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I'm interested in feedback on the posting policy. Geo list doesn't get
anything like as much list posting as CDR does, because it's not as active
a field. We can't do much about posting frequency directly, but we can
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Personally, I didn't think this specific thread met the threshold for list
posting, but there's always a degree of personal judgement.


On Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 14:01 'Jessica Gurevitch' via geoengineering, <> wrote:

> Is there any way Ayesha could condense these stories with links, and post
> once a week? I am really getting inundated by this constant stream of
> emails. If everyone else is happy with the large number of emails posted by
> Ayesha, that's obviously fine, but I may have to get off of this
> listserve myself.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jessica Gurevitch
> Distinguished Professor and Co-Chair
> Department of Ecology and Evolution
> Stony Brook University
> Stony Brook, NY 11794-5245 USA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 4:51 AM ayesha iqbal <>
> wrote:
>> *November 2022 *By Mark Matthews
>> Aerospace engineer James T. Early built a 30-year career at the Lawrence
>> Livermore National Laboratory working out big ideas. Among them: the use of
>> pulsed lasers to knock space debris out of orbit, and a giant
>> telescope—powerful enough to detect planets in distant solar systems—with
>> lenses that roll up to fit inside a rocket and then spread out when
>> launched in space. Trained at MIT, Caltech, and Stanford, Early drew
>> inspiration from the science fiction of Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke.
>> When his wife wanted to try her hand at the genre, he outlined a debut
>> plot: terraforming Venus. An immense sun-blocking shield, he theorized,
>> could cool the planet over time and turn its scorching, desiccated surface
>> into a human habitat.
>> Early wondered if a scaled-down sunshield could solve the real-life
>> problem of a warming Earth caused by carbon-spewing power plants and
>> vehicle exhaust. In three terse pages published in the *Journal of the
>> British Interplanetary Society* in 1989, he spelled out a “conceptually
>> simple method” for offsetting the heat-trapping greenhouse effect and
>> cutting global temperatures by 2 degrees Celsius (3.6°F). A glass shield
>> could be fabricated on the moon out of lunar soil and dispatched, using an
>> electromagnetic accelerator, to the first Lagrange point (L1), a million
>> miles from Earth, where the gravitational pull of the Earth and sun cancel
>> each other out. He hazarded a price tag of $1 trillion to $10
>> trillion—“enormous,” yes, but perhaps much lower than the economic impact
>> of the greenhouse effect.
>> Roger Angel, an esteemed astronomer at the University of Arizona, built
>> on Early’s idea in 2006. He conceived a giant space cloud at L1 comprising
>> trillions of thin reflective satellites, each a meter wide and weighing 1
>> gram. These little “flyers” would be kept aligned with the sun by solar
>> sails, which are powered by photons of sunlight bouncing off a mirrored
>> surface. Manufactured on Earth, the satellites would be sent aloft to L1 in
>> stacks of 800,000 using electromagnetic acceleration and ion propulsion.
>> They would form a cloud some 60,000 miles long and 2,000 miles across,
>> weighing 20 million tons. Angel’s detailed six-page description in the 
>> *Proceedings
>> of the National Academy of Sciences* estimated a cost of “a few trillion
>> dollars.” The idea, he wrote, might be desirable if “dangerous changes in
>> global climate were inevitable.”
>> Early and Angel were each ahead of their time in combining futuristic
>> space technology with the science of preventing catastrophic climate
>> change. But their vision of a vast sunshield looks a bit more realistic
>> now, amid such advances as a fledgling space tourism industry, reusable
>> rockets curbing the cost of space launches, and growing interest in
>> space-based manufacturing and moon and asteroid mining. Meanwhile, as the
>> effects of climate change become alarmingly clear and warnings by the
>> Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change grow more precise and ominous, a
>> growing number of scientists, engineers, graduate students, and members of
>> Congress are looking to geoengineering as a possible when-all-else-fails
>> technical fix for an overheating planet.
>> Enter Space Bubbles, a 2022 variation on the sunshield idea from a team
>> of MIT engineers. Led by Carlo Ratti, director of the university’s
>> Senseable City Lab, the group envisions giant space
>> platforms—“rafts”—composed of stuck-together inflatable spheres of
>> thin-film silicon or another molten material, positioned slightly closer to
>> the sun than L1. The spheres would be manufactured using “space-based
>> fabrication methods” not clearly defined. Like the Early and Angel
>> concepts, the rafts would block 1.8 percent of the sun’s rays—an amount
>> sufficient to prevent dangerous warming. The cooling could begin by the end
>> of this century, “when the most severe consequences of climate change are
>> currently predicted,” the team says. As to price, “Our initial estimations
>> suggest that the Space Bubble Raft will have lower mass-density than Roger
>> Angel’s proposal and might thus be more cost-efficient,” Ratti tells
>> *Prism.*
>> Space Bubbles brings a disruptive, Elon Musk-style audacity to
>> geoengineering (also known as climate intervention) and to the small but
>> prolific community of scientists and engineers who have spent years or even
>> decades studying other climate-cooling methods that would operate much
>> closer to the Earth’s surface. Members of this community would prefer that
>> such methods never be necessary; almost in unison, they insist that
>> geoengineering would not be a substitute for slashing greenhouse gas
>> emissions. But they work with the intensity of people who view climate
>> intervention as an essential hedge against disaster and want to ensure that
>> its feasibility and risks are understood. As Douglas MacMartin, a Cornell
>> University aerospace engineer and geoengineering researcher, explains, the
>> goal is to “provide enough knowledge that the world . . . can make informed
>> decisions about this” versus “knee-jerk” reactions such as “‘Oh, things are
>> desperate. We need to go try something,’” or “‘Oh, that sounds like a bad
>> idea. We shouldn’t do it.’”
>> Policy Matters
>> Increasingly, people in Washington agree. Citing “potentially
>> catastrophic consequences” of global warming, a panel of the National
>> Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) last year urged the
>> federal government to establish, in coordination with other countries, a
>> modest transdisciplinary research program on solar geoengineering (SG) that
>> “attempts to moderate warming by increasing the amount of sunlight that the
>> atmosphere reflects back to space or by reducing the trapping of outgoing
>> thermal radiation.” The NASEM panel, which included MacMartin, said
>> knowledge gained from the recommended research “will be critical for
>> informing climate change response strategies, and evidence either in favor
>> or disfavor of SG deployment could have profound value.”
>> As NASEM issued its findings, Congress directed the White House Office of
>> Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to develop a working group among the
>> non-defense federal science agencies to manage near-term climate hazard
>> risk and coordinate climate intervention research. The working group
>> “should also establish a research governance framework to provide guidance
>> on transparency, engagement, and risk management for publicly funded work
>> in solar geoengineering research,” appropriators said.
>> A congressional mandate, participation of multiple federal agencies, and
>> direction from the White House promise to elevate geoengineering from a
>> controversial niche science to a mainstream research field relevant to
>> policymakers. David Keith, a Harvard applied physicist and an influential
>> proponent of geoengineering research, has been calling publicly for such a
>> step since at least 2010. (See *Prism’s* October 2013 Up Close profile
>> <> and February 2019 cover
>> story.) <> Testifying that
>> year before the House Science and Technology Committee, he likened
>> geoengineering to chemotherapy as an undesirable but possibly necessary
>> emergency measure. “We must hope for the best while laying plans to
>> navigate the worst,” Keith told the lawmakers.
>> Planning for “the worst” is shaping up as prudent strategy. The world has
>> failed to keep pace with the cuts in greenhouse gas emissions required by
>> the 2015 Paris agreement, which aims to cap the global temperature this
>> century at well below 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels and
>> calls for progress toward a limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius (about 2.7°
>> Fahrenheit). The $369 billion in US climate and clean energy programs
>> contained in the recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act falls short in
>> fulfilling the country’s pledge to slash emissions. Some provisions do win
>> applause from experts, however. For instance, the new law’s measures to
>> control methane, a super-potent greenhouse gas, are “very encouraging,”
>> says Yangyang Xu, an assistant professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas
>> A&M University. He adds: “The direct and heavy penalty imposed on future
>> [methane] leakage, if done with careful monitoring and verification, is a
>> game changer, and can serve as a model for limiting other non-CO₂
>>  emissions.”
>> Solar Systems
>> A coordinated federal research effort on geoengineering has been a long
>> time coming. As early as 1965, a study appended to a White House
>> environmental report found that the warming effects of a carbon dioxide
>> buildup “could be deleterious” for humanity and urged that “countervailing
>> climatic changes” be thoroughly explored. Led by oceanographer Roger
>> Revelle, then director of Harvard’s Center for Population Studies, the
>> study suggested the Earth could be cooled by increasing the albedo, or
>> reflectivity, of the earth’s surface. One way to do that, it said, would be
>> to spread very small reflecting particles over large areas of the ocean.
>> The recent NASEM panel called for government-backed research focused on
>> three sunlight-blocking, or solar radiation modification (SRM), methods.
>> The first, solar aerosol injection (SAI), involves discharging tiny
>> particles into the stratosphere, an upper layer of the atmosphere between
>> 10 and 50 kilometers (6 to 30 miles) above the Earth’s surface. The concept
>> dates from work published in the mid-1970s by Soviet climatologist Mikhail
>> Budyko. It gained credibility in a 2006 essay by Paul Crutzen, who shared
>> the 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry for discovering how pollutants in the
>> atmosphere were destroying the ozone layer. SAI is widely considered the
>> method most likely to work because nature has provided a proof of concept.
>> Volcanic eruptions spew out huge amounts of ash containing sulfur dioxide.
>> Lofted to the stratosphere, the sulfur dioxide reacts with water to form a
>> layer of sulfuric acid droplets that reflect and diffuse incoming sunlight
>> and radiant heat. When the Philippines’ Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991,
>> “stratospheric winds spread these aerosol particles around the globe,”
>> resulting in “a measurable cooling of the Earth’s surface” for almost two
>> years, NASA reported in 2001.
>> A second SRM method, marine cloud brightening, entails spraying seawater
>> into low-lying clouds above the ocean to make them more reflective. Cirrus
>> cloud thinning—a third, less well studied form of cooling—would break up
>> the delicate strands of ice-crystal clouds above 20,000 feet and let heat
>> rising from the earth’s surface escape the atmosphere. SRM methods alarm
>> many environmentalists, primarily for two reasons: 1) they don’t remove the
>> root cause of climate change, namely the accumulation of greenhouse gases
>> in the atmosphere and 2) they could ease pressure on societies and
>> governments to keep cutting emissions.
>> OSTP’s anticipated strategy won’t start from scratch; federal support for
>> geoengineering research has occurred mostly under the radar but hasn’t been
>> totally lacking. In 2020, Congress provided $4 million to the National
>> Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to initiate what the agency
>> says is “much-needed ‘baseline’ research” on climate intervention
>> proposals—particularly SAI. Congress upped funding this year to $9 million,
>> instructing NOAA to expand its efforts and coordinate with NASA and the
>> Department of Energy (DOE).
>> Computer modeling has provided much of what is now known about
>> geoengineering’s potential and risks. The Intergovernmental Panel on
>> Climate Change draws from more than two dozen modeling centers for its
>> climate assessments, but one of the most important is the National Center
>> for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), sponsored by the National Science
>> Foundation and headquartered in the Rocky Mountain foothills in Boulder,
>> Colorado. In addition to providing vital data on the Earth’s climate and
>> weather, NCAR also serves as a nerve center for geoengineering studies,
>> enabling global academic collaboration on experiments using ever more
>> advanced models and a high-performance computer in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
>> Expect the Unexpected
>> The teaming up of NOAA, NASA, and DOE will expand the tools available for
>> researchers to observe the climate system—such as satellites, balloons,
>> aircraft capable of reaching the lower stratosphere, and, soon, a
>> next-generation NCAR supercomputer. The anticipated result: improved
>> models. But a host of questions remain. “Every time we go up in the
>> atmosphere and make measurements, we find things we didn’t expect, things
>> we didn’t know we would see,” says Gregory Frost, a NOAA supervisory
>> research chemist.
>> For instance, scientists know that sulfur dioxide, injected into the
>> stratosphere, will form aerosols and lower the Earth’s temperature
>> temporarily—but that’s just a piece of the puzzle, notes NCAR senior
>> scientist Simone Tilmes, a leader in solar geoengineering research. “We
>> know we can cool, but we don’t know how much injection we actually need to
>> cool. There’s still a huge uncertainty on how much you can cool with a
>> certain amount of injection,” she explains. “We also need to understand the
>> positive and negative consequences of a possible application [of SAI] and
>> weigh risks and benefits before any of these [options] should be
>> considered.”
>> As Cornell’s MacMartin puts it, “A lot of the research to date has been
>> kind of trying things: ‘Hey, we’ll go try this strategy, scenario, climate
>> model, and we’ll see what happens.’” Over time, the discovery of negative
>> side effects has prompted modelers to explore ways of tweaking, for
>> instance, the degree of cooling achieved or location of aerosol injections.
>> Eventually, MacMartin hopes, scientists will be able to say, “We’ve looked
>> at the response in a number of different climate models . . . Here’s what
>> we think will happen. And here’s how confident we are in that assessment.”
>> MacMartin, Yale lecturer Wake Smith, and others recently studied the
>> concept of deploying stratospheric aerosol injection only in subpolar
>> regions. Such action wouldn’t cool the global climate, but it could halt or
>> even reverse the melting of Arctic ice that now threatens to cause a
>> substantial rise in sea levels, the scholars say.
>> Live outdoor testing of SAI would buttress existing research with
>> accurate observations, even if the testing doesn’t answer all the
>> outstanding questions. But an attempt by Harvard researchers last year
>> showed just how strong public opposition can be even to research on
>> geoengineering. The team planned to send up a balloon to release a small
>> quantity of aerosols into the stratosphere. Following years of preparation,
>> funded in part by Bill Gates, the team explored various launch venues.
>> Ultimately, it partnered with the Swedish Space Corporation and made plans
>> to use its base near Kiruna, Sweden, above the Arctic Circle. The initial
>> flight would merely test the equipment and not spray any aerosol. But the
>> stratospheric controlled perturbation experiment (SCoPEx) drew strong local
>> opposition and was put on hold. The indigenous Sámi people, whose ancestral
>> homeland stretches across Arctic regions of Sweden, Norway, Finland, and
>> Russia, joined with Swedish environmental groups to lobby against SCoPEX,
>> citing “risks of catastrophic consequences, including the impact of
>> uncontrolled termination, and irreversible sociopolitical effects.”
>> Lists of Concerns
>> “I think the political barriers might be much stronger than the technical
>> barriers,” says Alan Robock, environmental science professor at Rutgers
>> University. Renowned for projecting the human, climatic, and ecological
>> consequences of nuclear war—“We have to solve the problem of nuclear
>> weapons so we have the luxury of worrying about global warming,” he
>> says—Robock also applies his forensic research skills to geoengineering. In
>> 2008 he published “20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May be a Bad Idea.” His
>> tally of “risks and concerns” has since grown to 28. For SAI, they include
>> depletion of stratospheric ozone, which helps block harmful ultraviolet
>> rays; increased ocean acidification; a greater likelihood of droughts in
>> some parts of the world; the need to keep increasing SAI because existing
>> particles will grow and become less effective; and the danger of a sudden
>> warming spike if SAI were ever shut down. “It’s like pulling back on a
>> spring,” Robock told *The Takeaway,* a public radio talk show.
>> As concerns remain about SAI, another proposed method of solar
>> modification, marine cloud brightening (MCB), engenders a fundamental
>> question. That is, can you actually brighten clouds? “Clouds are a really
>> complicated species,” says Robert Wood, a professor of atmospheric sciences
>> at the University of Washington and principal investigator of a research
>> collaboration on MCB. The brightening idea originated with British
>> physicist John Latham, who proposed it two years after starting work on
>> climate change at NCAR.
>> Scientists know that clouds cool the earth’s surface and believe their
>> reflectivity can be enhanced based on observations of cloud responses to
>> aerosols emitted in ship exhaust. “Since preindustrial times, human
>> activity has injected a lot of aerosols and they have exerted a cooling
>> effect on the planet that partly offsets warming by greenhouse gases,” Wood
>> says. “So we think it’s feasible.” But, he adds, “the clouds don’t always
>> do things that you think they’re going to do.” Their internal dynamics are
>> too fine-grained to show up in climate models.
>> Testing of Latham’s theory has begun on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, a
>> World Heritage Site where climate change is killing coral. Wood’s team is
>> planning tests using vessels that spray seawater into the air, forming
>> particles of salt that would be lofted upward by warm air to low-lying
>> clouds. Conducted over a limited area of the ocean, the tests would have
>> minimal environmental impact but yield important information, the group
>> says. Worldwide, however, MCB’s potential impact is unclear. According to a
>> 2009 British modeling study, while MCB would slow the pace of global
>> warming, it could also disrupt rainfall patterns. Some areas would likely
>> get wetter, others drier—particularly the Amazon rain forest, “a major sink
>> for carbon dioxide.”
>> ‘Explore the Edges’
>> The notion of applying space technology to geoengineering has produced
>> comparatively little research over the years, apart from the growing use of
>> satellites for climate and atmospheric observations. Among those intrigued
>> by James Early’s 1989 idea was Edward Teller, the Lawrence Livermore
>> National Laboratory co-founder who was known as the father of the hydrogen
>> bomb. In 1997, Teller published the idea of a space-based metallic shield
>> to scatter sunlight. Another was Colin McInnes, now an aerospace
>> engineering professor at the University of Glasgow, who read Early’s
>> article as a PhD student. He went on to develop new approaches to a space
>> shield, most recently in 2015. “It’s one of these ideas that sticks with
>> you,” he tells *Prism.* McInnes went on to explore, with Cranford
>> University colleague Joan-Pau Sánchez, a system of multiple mobile
>> sunshades in space. This “optimal configuration” would both curb overall
>> global warming and allow the system to adjust the sunshade effects for
>> different latitudes and seasons, they wrote.
>> McInnes participated in a 2019 Harvard meeting that looked seriously at
>> various space-based geoengineering schemes. Meeting organizers concluded
>> that the concept “is not a plausible near-term goal or aspiration.” Still,
>> he sees value in the research: “What I think is interesting is that [with]
>> these concepts, you can explore, if you like, the edges of a problem or
>> where the boundaries might be. And that then gives you a better idea of
>> where to look for solutions.”
>> By not directly interfering in the Earth’s atmosphere, space-based
>> sunshades “appear to be one of the most efficient methods to tackle climate
>> change,” McInnes wrote in a paper coathored with Sánchez. The authors
>> acknowledged that the project would be equivalent in scale to a Three
>> Gorges Dam—China’s gigantic hydroelectric project—a million miles from
>> earth and require the manufacture of reflective material equal to a
>> decade’s worth of aluminum foil.
>> The 2021 NASEM report didn’t mention a space-based sunshield among its
>> recommended federal research topics—a sign that the panel concurs with
>> Robock’s conclusion that it’s “too expensive, too technologically
>> questionable.” Of Space Bubbles, Harvard’s Keith says Ratti’s team “has
>> cool tech, but when I met with them, they did not articulate any sensible
>> reason, other than just asserting it, why this would be a better pathway
>> than the existing pathways.” The idea generated press, he asserts, “not
>> because it’s important but because a story with MIT and space bubbles and
>> geoengineering was just too sweet to pass up.”
>> Work in Progress
>> Ratti is indeed a newcomer to geoengineering. Until recently, Senseable
>> City Lab has pursued climate adaptation and mitigation “by optimizing our
>> built environments and transportation infrastructures,” he says. The
>> website of his Turin, Italy-based architecture and engineering firm
>> features two examples: a synergistic pairing of autonomous taxis and a new
>> skyscraper in Singapore, and large thermal basins floating off Helsinki’s
>> harbor that serve as hot-water batteries for the city’s heating systems.
>> Now, Ratti says, “Earth-based climate solutions may not be enough, and more
>> radical technologies might be needed to address the coming climate
>> disaster.”
>> While Space Bubbles is still a “working hypothesis,” Ratti’s team says it
>> has simulated thin-film bubbles in outer space conditions and found they
>> could prove effective at deflecting solar radiation. The spheres could be
>> made of silicon-based melts or graphene-reinforced ionic liquids. Other
>> potential composites will be explored. But the team’s concept paper omits
>> details on how the bubble material reaches space, gets assembled, and is
>> stabilized.
>> The challenge of filling those gaps falls to Ratti and five MIT
>> colleagues. Two members of the National Academy of Engineering—computer
>> scientist and roboticist Daniela Rus, winner of a 2002 MacArthur “genius
>> grant,” and Gareth McKinley, professor of teaching innovation in the
>> Department of Mechanical Engineering—are joined by Charles Primmerman, a
>> Lincoln Laboratory high-energy laser expert; materials scientist Markus
>> Buehler, a specialist in bio-inspired design and in building materials atom
>> by atom; and aerospace engineer Paulo Lozano, director of the MIT Space
>> Propulsion Laboratory. Ratti says that “we expect other collaborators to
>> join us at MIT and beyond.”
>> With Space Bubbles, “we aim to develop a fully reversible space-based
>> solution,” Rus tells *Prism.* MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial
>> Intelligence Laboratory, which she directs, “will develop the robotic
>> devices and AI systems that will help control the space bubbles.”
>> If fabricating a vast sunshield at L1 still seems like performing the
>> impossible, McInnes ticks off advances, like reusable vehicles, that are
>> making space more accessible.
>> “If we are able to get much better at space robotics—if we can extract
>> materials from near-earth asteroids, for example—and if we develop
>> technologies for manufacturing large structures in space, then you can
>> imagine a future where all of those different technological strands . . .
>> come together” to make what now seems like an enormous technical challenge
>> potentially more feasible, says McInnes. There’s already strong interest in
>> in-orbit manufacturing, he adds.
>> Help Wanted
>> The biggest hurdle McInnes sees to any kind of geoengineering
>> (space-based or otherwise)—and the reason he is a skeptic about its
>> implementation—is governance: “the regulatory challenges of getting
>> international agreement.” Private groups are working on the problem. They
>> include the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative launched by the Carnegie
>> Council for Ethics in International Affairs, which “seeks to catalyse the
>> creation of effective governance for climate-altering technologies” and the
>> Global Commission on Governing Risks from Climate Overshoot, formed to
>> “recommend a strategy to reduce risks should global warming goals be
>> exceeded.” So far, governments haven’t been publicly involved.
>> Keith, an adviser to the Climate Overshoot Commission’s secretariat, says
>> the United States and China loom large in any decision to deploy
>> geoengineering. “If the US and China both clearly want it, then it happens.
>> Conversely, if they both don’t want it, then it doesn’t.” If neither
>> superpower stakes out a strong position, “it’s quite possible small
>> countries could play a big role to determine what happens.”
>> If the world fails to meet the challenge of climate change and approaches
>> catastrophe, humanity might seek a fallback in aerospace engineer Early’s
>> science fiction plot of some 33 years ago. Venus, anyone?
>> *Source*: PRISM
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