Op-Ed: On the climate crisis, delay has become the new form of denial

OCT. 31, 2021 3:15 AM PT

Whether it’s the apocalyptic wildfires that once again ravaged California
the West this summer, a heat dome
<> over
the Pacific Northwest that made parts of Canada feel like Phoenix on the
Fourth of July or the devastating floods
my state of Pennsylvania after Hurricane Ida dumped months’ worth of
rainfall in a few hours, it is clear that dangerous climate change is upon

One can no longer credibly deny that climate change is real, human-caused,
and a threat to our civilization. That means that the forces of inaction —
the fossil fuel interests and the front groups, organizations and
mouthpieces-for-hire they fund — have been forced to turn to other tactics
their effort to keep us dependent on fossil fuels.

These tactics include deflection
<> (focusing
attention entirely on individual behavioral change so as to steer the
societal discourse away from a discussion of the needed policies and
systematic changes), division
climate advocates fighting with each rather than speaking with a united
voice), and the promotion of doomism
some climate advocates that it’s too late to do anything anyway).

But the D-word du jour is delay. And we’ve become all too familiar with the
lexicon employed in its service: “adaptation,” “resilience,”
“carbon capture.” These words offer the soothing promise of action, but all
fail to address the scale of the problem.

Adaptation and resilience are important. We must cope with the detrimental
effects of climate change that are already baked in — coastal inundation
and worse droughts, floods and other dangerous weather events. But if we
fail to substantially reduce carbon emissions and stem the warming of the
planet, we will exceed our collective adaptive capacity as a civilization.

When fossil fuel-friendly
Sen. Marco Rubio tells Floridians
they must simply “adapt”
sea level rise (how? By growing fins and gills?), he’s trying to sound as
if he’s got a meaningful solution when, in fact, he’s offering only empty
rhetoric and a license for polluters to continue with business as usual.
It’s a delay tactic.

What about geoengineering? Should we engage in an enormous, unprecedented
and uncontrolled experiment to further intervene with our planetary
environment by, for example, shooting sulfur particulates into the
stratosphere <> to block
out the sun in hopes of somehow offsetting the warming effect of increasing
carbon pollution?

The law of unintended consequences almost certainly ensures that we will screw
up the planet
more. The idea of geoengineering also grants license for continued carbon
pollution. There’s a reason Rex Tillerson, former ExxonMobil CEO and Donald
Trump’s secretary of State, has dismissed
climate crisis as simply an “engineering problem.” If we can simply clean
up our act down the road, why not continue to burn fossil fuels? This, too,
is a delay tactic — one that buys time for polluters to continue to make
billions in profits as we mortgage the future habitability of the planet.

And what about “carbon capture” and the promise of “net zero” emissions by
mid-century? Reaching zero emissions by 2050 will indeed be necessary
<> to avert catastrophic planetary warming of more
than 1.5 degrees Celsius. But it is hardly sufficient. We must also cut
emissions in half by 2030 to hold warming below the danger limit of 1.5
degrees Celsius. Merely committing to the former, but not the latter, is
like making a New Year’s resolution to lose 15 pounds without any plan to
alter your diet and exercise regimen in the months ahead.

Furthermore, understand that the “net” in “net zero” is doing quite a bit
of work, for implicit in the word is the notion that we can continue to
burn fossil fuels if we can find a way to remove them just as quickly. To
quote Will Smith’s Genie in the movie “Aladdin,” there’s “a lot of gray
area” in that word. It allows politicians to make vague promises of
technological innovation, i.e., carbon capture, that would potentially
remove billions of tons of carbon dioxide a year from the atmosphere in the
future. Yet there is no precedent for deploying such technology on such a
massive scale.

It’s really easy to put carbon pollution into the atmosphere but really
hard to take it back out and safely bury it for the long term. Nonetheless,
the promise of carbon capture and net zero emissions decades from now
allows politicians to kick the can so far down the road you can barely see
it. That’s another masterful delay tactic.

Look no further than Australia, a country that deserves better than the
feckless coalition government that currently reigns. The parties there have
reluctantly and conditionally
only to the weak commitment of net zero emissions by mid-century. And their
commitment to reduce carbon emission by a paltry 26% to 28%
<>by 2030 is half what
other industrialized nations such as the U.S., Britain and the European
Union have committed to.

A newly released report based on leaked documents shows that the Australian
government sought to water down
upcoming U.N. climate recommendation to phase out coal- and gas-fired power
stations. Saudi Arabia and Russia — two countries that have worked to
<> sabotage
international climate action in the past — have made a mockery of the
current climate negotiations by agreeing only to a laughably delinquent
<> 2060 date for
reaching net zero emissions.

Even countries that have made bold commitments are still suffering from an
“implementation gap” that must be closed, a disconnect between what they’ve
promised and what they’re currently delivering. The Biden administration is
currently hampered by Sen. Joe Manchin, a coal-state Democrat
stands in the way of the administration’s clean energy agenda. The E.U. and
Britain, meanwhile, are flirting with
oil and gas pipelines even as the International Energy Agency has said
there can be no new fossil fuel development
we are to avert catastrophic warming.

The U.N. climate summit in Glasgow can still lay out a path forward
if a narrow one, to a livable clean energy future. But we cannot afford to
fall victim to delay tactics. We must hold our policymakers accountable for
representing the public interest rather than polluting interests. This is
the last best opportunity for averting climate disaster.

*Michael E. Mann is distinguished professor of atmospheric science and
director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University. He is
the author, most recently, of “The New Climate War
The Fight to Take Back our Planet.”*

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