The 'extension' and 'community' sections of the source tree each contain a
"release" submodule which is not really a module at all, in the sense that
it contains no code.  Instead, it depends on each released module and uses a
maven plugin to copy all dependencies into one directory.  Then, an
"artifact" descriptor xml file is used to copy a subset of those
dependencies into the release jar.  You can see the community version (much
the same as the extensions one, but smaller and hopefully easier to read
through) at

As for figuring out which jars to include, this is not automated, but you
could probably approximate it by adding a profile to the web/app/ project
and using "mvn dependency:list > core-deps.txt; mvn dependency:list
-PmyExtension > extended-deps.txt" and using your tool of choice (on unixy
systems, use your favorite editor to trim out the maven noise, and then "cat
*deps.txt | sort | uniq -u") to difference the lists.

Hope this helps.

David Winslow
OpenGeo -

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Ian Turton <> wrote:

> I've searched the documentation and looked at the source and I can't
> work out the magic to build a datastore plugin with the required jars
> but without any duplicate jars in it.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> Thanks
> Ian
> --
> Ian Turton
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