van Wijngaarden, A., Moore, J.C., Alfthan, B. *et al.* A survey of
interventions to actively conserve the frozen North. *Climatic Change* *177*,
58 (2024).

Open access


The frozen elements of the high North are thawing as the region warms much
faster than the global mean. The dangers of sea level rise due to melting
glacier ice, increased concentrations of greenhouse gases from thawing
permafrost, and alterations in the key high latitude physical systems
spurred many authors, and more recently international agencies and
supra-state actors, to investigate “emergency measures” that might help
conserve the frozen North. However, the efficacy and feasibility of many of
these ideas remains highly uncertain, and some might come with significant
risks, or could be even outright dangerous to the ecosystems and people of
the North. To date, no review has evaluated all suggested schemes. *The
objectives of this first phase literature survey (which can be found in a
separate compendium* (, are to
consider all proposed interventions in a common evaluation space, and
identify knowledge gaps in active conservation proposals. We found 61
interventions with a high latitude focus, across atmosphere, land, oceans,
ice and industry domains. We grade them on a simple three-point evaluation
system across 12 different categories. From this initial review we can
identify which ideas scored low marks on most categories and are therefore
likely not worthwhile pursuing; some groups of interventions, like
traditional land-based mitigation efforts, score relatively highly while
ocean-based and sea ice measures, score lower and have higher uncertainties
overall. This review will provide the basis for a further in-depth expert
assessment that will form phase two of the project over the next few years
sponsored by University of the Arctic.

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