is time to draw down carbon dioxide but shut down moves to play God with
the climate Tim Flannery:  January 22, 2024
(Also on

The global effort to keep climate change to safe levels – ideally within
1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures – is moving far too slowly. And
even if we stopped emitting CO² today, the long-term impacts
of the gas already in the air would continue for decades. For these
reasons, we will soon have to focus not only on halting but on reversing
global warming.

We can do that in two ways. The first is by “drawdown
<>” – strengthening natural
processes on Earth that withdraw CO² from the atmosphere. The second is
through vast experiments with the climate known as geo-engineering
some of which sound like science fiction, and could be extremely dangerous
if ever tried.
The dangers of some forms of geo-engineering

Geo-engineering proposals to arrest climate change range from the seemingly
sensible – painting our roofs and roads white
– to the highly speculative: solar radiation modification
or putting mirrors in space to reflect some of the Sun’s heat away from
Earth. Probably the most commonly proposed form of geo-engineering
involves putting sulfur into the stratosphere to dim the power of the sun.

The natural 1991 eruption <> of the
Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines showed the effects of sulfur in action.
The eruption measurably
cooled the Earth’s surface for almost two years.

But we don’t have to wait for an erupting volcano: all we need do is add
some sulphur
<> to the
emissions of the world’s airline fleet, and release it once planes are in
the stratosphere. The sulphur layer, which would also reflect some of the
Sun’s heat back to space, would be a relatively inexpensive global cooling
mechanism, instantaneous in its effect and implementable right now.

Yet this approach does nothing to remove CO² from the atmosphere, or to
reduce the rising acidity
of the oceans. It’s like a Band-Aid over a festering sore. And, beyond its
cooling effect, its impact on the climate system as a whole is unknown: no
one to my knowledge has modelled the effects of using the jet fleet in this

No international treaty exists to regulate such experiments. In April 2022,
the US start-up company, Make Sunsets, released weather balloons
designed to reach the stratosphere, carrying a few grams of sulphur
particles. There was no public scrutiny or scientific monitoring of the
work. The company is already trying to sell “cooling credits” for future
flights that could carry larger volumes of sulphur.

And what if climate change brings mass famine
and civil disobedience to China? It is already seeding clouds
to make rain on a massive scale. China might think it is doing the right
thing by putting sulfur into the stratosphere. But that decision might lead
to war with other countries. What if this form of geoengineering affected
the monsoon
in India and caused famine? We just don’t know what the climatic and
political impacts would be.
Drawdown’s potential to store carbon

Drawdown, by contrast, involves withdrawing CO²
<> from the atmosphere and storing
it in other planetary organs, such as rocks, oceans or plants. Drawdown is
much longer term than geoengineering, and most initiatives are only in the
research and development stage. The most advanced and practical, by far, is
forest protection and reafforestation

Today humans emit about 51 billion tonnes of CO²
a year. Protecting and regenerating forests draws down 2 billion tonnes a
year <>.
Other approaches, such as direct air capture
of CO², draw down much smaller volumes.

So forest protection and reafforestation is our best bet for getting us
closer to limiting warming to 1.5°C. A recent paper
in the Nature journal argues we could draw down as much as 226 gigatonnes
by allowing existing forests in areas where few humans live to recover to
maturity, and by regrowing forests in areas where they have been removed or

We should not ignore other drawdown pathways, however. Seaweed is a
promising option
<> for
drawing down a billion tonnes or so of CO² by 2050. But we need a lot more
scientific research to understand how to do that, and what its wider
impacts might be. Today only one commercial kelp farm exists – Kelp Blue
<>, off the coast of Namibia, where four hectares
of kelp are not only storing carbon but are used to make biodegradable food
packaging and crop stimulants.

Silicate rocks <>, which
are common in many places, including Victoria’s Western District
also offer great hope. Once the rocks are crushed, a kilogram of a mineral
they contain, olivine
will sequester 1.5 kilograms of CO² from the atmosphere within a few weeks
of being spread on a farm field or put onto a beach.

The crushing speeds up a natural sequestering process of thousands of
years. Field trials conducted in Brazil
<> and other
countries <>
show using crushed rocks on crops can bring another benefit – significant
increases in the yields of corn, cocoa and many other crops.

The problem is that the way we quarry and transport rocks today creates a
lot of fossil fuel emissions. Once a farm is more than a few hundred
kilometres from the quarry most of the benefit is gone. So until we can
decarbonise transport and industrial energy, the benefit of silicate rocks
will be minimal.

A process known as “direct air capture” sucks CO² out of the air and either
puts it deep into rock strata or uses it for greenhouses or as the basis of
concrete, plastic and other products that can sequester carbon long
term. Nineteen
using this technology are already operating around the world, including in
Switzerland, the US and Iceland. But again, a lot of industrial capacity
and a clean energy to run the plants are needed to get the value.

What the Albanese government should do

For these reasons, the Albanese government should focus its drawdown
efforts on forest protection and regrowth. This could be a theme of the UN
climate conference Australia is bidding to co-host
with Pacific nations in 2026. Our temperate forests contain more carbon per
than almost anywhere on Earth. Stopping old-growth logging would be a
magnificent contribution to arresting climate change.

The government should also back research and development on seaweed and
silicate rocks so that the country’s huge resources can be responsibly
deployed in future. Finally, Australia must push urgently for a global
treaty to restrain sulphur geoengineering.

Today governments are busy just trying to reduce emissions and haven’t
looked closely at drawdown and geoengineering. But things are moving fast,
and it’s time to start.

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