That's a defect fixed just a couple weeks ago. Try a nightly build: 

That should fix it. Otherwise please tell me.


On Fri, 2011-01-07 at 16:13 -0800, Mathieu Lavoie wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to set a ArcSDE Raster (9.2) store in Geoserver 2.0.2 and
> I'm getting the following error from the Add Store page:
> Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving
> them: Unable to acquire test coverage for format:ArcSDE Raster
> I've checked out the code and looked at it.
> In the CatalogBuilder class there is some code that generates a fake
> small GridCoverage to retrieve meta information which is added to the
> parameters Map send to the reader. 
> (~Line 651-653)
>         //build the corresponding envelope
>         final MathTransform gridToWorldCorner =
> reader.getOriginalGridToWorld(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER);
>         GeneralEnvelope testEnvelope
> =CRS.transform(gridToWorldCorner,new
> GeneralEnvelope(testRange.getBounds()));
> Then on ~Line 660 the method is called:
> //try to read this coverage
>         gc = (GridCoverage2D)
>, parameters,
>                     true));
> gc will be null which explain the error: ' Unable to acquire test
> coverage for format:ArcSDE Raster'
> The reader called is : ArcSDEGridCoverage2DReaderJAI
> From what I can tell, findMatchingRasters (Line 205) is empty because
> RasterUtils.findMatchingRasters is returning an empty list.
> The following condition is always false therefore nothing will be
> added to the list matchingRasters:
> (RasterUtils, line 520)
> if (requestedEnvelope.intersects(gridEnvelope, edgesInclusive)) {
> Basically, there is no data available for the requestedEnvelope in
> ArcSDE.
> My understanding is that the original envelope is calculated using the
> rasterInfo. This envelope is something like the smallest rectangle
> that can contain all the raster data. There is good chance that there
> some area without data which is the case for the test envelope.
> The test envelope is using the top left corner to generate the
> bounding box. The problem is that it can't be guarantee that there is
> data for this envelope for every single store. 
> If I hardcode the test envelope to a value where I know there is data,
> it's working just fine.
> - Is there any possible workaround ? 
> - Is it something wrong in ArcSDE (which I'm not an expert) ?
> - Is Geoserver expecting to get data for every area of the envelope ? 
> Thanks
> Mathieu Lavoie
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