On 5 April 2017 at 22:33, Sandro Santilli <s...@kbt.io> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 10:07:59PM +0200, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> Next, I'd like to transfer
>> https://github.com/libgeos/libgeos -> https://github.com/OSGeo/geos
>> Do we agree?
> Will old git remotes still work transparently ?
> Will old url be redirected to new ?

AFAIU, the answer is yes.

After a repository transfer [1]:

- If the transferred repository has any forks, then those forks will
remain associated with the repository after the transfer is complete.
- All links to the previous repository location are automatically
redirected to the new location.

After repository rename [2]:

- In addition to redirecting web traffic, all git clone, git fetch, or
git push operations targeting the previous location will continue to
function as if made on the new location.
- However (...) we strongly recommend updating any existing local
clones to point to the new repository URL.

[1] https://help.github.com/articles/about-repository-transfers/
[2] https://help.github.com/articles/renaming-a-repository/

>> Then, the mirror updating scripts will need to be updated.
>> Could you do that Sandro?
> If it doesn't need to be done immediately/contextually, sure.

No rush, I think.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
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