Okay, I found nothing on google but I have further debugged, as I had expected it appears the problems are not caused by lazy initialization, but by the following single line *https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/blob/ed613876cb6aba59fd922e25fd957f18a85815a2/src/main/src/test/java/org/geoserver/test/GeoServerTestApplicationContext.java#L44**



Surprisingly turning validation off causes serious malfunctions as spring does not interpret the xml correctly.

If you look in the schema at http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd you find the following bean attribute definition:

<xsd:attribute name="autowire" default="default">

Now what normally happens in the spring code is that when you don't specify an autowire attribute in your bean definition, it is supposed to be set to "default" which tells spring to use the autowire attribute that has been defined for the whole context, which is in our case "byname".

Without validation the xsd isn't processed and the default is apparently ignored, causing autowire to be an empty string for each bean instead of the string "default". The spring code cannot handle this empty string and reverts to no autowiring.

It's a bit dodgy that spring works that way, but apparently it does so. Note that other problems may occur as well because there are other attributes with default values.

I would recommend removing that line altogether since it seems a malfunction to me. Otherwise it must at least be made optional somehow because at this point it is already too late to change when oneTimeSetUp is run in my derived class.


On 22-05-15 13:51, Andrea Aime wrote:
On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Niels Charlier <ni...@scitus.be <mailto:ni...@scitus.be>> wrote:

    For all clarity, with geofence modules I was talking about the
    actual *geofence* backend modules themselves, not the community
    modules in geoserver. Because the problem concerns beans declared
    in geofence itself, not the community modules. So this would mean
    geofence itself needs to be changed.

    I don't think the problem has anything to do with beans having
    effects that change the environment. The problem is very clearly
    that 'default-autowire="byName" is not working any longer for any
    context that is loaded. I have confirmed this. Is this a desired
    or accidental effect of your changes? Because geofence relies on
    autowire byname.

The thing is, I never used autowiring, so I don't know. A generic search on the internet might help though. Also, it should be fairly easy to add a method to GeoServerSystemTestSupport that forces GeoServerTestApplicationContext not to use lazy loading for test that cannot handle it.


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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
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