New GEOS devs, want to help testing OSGeoLive 13.0 ?
Please take a look, that's a great way to get more people closer
to our project :)


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Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:40:22 +0000
To: Sandro Santilli <>, Frank Warmerdam <>
Cc: Astrid Emde <>
Subject: geos Please join the final OSGeoLive 13.0 testing sprint this weekend 
(12-14 July 2019) - call to action
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sandro, Frank,

after much hard work from the OSGeoLive build team, we released the first beta
version of OSGeoLive 13.0.

We are calling for help for the final OSGeoLive testing sprint, this weekend,
12-14 July 2019. We really want OSGeo seasoned developers to find any
outstanding issues, rather than having them found in workshops or by new users
in the released version.

So please consider joining our testing-sprint to verify your favourite
application works.

* Sign up at: ​ Release 85
* Download ISO from: ​
* Chat about your progress with us at: ​irc://
* Update your testing status at: 

We aim to have each application tested by both someone familiar with it, and
someone less familiar.

Daily Checkin
* We will be checking in daily on ​irc:// at: 

And you will likely catch one of our core team on IRC outside this timeslot as

* Angelos Tzotsos, gcpp.kalxas
* Cameron Shorter, cameron . shorter AT gmail . com
* Astrid Emde, astroidex astrid_emde AT osgeo dot org

Contact us
If you would like to add a new project, help us to get in the cloud or have
another goal you would like to work on and get involved you are very welcome.

Please join the OSGeoLive mailing list [5] or meet us on IRC at our weekly

About OSGeoLive
OSGeoLive (​​ is a ​Lubuntu based distribution of
Geospatial Open Source Software, available via a Live DVD, Virtual Machine and
USB. You can use OSGeoLive to try a wide variety of open source geospatial
software without installing anything.

OSGeoLive team

[1] ​​


[3] ​​


[5] ​

[6] IRC see Communication ​

Press release 85:

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