We make reflective, high-altitude, biodegradable clouds that cool the
planet. Mimicking natural processes, our "shiny clouds" are going to
prevent catastrophic global warming.

Specifically: we release a natural compound via reusable balloons to create
reflective clouds in the stratosphere. They're *really* effective: 1 gram
of our clouds offsets the warming that 1 ton of CO₂ emissions creates for a
year. The cooling begins immediately, and we can modulate the effects.
After three years, our clouds compost and settle back to Earth.

Because we deliver our clouds via reusable balloons, we're able to offset
CO₂ at <1% of the cost of other solutions. Uniquely, we can also scale to
offset *all* of global warming.

We can offset warming from all global annual CO₂ emissions with $10 million
of our clouds, and every $1 billion of our clouds will cool the world by

Sounds like sci-fi? It’s not: we’ve already launched our first clouds, and
we’ll offset a substantial amount of warming in 2023!

Company Information

Founded in October 2022, Make Sunsets is backed by Boost VC, Pioneer Fund,
Y Combinator founders, and people who want to reverse climate change and
save humanity.

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© 2022, make-sunsets

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