So, current trunk as a -std=gnu99 added to CFLAGS
when building the PHP bindings and was tested to
work on OpenSUSE 11.1 and Ubuntu 8.10 with gcc-4.3.2
(-std=c99 didn't work on the Ubuntu box).

If anyone feels like testing on other systems these
are the steps:

        0: svn up
        1: make sure you have php5 dev files
           installed (for debian-based: apt-get install php5-dev)
        2: ./ && ./configure --enable-php
        3: make 
        4: make check (bonus)

Bonus step 4 you may want to run under php/ dir only.
If you get lots of errors in step 3 that's likely Zend
interaction with -ansi, which is what I'm trying to
fix in a general way.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:26:35AM +0200, strk wrote:
> I've started hand-crafting PHP bindings for the GEOS C-API.
> Currently in the process of merging into trunk for proper
> build scripts.
> One obstacle I found is that -ansi, which is added to
> CFLAGS by ./configure, won't accept Zend (PHP engine)
> headers, so that switch must be removed when building
> the PHP module.
> Does anyone know how to override the cflags for just
> one dir ? Or ideally, only drop the -ansi switch ?
> Here's the relevant annotation from
>   2533    mloskot AC_LIBTOOL_COMPILER_OPTION([if $compiler supports -ansi], 
> [dum
> my_cv_ansi], [-ansi], [], [WARNFLAGS="$WARNFLAGS -ansi"], [])
> --strk; 
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