during the NY OpenGeo code sprint last month we've designed
and coded support for what we call "virtual tables", that
is, feature types that are defined via a straight, native
sql query.

If you cannot wait to see the code there is a patch attached
to http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-2123.

Interaction wise, with the current state of the patch you
can define virtual tables either via a factory parameter
or with code.

The factory parameter is a string in property file format,
the definition of a virtual table can look like:

myVirtTable=select a, b, c, the_geom from realtable where a > 3

The definition states that the "myVirtTable" is defined
by the query "select a, b, c, the_geom from realtable where a > 3",
that the fids are generated using the columns a and b (it
does not mean it's writable, just allows for stable fids),
and that the "the_geom" column is geometric, POINT type,
and the native srid is 4326.

You can add as many definitions as you want in the property file.

Programmatically it looks like:

VirtualTable vt = new VirtualTable("myVirtTable",
         "select a, b, c, the_geom from realtable where a > 3");
vt.addGeometryMetadatata("the_geom", Point.class, 4326);
vt.setPrimaryKeyColumns(Arrays.asList("a", "b"));

Internally the code takes the SQL provided and builds queries
that use the SQL as a subquery in the FROM clause, something
we verified all major databases support today. Something like:

select <the fields in the Query>
from (<your sql>)
where <filters in the Query>

GeoServer wise I'm not too happy with the usage of the
factory parameter and I was considering dropping it.

Since we are already planning to have a UI to add new feature
types, this would fit squarely as a variant to it, instead of
creating a new table you give me a query and some metadata.
So it would end up in the "create new layer" workflow.
The query and the metadata would be stored in the FeatureTypeInfo
metadata map, and we'd need a callback from ResourcePool that
allows for configuration of the data store: grab all the feature
type info connected to that datastore, scan for view definitions,
register them as the datastore is being created.
Add and drop dynamically as these are created, removed or
updated by the user.

Soo... how does it sound?

And also, where will it ring? Trunk only? GS wise it would
be a nice way to push users to upgrade once GS 2.1 is out.


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
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