#737: TopologyException for Valid geoemtries
 Reporter:  bladeoflight16  |       Owner:  geos-devel@…
     Type:  defect          |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major           |   Milestone:  3.6.4
Component:  Default         |     Version:  3.4.2
 Severity:  Unassigned      |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                  |

Comment (by mdavis):

 JTS reports that the first geometry is INVALID - at least, the WKT

 These are pretty tough geometries to work with - they have many extremely
 narrow spikes. Probably the way to handle these is to reduce precision
 slightly and snap the spikes off.  It's a good example to research how
 this can be handled automatically (perhaps by overlay with a precision

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/737#comment:7>
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