Poster's note: Twitter thread by Gideon Futerman (@GFuterman) You can check
the original tweets on this link:

Been thinking about solar geoengineering research lately and what might be
necessary for us to get it going, so here are a few thoughts. They are only
partially formed, so please don't take them as gospel, and I have
relatively low confidence in them myself.
1. We need to promote better and diverse narratives of why we have an
ethical obligation to carry out research. But, at least in the first
instance, make these accessable. Op-eds, talks, social media engagement.
2. Those in favour of research need to get better at crafting a compelling
social media message. The anti-research groups are much better than those
in favour of research. That's partially because the nuance required to make
a safe and just pro-research argument is hard to do...
In 240 characters, but if we worked at it, that should be possible.
Also, most pro-research tweets aren't particularly public facing, and
instead tend to be more academic.
Finally, I think more regular pro-research posting may be useful at
shifting the conversation.
3. We need to get better at being more proactive in our promotion of
research. Why isn't there content highlighting how #DontLookUp
<> shows the problem in not
having a suite of possible responses to a problem and time buying
Sure, this is getting better. The fictional consideration of geoengineering
is important for this, but we need to do more to hype the conversation up
more within the environmentalist community in particular. And we need to
find ways of communicating that engage with their values.
4. Let's start explicitly showing the difference between those who are
pro-research and anti-research. Let's not just respond to false claims of
being "geoengineering evangelists". Let's self identify more as explicitly
But here's the difficulty, because this may legitimise those in favour of
immediate and dangerous testing, or allow us to be strawmanned. So let's
identify with the cautious, rigorous and yet unapologetically pro research
as we were for the vaccine.
5. Finally, let's continue and amplify that in general an anti-research
position is a generally privelaged and often deeply ideological
perspective, and let's emphasise the massively negative consequences of
such a position. And also the positive vision of research.
6. But then we can't lose the nuance, can't increase moral hazard, can't
promote insensible research. It's tricky, and we can't ignore the sometimes
important points those against research make.
7. So if I were to have a new year resolution for those who are
pro-research, let's try and be more open about it, more active, more
engaging. Let's focus on narrative s that tell safe and compelling stories
about why research is necessary without...
Jeopardizing the safety of research and the critical scientific mindset.
It's hard, but this problem is necessary, and I have various plans in the
works as to what I will do to start building youth support for safe

• • •

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