Yes, keep in mind it took Al Gore nearly 20 years to accept that climate
*adaptation* was not a "form of laziness" (as he wrote in 1992) and has to
be pursued as vigorously as CO2 mitigation.
Wrote on this in Nat Geo:

Not surprised it will take longer for him to be more nuanced on SRM - at
least on examining it carefully.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 12:03 PM E Durbrow <> wrote:

> So there is a TED interview with Al Gore. His response (rant?) on climate
> engineering (he seems to mean SRM but also marine climate interventions)
> begins at minute 27. But do keep listening to the interview for the next
> 10min. The interview, Chris Anderson, pushes back and tries to see if Gore
> has a more nuanced view on climate engineering. He doesn’t. Note: he
> doesn't approve of even research.
> Me: The interviewer seems to me more rational about climate intervention
> than his interviewee. He calls for an adult conversation after Gore's rant.
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