Reef experiment set to answer big reef restoration questions

[image: diver adjusting equipment on structure on coral reef]
16 December 2021

Scientists have selectively shaded bleached corals on the Great Barrier
Reef – gaining critical in-field data to inform future large-scale
interventions that could help coral reefs become more resilient in the face
of climate change.

Last summer, following localised bleaching near Lizard Island, a science
team from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) installed three
levels of underwater shade structures over areas of bleaching coral
colonies experiencing heat stress.

The team returned to Lizard Island Research Station, in the far northern
Great Barrier Reef, in spring to survey the sites to see how recovery of
bleached colonies compared between the shaded and unshaded reef

The experiment is set to determine if reducing light intensity can help
corals survive severe heatwaves as well as answer other important reef
restoration questions.
A bleached coral waits to be shaded underneath a new structure designed to
test if reducing light intensity can help corals survive marine heatwaves.
Image: Grace Frank

AIMS coral ecophysiologist and project leader Dr Neal Cantin
<> said apart from water temperature,
there were three main drivers that raised the risk of coral mortality
during a heatwave: intense sunlight, water clarity and the speed of water
flow through the reef.

“If we can eliminate one of these main drivers of bleaching, such as
intense sunlight during peak heat wave conditions, we might be able to ease
the corals’ stress level enough to help reduce mortality,” he said.

“This shading experiment will provide critical information to tell us the
best way we can intervene and help corals survive future bleaching events.

“It’s allowing us to see in real-time, under real-world reef conditions,
how corals respond to these high stress periods.”
[image: square structure with shade cloth about coral reef]
The shading structures themselves are not being trialed as a solution - the
experiment will inform larger engineering approaches. Image: Grace Frank

The intention of the experiment is not to trial shade structures as an
intervention, but rather to inform the bigger engineering approaches to
reduce light on a larger scale, such as cloud brightening or fogging.

The cloud brightening intervention, led by Southern Cross University’s Dr
Dan Harrison, involves spraying trillions of nano-sized ocean salt crystals
into the air to reflect sunlight away from the ocean surface and cool coral

“Cloud brightening is one of the most promising interventions that could
potentially be applied to the entire Great Barrier Reef during a coral
bleaching event,” Dr Harrison said.

“This AIMS shading experiment is filling key knowledge gaps and providing
essential data to ensure the successful development and implementation of
cloud brightening.”
Shading corals in this experiment on Lizard Island fills important
knowledge gaps for larger scale shading projects. Image: Grace Frank

AIMS Research Program Director Dr Britta Schaffelke
<> said marine heatwaves were predicted to
become more intense and more frequent due to climate change.

“This means higher temperatures will last longer across greater areas of
the Reef, leading to more bleaching more often,” she said.

“If we can engineer approaches that can reduce the intensity of sunlight
over reefs during the peak summer periods that drive bleaching, we might be
able to reduce the bleaching related mortality.

“While reducing emissions is the most critical long-term solution to
protect coral reefs, restoration and adaptation initiatives can play a
significant role in protecting the reefs from the escalating effects of
climate change.”

The AIMS project is part of the Australian Government’s Reef Restoration
and Adaptation Program
<> with the
Great Barrier Reef Foundation – a program fast-tracking interventions to
help reefs resist, adapt and recover from the effects of climate change.

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