Hi Paul,

no impact for GDAL test suite. It tests MakeValid() in a very light way (using mostly the "hourglass" looking invalid polygon)


Le 19/04/2021 à 22:44, Paul Ramsey a écrit :
Important question for downstream maintainers: how wedded are you to current 'makevalid' output? If you have tests of 'makevalid' right now, and we replaced the default behaviour with the GeometryFixer, you'd get different looking (valid) results.

https://github.com/libgeos/geos/pull/433#issuecomment-821597724 <https://github.com/libgeos/geos/pull/433#issuecomment-821597724>

However different looking, they are in many cases "more right" looking (in some cases there's no obviously "right" answer, but in many there are ones with more rightnesss). In general the processing in geometryfixer should be faster too (fewer big overlay ops in total).

But still: different. All those unit tests.

What's your tradeoff?


On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 1:05 PM Martin Davis <mtncl...@gmail.com <mailto:mtncl...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    JTS recently had a class called GeometryFixer added.  The class
    provides functionality to accept any invalid geometry and convert
    it to a valid one.  This plugs a noticeable gap in the JTS API!

    Paul R has ported this to GEOS:

    It performs a similar function to the existing GEOS MakeValid
    (which was a port of the PostGIS ST_MakeValid). But it has some
    differences in semantics which are simpler and (hopefully) a
    useful alternative.

    See the PR for links to documentation of the functionality of
    GeometryFixer (and there will be more docs and images coming soon).

    Feedback is welcome, as always.

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