lockley <<>>
Cc: Stephen Salter <<>>; 
Subject: Re: [geo] RE: [CDR] blog 28, Elon Musk vs regenerative development // 
Elon Musk vs le développement de régénération

Response to comments from Doug MacMartin and Andrew Lockley

“1.       Given that the Paris agreement commitments don’t actually tell you 
what’s going to happen towards even the middle of the century, drawing any line 
corresponding to those commitments is a guess, but regardless, it seems pretty 
remarkable to assert that no-one will *ever* cut emissions beyond what was 
agreed upon in Paris – that’s your hypothesis, and doesn’t reflect an 
“inaccurate” diagram.”

•         Sorry Doug, but you completely miss the point.  Under the Paris 
Accord, <~WRD147.jpg>Nationally Determined 
 have been made to 2030.  These indicate a cut of <10% in annual emission 
growth by 2030, from about 60 GTCO2e under BAU to 56.2 GT <~WRD147.jpg>(2016 
report page 
and still way above the current level.  Including that in the chart as I 
suggested would accurately reflect the marginal impact of current climate 
policy.  It does not in any way imply that emission reduction could not be more 
than has been already agreed under Paris, as shown with the “aggressive” line 
on the chart.  It might ratchet up, and economic forces might increase the cut 
to a still marginal 20%, but seeing the political reaction to efforts to make 
energy more expensive I am not holding my breath for more aggressive emission 

“2.       Mostly wrong… actually, if net emissions are zero, then once you’ve 
paid the price for removing tropospheric aerosol cooling, the residual 
committed warming is mostly balanced by the residual drawdown of CO2… obviously 
not going to be exact, and depends a lot on whether there are nonlinear tipping 
points, but zero emissions is NOT the same thing as constant-concentration 
commitment, so to first order the original diagram is more accurate than your 
amended one.”

•         Firstly, the line was not about “net zero emissions” (which include 
CDR) but about emission reduction alone, so your “balancing” argument is not 
relevant to what the graph asserts. Further to that, I would like to see the 
source for your argument about balancing.  Recent commentary I have read (eg 
from Kevin Lister) says the amplifying feedbacks from committed warming, seen 
in events such as the melting of the poles and burning of forests, mean that 
aggressive emission reduction alone cannot possibly cause the planetary 
temperature to flatline as you argue here.  Given the sensitivity to initial 
conditions seen in the orbital drivers of long term climate, your hypothesis of 
balancing by residual drawdown looks highly unlikely and risky when we leave in 
place a massive driver of 700 GT of extra carbon in the air with no CDR.

“3.       The version of this that John posted has CDR continuing all the way 
down towards zero but not below it, your version goes below zero effects, so 
I’m not clear on what your point is here…  Obvoiusly, that’s ultimately a 
choice where one stops.”

•         No, the choice of where to stop the line on CDR climate effect is far 
from obvious.  There is a widespread false assumption in much climate 
literature, including from IPCC, that net zero emissions constitutes a hard 
floor.  This assumption is reflected in how the original diagram shows a 
flattening as CDR effect approaches net zero climate effect.  Showing CDR 
effect extending below zero on the Y axis reflects the need to work out how to 
remove enough carbon to get back to 280 ppm, to restore Holocene planetary 
stability. Assuming the X time axis is linear here means that CDR objective 
requires the line going well below the zero point on the Y effect axis.  The 
misleading effect of the portrayal in the original diagram is to increase the 
imagined benefit of emission reduction and reduce the potential effect of 
carbon removal.

“4.       Sure… again, that’s a choice, that doesn’t reflect an inaccurate 
diagram, simply that the diagram doesn’t show the full range of possible policy 

•         But the problem is that the diagram falsely maximises the effect of 
currently promoted policies around decarbonisation while minimising the 
potential of geoengineering.  That policy bias is reflected in this assertion 
in the diagram that SRM could not reduce climate effect.

“5.       Well, unclear given that there are no units or scales on the 
qualitative y-axis.  Though RCP8.5, which is generally what people think of as 
BAU, does indeed result in roughly linear increase in temperature over time.  
Of course, the relationship between “effects” and temperature aren’t clear.”

•         The difference between exponential and linear effects under BAU is 
minor, even though an exponential line showing amplified feedback would better 
emphasise the catastrophic risk.  Happy to focus on the other lines which 
appear to have major politically inspired material errors.

On Andrew Lockley’s comments, <~WRD147.jpg>Shepherd’s Napkin 
shows a rough sketch that I would have hoped could have been made more accurate 
over the decade since it was published.  Unfortunately, it looks like the 
updated version of the Shepherd diagram reflects the ongoing domination of 
politics over science within climate advocacy, so it has not been properly 
revised to reflect accurate scientific information.

Robert Tulip

On Thursday, 11 July 2019, 02:24:42 am AEST, Andrew Lockley 
<<>> wrote:

To give credit where credit's due, this was originally Shepherds famous napkin 
diagram. The srm line has been adjusted somewhat, however. I don't think that 
Doug's claims regarding Paris Commitments not conceivably being exceeded is 
supported empirically. Swansons law suggests very steep falls in the cost of 
energy by mid century, perhaps low single figure percentages of current costs. 
It would be implausible if large-scale use of fossil fuels would continue when 
renewable energy was one or two orders of magnitude cheaper

On Wed, 10 Jul 2019, 17:12 Douglas MacMartin, 
<<>> wrote:


1.       Given that the Paris agreement commitments don’t actually tell you 
what’s going to happen towards even the middle of the century, drawing any line 
corresponding to those commitments is a guess, but regardless, it seems pretty 
remarkable to assert that no-one will *ever* cut emissions beyond what was 
agreed upon in Paris – that’s your hypothesis, and doesn’t reflect an 
“inaccurate” diagram.

2.       Mostly wrong… actually, if net emissions are zero, then once you’ve 
paid the price for removing tropospheric aerosol cooling, the residual 
committed warming is mostly balanced by the residual drawdown of CO2… obviously 
not going to be exact, and depends a lot on whether there are nonlinear tipping 
points, but zero emissions is NOT the same thing as constant-concentration 
commitment, so to first order the original diagram is more accurate than your 
amended one.

3.       The version of this that John posted has CDR continuing all the way 
down towards zero but not below it, your version goes below zero effects, so 
I’m not clear on what your point is here…  Obvoiusly, that’s ultimately a 
choice where one stops.

4.       Sure… again, that’s a choice, that doesn’t reflect an inaccurate 
diagram, simply that the diagram doesn’t show the full range of possible policy 

5.       Well, unclear given that there are no units or scales on the 
qualitative y-axis.  Though RCP8.5, which is generally what people think of as 
BAU, does indeed result in roughly linear increase in temperature over time.  
Of course, the relationship between “effects” and temperature aren’t clear.

Bottom line, it is completely inaccurate for you to refer to this conceptual 
diagram as being inaccurate or containing major errors.  It is perfectly 
accurate to observe that none of the lines on the diagram are immutable.  But 
given that there are no units, that’s hardly a criticism…

From: 'Robert Tulip' via geoengineering 
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: [geo] RE: [CDR] blog 28, Elon Musk vs regenerative development // 
Elon Musk vs le développement de régénération

Further to the needed corrections mentioned by John Gorman, Stephen Salter 
correctly points out that this diagram is inaccurate.  It actually embeds a 
series of major myths in climate politics.  I read Error! Filename not 
specified.<~WRD147.jpg>Benoit Lambert's link 
 but did not find the chart there.

Here is a revised version of the chart.  It shows that every line of the 
previous version contains major error with strong potential to mislead decision 
makers and the public.

1. Full implementation of current Paris commitments (added) would only have 
small marginal effect on Business as usual,

2. Aggressive emission cuts do nothing about committed warming from past 
emissions, so do not flatline the climate effect

3. CO2 removal continues below the farcical imaginary floor of zero effect

4. Solar radiation management can produce net negative radiative forcing.

5.  The BAU line (not changed here) should show ongoing exponential growth 
rather than the shown linear increase.

Robert Tulip

Error! Filename not specified.

On Wednesday, 10 July 2019, 07:46:59 pm AEST, Stephen Salter 
<<>> wrote:

Hi All

Zero emissions do not immediately mean zero temperature rises, especially if we 
have passed tipping points.


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On 10/07/2019 09:35, john gorman wrote:

This diagram from the paper says it all in my opinion, and simply!!

With, of course some variation in angles. Eg SRM could be angled down and I 
don’t believe cutting emissions will ever result in zero emissions.

Good realistic paper!

John gorman

From: Benoit Lambert<>
Sent: 09 July 2019 18:39
To: Carbon Dioxide Removal<>
Subject: [CDR] blog 28, Elon Musk vs regenerative development // Elon Musk vs 
le développement de régénération

blog 28, Elon Musk vs regenerative development // Elon Musk vs le développement 
de régénération

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