a couple more papers on our side on regional SRM: 
- Quaas, J., Quaas, M.F., Boucher, O. and Rickels, W. (2016), Regional climate 
engineering by radiation management: Prerequisites and prospects. Earth's 
Future, 4: 618-625. [ https://doi.org/10.1002/2016EF000440 | 
https://doi.org/10.1002/2016EF000440 ] 
- Dipu, Sudhakar, Johannes Quaas, Martin Quaas, Wilfried Rickels, Johannes 
Mülmenstädt, and Olivier Boucher. 2021. "Substantial Climate Response outside 
the Target Area in an Idealized Experiment of Regional Radiation Management" 
Climate 9, no. 4: 66. [ https://doi.org/10.3390/cli9040066 | 
https://doi.org/10.3390/cli9040066 ] 
Maybe regional radiation management works better in some regions than in 
others. Where we tried, however, it wasn't so obvious that it would work. One 
has to hit the system quite hard to get a significant regional response. 

De: "Mike MacCracken" <mmacc...@comcast.net> 
À: rpbai...@gmail.com, "Clive Elsworth" <cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk> 
Cc: "Daphne Wysham" <dap...@methaneaction.org>, "H simmens" 
<hsimm...@gmail.com>, "John Nissen" <johnnissen2...@gmail.com>, "Robert Tulip" 
<rtulip2...@yahoo.com.au>, "geoengineering" <geoengineering@googlegroups.com>, 
"Planetary Restoration" <planetary-restorat...@googlegroups.com>, "Shaun 
Fitzgerald" <sd...@cam.ac.uk>, "Hugh.Hunt" <he...@cam.ac.uk>, 
<healthy-planet-action-coalit...@googlegroups.com>, "Andrew Lockley" 
Envoyé: Dimanche 30 Janvier 2022 16:45:18 
Objet: Re: [HCA-list] Re: [geo] Solar geoengineering: The case for an 
international non-use agreement 

And studies/analyses I've done a good bit back suggest the same thing. See 

MacCracken, M. C., H-J. Shin, K. Caldeira, and G. Ban-Weiss, 2013: Climate 
response to solar insolation reductions in high latitudes, Earth Systems 
Dynamics , 4 , 301-315, 2013; [ http://www.earth-syst-dynam.net/4/301/2013/ | 
www.earth-syst-dynam.net/4/301/2013/ ] ; doi:10.5194/esd-4-301-2013. 

MacCracken, M. C., 2016: The rationale for accelerating regionally focused 
climate intervention research, Earth’s Future 4 , 649-657, 

Glad to hear of recent work in this area. 


On 1/29/22 9:11 PM, Ron Baiman wrote: 

Follow Up to Clive's post: The folks at Cornell U. are apparently leaning in 
this direction: regional SAI for the Arctic where the Tropopause is lower, 
during the early summer or late spring - as I recall - months. Their climate 
models suggest that this is more efficient than uniform year around global SAI, 
and it could be less of a lift politically - though for balance this might have 
to be done at the south pole as well. Walker Lee discusses this in this podcast 
with Andrew Lockley: [ https://open.spotify.com/episode/2HVbDS3tp4sHruZ79kTfup 
| https://open.spotify.com/episode/2HVbDS3tp4sHruZ79kTfup ] 

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 2:51 PM Clive Elsworth < [ 
mailto:cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk | cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk ] > wrote: 



My intention was not to associate ‘moral hazard versus moral imperative’ with 
stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), but rather to highlight it as a usefully 
succinct way to describe a common dilemma. It could apply just as well to the 
dilemma faced by border forces. Should they save poor souls from perishing in 
the desert or drowning at sea, or leave them to die to dissuade others from 
making the same trip? (Note that I’m not trying to associate you with that 

SAI is more complex because it involves physical hazard as well. The addition 
of solid particles into the ozone layer provides increased surface area for 
catalytic release of halogens that then go on to deplete ozone. 

That is why Franz and I hope that if it really must be done then it will be 
applied below the stratosphere in the Arctic during summer months only. The 
downward flow of air from Brewer Dobson circulation should bring the particles 
down to sea level with minimal amounts entering the stratosphere. 



On 29/01/2022 02:24 Daphne Wysham < [ mailto:dap...@methaneaction.org | 
dap...@methaneaction.org ] > wrote: 


I don't follow this list closely, but I do want to make sure that my quote, 
which was taken out of context, not be misconstrued as having anything to do 
with SRM, which I know very little about and am, frankly, quite uneasy about. 
In this quote which Clive shared from one of our methane group meetings, I was 
referring to methane removal, not SRM, when I said we have a moral obligation 
to act on rapidly rising methane levels in the atmosphere, while acknowledging 
that there is a moral hazard we also must admit to in including methane removal 
in the mix. 

My feeling is that the moral obligation to ensure methane removal is part of 
the mix, if acted on with good governance, social license, and integrity, would 
weaken the moral hazard critique. We must be mindful of and avoid all moral 
hazards, but the moral obligation to act on methane removal while there is 
still time is greater than the moral hazard in my mind. This is something Bill 
McKibben touched on much more cogently in his piece [ 
 |  for The New Yorker on our work. ] 


On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 4:46 PM Clive Elsworth < [ 
mailto:cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk | cl...@endorphinsoftware.co.uk ] > wrote: 


The pithiest argument I've heard recently is "Moral Hazard vs Moral 

That came from Methane Action CEO Daphne Wysham. 



On 29/01/2022 00:21 Ron Baiman < [ mailto:rpbai...@gmail.com | 
rpbai...@gmail.com ] > wrote: 

Thank you John for starting the ball rolling on this. 

In addition to Herb's excellent comments, I think an opposition letter should 
address the "moral hazard" problem raised (as I recall) at the end of the 
non-use letter and that I think is really the core issue behind the opposition 
to direct cooling. I would recommend flipping this concern around by pointing 
out the moral hazard of pretending that the climate change problem can be 
solved through national voluntary, mostly rich-country, emission reductions, 
and financial contributions to poor countries. The moral hazard here is that, 
though vitally important, these efforts, especially if they are viewed as the 
only acceptable response to climate change, have become an excuse to avoid 
tackling the real problems of urgent direct cooling, and resurrecting a global 
Kyoto-like mandatory regime for GHG removal and funding transfers that is 
necessary for rapid (within decades) global GHG drawdown at the necessary 

This is evidenced by the fact that the EU that continued the Kyoto regime 
(supplemented with individual country carbon taxes) is the only major region of 
the world to have significantly reduced GHG emissions (by 24%) from 1990 to 
2019, as compared, for example, to 2% growth for the US. Paris accord national 
voluntary NDCs will also not induce the 25 countries and 1.1. billion people 
that depend on over $ 4 trillion in revenue from oil related exports that make 
up 10% or more of their total exports to stop producing and selling oil, or the 
(with some overlap with the former) 1.5 billion people (20% of the global 
population) in 72 Europe and Central Asia or Sub-Saharan Africa countries, both 
excluding high income, and Other Small States, for which on average (weighted 
by population) 26% of total exports are fossil fuel exports that in 2019 
generated approximately $ 149 billion of foreign exchange. 

A good example is the leftist President of Ecuador who offered to not drill in 
the rainforest if his country could be compensated for the lost revenue, 
received no offset, and commenced drilling. The Paris Accord voluntary Green 
Development Fund has raised only $ 18.8 billion (2014 - 2021) compared with $ 
303.8 billion by the global mandatory Kyoto Clean Development Mechanism (2001 - 
2018) that was effectively allowed to lapse in 2012. See references and more 
discussion in the attached paper. 

Does anyone else in the lists above want to work on this? Needless to say, I 
think a collaborative effort is needed to produce an effective response. 


On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 2:19 PM H simmens < [ mailto:hsimm...@gmail.com | 
hsimm...@gmail.com ] > wrote: 


Hi John, (I deleted the HCA list in response to Peter‘s request.) 

I appreciate you taking the initiative in drafting a response letter. 

I think it is important however that the letter respond to the specific 
arguments that are made by the proponents of this non-use agreement. 

And their primary objection even more than the adverse effects is their 
assertion of the impossibility of developing an effective governance mechanism, 
particularly one that could represent the interests of the global south. 

They also make no attempt at examining the most obvious issue which is what the 
consequences are to the planet in the absence of cooling. You do address that 
in your draft letter. 

They do not recommend that research be prohibited though it appears that the 
primary reason for that is their inability to come up with a description of 
what research that would entail. 

I would suggest a letter that offers them a partnership rather than is 
oppositional in tone. 

One that essentially says: 

“we agree with you there are risks, we agree with you that governance is 
challenging, we agree with you that power imbalances and equity issues are 
difficult and need to be addressed. 

(We want the reader to see that we are agreeing at least in part with many of 
their key points.) 

But in light of the existential risks to everyone of us due to the alarming 
acceleration of harmful climate impacts we believe the approach should be to 
challenge the leaders of the world in cooperation with business and civil 
society to develop a fair and effective governance structure. 

And to accelerate research and field testing to better understand the benefits 
and risks of the increasingly wide variety of proposed approaches towards 
directly and quickly cooling the planet at local, regional and planetary 
scales. (They appear to be mostly or only against approaches that operate at 
the planetary scale.) 

Thus will you join with us in working to create a fair and effective governance 
structure and in supporting research and field testing to better understand the 
implications of the variety of forms of direct cooling being proposed.” 

It seems to me that that puts them on the defensive because their central 
argument is that governance is impossible even though there has never been a 
serious attempt by the world community to develop a governance structure. 

By offering them the invitation to join with us to address their objections I 
have little illusion that it would change the minds of any of the signers. Our 
goal is not to do that but rather to educate those who are drawn to Geo 
engineering by this controversy that there is a reasonable approach that 
incorporates their concerns rather than simply attempting to dismiss them. 


Herb Simmens 
Author A Climate Vocabulary of the Future 

On Jan 28, 2022, at 2:24 PM, John Nissen < [ mailto:johnnissen2...@gmail.com | 
johnnissen2...@gmail.com ] > wrote: 


A draft letter is attached, using much of the email I wrote unchanged. 

Cheers, John 

On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 7:14 PM John Nissen < [ mailto:johnnissen2...@gmail.com 
| johnnissen2...@gmail.com ] > wrote: 


Hi Ron, 

I will draft a letter within the next 24 hours. We could discuss it at the PRAG 
meeting on Monday (8 pm UK time) to which everyone is invited. I will send the 
draft as a Word document, so people can mark up proposed changes and additions 
before the meeting. 

Concerning your “moral hazard”, I think you have a good point that rich 
countries have been acting without due regard to the interests of poorer 
countries, many of which are already suffering badly as a direct or indirect 
result of global warming. Bangladesh is an obvious example. Global cooling 
would have been applied years ago if the rich countries really cared and if 
there hadn’t been so much misinformation or even disinformation about 
geoengineering from people who should know better, e.g. in the Royal Society 
2009 report [1]. 

Cheers, John 

[1] Royal Society, 2009 

Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty 


On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 6:22 PM Ron Baiman < [ mailto:rpbai...@gmail.com | 
rpbai...@gmail.com ] > wrote: 


Thank you John. I agree that it would be excellent to draft and publish an 
opposition letter. 

Per my prior post, I would also include the "moral hazard" of substituting 
mostly rich country emissions reduction or "net zero" targets within one or a 
few decades as either a solution to the short-run emergency, or adequate for 
necessary long run GHG drawdown. Emphasizing that we wholeheartedly support 
rich country emissions reductions, but pretending that these national voluntary 
emissions reduction targets will rapidly get us to the massive level of global 
GHG drawdown necessary to try to regenerate a stable and healthy climate and 
ecosystem, has become a fig leaf. A way of avoiding necessary work on 
resurrecting a global binding regime (like Kyoto) that would transfer massive 
funding (not the Green Climate Fund voluntary donation relative pittance) from 
rich to poor countries that is essential to achieve required levels of GHG 
drawdown within say decades, rather than perhaps a century or longer - if some 
form of human civilization can last under those conditions. This also I think 
would make the point that if we can't get it together to act globally in a 
decisive and mandatory way we're absolutely going to need direct cooling to 
stave off disaster. 

Repeating myself, but hopefully more clearly in summary form! 


On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 9:27 AM John Nissen < [ mailto:johnnissen2...@gmail.com 
| johnnissen2...@gmail.com ] > wrote: 


Hi Ron, 

Thanks for your work on drawing attention to the short-term crisis which I see 
as three crises arising mainly from rapid warming in the Arctic: escalating 
extremes of weather and climate; accelerating sea level rise; and feedback to 
global warming (especially from methane). I would like to see a direct attack 
on the open letter. 

The non-use open letter has been publicised by Mongabay: “News and Inspiration 
from Nature’s Frontline” [1]. The 60+ authors should be castigated for utter 
irresponsibility, promoting unwarranted fears about technology for cooling the 
planet in general, and the Arctic in particular, when the latest science 
indicates that this cooling is vital in the short term : 

    * to reverse the trend towards extreme weather and climate before parts of 
the world become unliveable; 
    * to slow sea level rise which is currently accelerating from glacier melt; 
    * to avoid the possibility, however remote, of the planet becoming a 
hot-house, e.g. as the result of a huge outburst of methane from permafrost 
already in a critical condition. 

Cooling is a vital band-aid while CO2 emissions are reduced and CO2e ppm is 
brought down significantly towards its pre-industrial level. 

The fear they promote is totally unwarranted. They tacitly choose Stratospheric 
Aerosol Injection (SAI) as the geoengineering to denounce. The risks from SAI 
mentioned by one of the lead authors are absolutely without foundation, and 
anyway are negligible compared to the harm being done by global warming and the 
even more rapid Arctic warming, which BTW are affecting ecosystems as well as 

    * Stratospheric aerosol might whiten the sky by 1% with slightly redder 
sunsets on average. 
    * No permanent chemical change to ozone or ocean would occur, assuming any 
slight ozone depletion would be rectified. 
    * Photosynthesis is, if anything, improved. 
    * Biodiversity and agriculture would, if anything, be improved. 
    * Global weather patterns would tend to stabilise if AA is reduced. 
Otherwise, a diffuse application of SO2 would not have a direct effect on 
weather patterns. 

If anyone disagrees with anything I’ve said above, let’s discuss it. We need to 
be unified in our condemnation of the letter. 

Cheers, John 

[1] Shanna Hanbury in Mongabay 

Efforts to dim Sun and cool Earth must be blocked, say scientists 


Blocking the sun’s rays with an artificial particle shield launched high into 
Earth’s atmosphere to curb global temperatures is a technological fix gaining 
traction as a last resort for containing the climate crisis — but it needs to 
be stopped, wrote a coalition of over 60 academics in an [ 
https://www.solargeoeng.org/non-use-agreement/open-letter/ | open letter ] and 
[ https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wcc.754 | article ] 
released in the WIREs (Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews) Climate Change online 
publication on January 17. 

“Some things we should just restrict at the outset,” said one of the open 
letter’s lead authors, Aarti Gupta, a professor of Global Environmental 
Governance at Wageningen University. Gupta placed solar geoengineering in the 
category of high-risk technologies , like human cloning and chemical weapons, 
that need to be off-limits. “It might be possible to do, but it’s too risky ,” 
she told Mongabay in an interview. 

The color of the sky could [ 
https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2012GL051652 | change 
] . The chemical composition of the [ https://www.pnas.org/content/113/52/14910 
| ozone layer ] and oceans may be permanently altered. Photosynthesis, which 
depends on sunlight, may slow down, [ 
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180808134302.htm | possibly 
harming ] biodiversity and agriculture. And global weather patterns could [ 
https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2020GL087348 | change 
unpredictably. ] 

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 9:08 PM Ron Baiman < [ mailto:rpbai...@gmail.com | 
rpbai...@gmail.com ] > wrote: 


Needless to say I absolutely agree with Robert. 

Below is a complementary response (based on the attached updated paper that 
I've been circulating). 

The real "moral hazard" is promoting the delusion that cutting emissions will; 
a) "solve" the current emergency climate crisis and b) quickly produce a stable 
and sustainable, climate, ecosystem and economy to the long- term GHG draw down 
crisis , before potentially avoidable catastrophic harm is caused to us and our 
fellow species, particularly the most vulnerable. 

The truth is that: a) without implementing immediate direct cooling we are 
facing the reality of enormous and possibly irreversible suffering to humans 
and nature now and in the immediate future, and that b) without resurrecting a 
gobal mantatory Kyoto-like cap and trade agreement that addresses the real 
political economic reality of the need for massive transfers of funding from 
rich to poor countries, it will take many decades and possibly a century or 
more to achieve sufficient GHG draw down and a stable and sustainable, climate, 
ecosystem and economy under the current national voluntary Paris Accord scheme. 

Pledging to cut (not achieve net drawn down) GHG emissions by a certain 
percentage in a decade or two or three, has become a moral hazard excuse for 
not tackling the difficult (or not so difficult for local direct cooling) 
choices and work that is really required: immediate direct cooling, and forging 
a long term binding global agreement that includes massive funding transfers 
from rich to poor countries. 

Unfortunately, our faltering and morally inexcusable global response to COVID 
vaccination may be presaging our delusional and inadequate two climate crises 

Ron Baiman 

On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 12:26 AM 'Robert Tulip' via geoengineering < [ 
mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com | geoengineering@googlegroups.com ] > 


The essay Solar geoengineering: The case for an international non-use agreement 
by Biermann et al (link below) displays a breathtaking level of political 
foolishness and indifference to scientific solutions to the climate emergency. 
It reflects a dominant false thinking within the climate action movement, 
whereby political conflict with the fossil fuel industry is totally prioritised 
over any practical response to improve the future of the world. If our goal is 
a stable liveable climate, then banning geoengineering is the most stupid 
action imaginable. 

The world reality is that the climate action movement lacks the political power 
to achieve anything close to the commitments under the Paris Accord. Emissions 
in 2030 are projected to be higher than in 2015. So instead they resort to 
bullying ideological argument typified by this call for a world fatwa against 
solar radiation management, seeking victory by intimidation rather than by 

All the bluster of arguments like this article will do nothing to slow emission 
growth, let alone slow warming. Meanwhile, extreme weather events continue a 
rapid escalation, and warming continues to inflict irreversible damage to 
biodiversity. But the authors are so caught up in their class-war type of 
thinking that they do not care about immediate measures to mitigate weather or 
extinction impacts. 

The solution according to this article is to do precisely nothing in this 
decade that would have immediate material impact to mitigate extreme weather or 
climate-induced biodiversity loss. They flatly reject the observation that 
field research for a range of SRM methods could demonstrate easy, cheap, fast 
and safe activities. We should use scientific evidence rather than hypothetical 
speculation to answer serious questions about unintended consequences and 
optimal deployment strategies. 

And contrary to the argument about geoengineering promoting conflict, the real 
likelihood is that activities such as refreezing the North Pole would serve to 
strengthen international cooperation, confidence, peace, dialogue and security. 
The G20 is likely to be the best forum for this debate. The UN is hopelessly 
corrupted by the type of ideological thinking seen in this article. Climate 
change is the primary material threat to global stability and security. 
Engaging the G20 to refreeze the North Pole could directly reduce the 
destabilising effects of extreme weather while also providing a major program 
to strengthen mutual respect and political stability. 

These “governance scholars” express a number of opinions that are grossly 
ignorant of climate science. When the North Pole is melting, action to refreeze 
sea ice by increasing albedo could safely mitigate climate risks, returning 
toward previous stability. But no, that must be banned, because... 

Their comment about marine cloud brightening recognises its potential to stop 
bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. Field trials of MCB could also show 
ability to mitigate the strength of hurricanes and tornadoes, significantly 
reducing climate damage, especially for the poor, supporting climate justice. 
MCB could also cool water flowing into the Arctic, slowing down Greenland ice 
melt, permafrost melt, methane release and sea level rise. 

It seems none of this has occurred to these authors in their mindless advocacy 
of political polarisation. 

Decarbonising the economy will do precisely nothing to stop the pole from 
melting. Instead, the argument of this paper is to delay any real mitigation of 
climate change until long after expected tipping points could have shifted our 
planet into a hothouse phase. Opposition to SRM is no solution at all. 

Robert Tulip 

From: [ mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com | 
geoengineering@googlegroups.com ] < [ mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com | 
geoengineering@googlegroups.com ] > On Behalf Of Geoeng Info 
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January 2022 2:00 AM 
To: [ mailto:Geoengineering@googlegroups.com | Geoengineering@googlegroups.com 
Subject: [geo] Solar geoengineering: The case for an international non-use 

[ https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wcc.754 | 
https://wires.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wcc.754 ] 

Solar geoengineering: The case for an international non-use agreement 

Frank Biermann, Jeroen Oomen, Aarti Gupta, Saleem H. Ali, Ken Conca, Maarten A. 
Hajer, Prakash Kashwan, Louis J. Kotzé, Melissa Leach, Dirk Messner, 
Chukwumerije Okereke, Åsa Persson, Janez Potočnik, David Schlosberg, Michelle 
Scobie, Stacy D. VanDeveer 


Solar geoengineering is gaining prominence in climate change debates as an 
issue worth studying; for some it is even a potential future policy option. We 
argue here against this increasing normalization of solar geoengineering as a 
speculative part of the climate policy portfolio. We contend, in particular, 
that solar geoengineering at planetary scale is not governable in a globally 
inclusive and just manner within the current international political system. We 
therefore call upon governments and the United Nations to take immediate and 
effective political control over the development of solar geoengineering 
technologies. Specifically, we advocate for an International Non-Use Agreement 
on Solar Geoengineering and outline the core elements of this proposal. 

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